“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

One, foreword

Another year passed in the blink of an eye, and it was already two years since I came out to work.

It’s been a busy year, a lot of things, family… Academic… Work…

Things are slowly getting better now.

Two, the past me

I used to be a brick-moving man studying architectural engineering. From northwest China, I was a student in 2014. I studied in a mediocre junior college and graduated in 2017. During the school performance is very bad, every day to play games, wasted three years of the university.

After graduation is also idle state, has not graduated when, in order to get an internship certificate, accidentally hit into a linxia Hui autonomous region pyramid selling organization (in fact, here with exaggerated rhetoric, not really pyramid selling, but very like pyramid selling), after three days can not stand, secretly ran out.

Later, because I met my ex-girlfriend, I came to Zhejiang by accident. At that time, I didn’t know what to do, and I didn’t know what I could do, and I couldn’t see where my life direction was. In this way, I wasted 2 years of time (including 3 years of university, a total of 5 years were wasted).

As for doing at the time, is probably changed three or four copies of unsuitable to work, what was done for marketing, sales, customer service, remember to do in sales, every day hundreds of harassing phone calls, and a day to interact with the colleagues, in the morning to the company, and colleagues to do the game performance is not enough time, after work will be competent with pipe water spray as punishment, I left that sales job in less than a week, for no reason, just a simple colleague NT, and then the base salary was only 2500, I couldn’t bear it… Then ran to do customer service, still is a relatively stable job, is very hard, base salary 3300, deduct all kinds of things, get a little more than 2000, this job about half a year, and resigned to lie flat.

Then there was a year of total unemployment, rent, takeout orders, all on credit cards, and over $20 million in debt in a year ($20 million was a lot of money to me back then).

Hello, brother Devil

In 2019, I met a front-end friend in the game (I vaguely remember that his game ID is the Devil), and he introduced me to the front-end industry. At that time, I asked him whether I could learn and what threshold was required. He told me that I could learn as long as I met two conditions: first, I could use a computer, and second: Know 26 letters (say is there a possibility, devil brother also go nuggets? If this is found out, I will die.

Later, I began to learn with confusion and hope, at that time I wanted to go to the training class, but there was no money in my pocket, so I had to buy lessons on the Internet to learn by myself. In addition, I broke up with my ex-girlfriend at that time, and I was in a bad mood, so I thought I must learn a technology and be independent!

In this way, under the guidance of the devil brother, on the front of the road.

Fourth, the road of self-study

Speaking of self-study, it is a very painful thing for me, because self-study requires a strong self-control and self-drive.

Unfortunately, I have neither.

I won’t elaborate on the detailed process, but I learned about four or five months in total. During that time, I was really depressed. I stayed in my room watching videos all day, not knowing whether it was useful, not knowing whether I could find a job, not knowing whether I could walk on this road.

At that time, I added some technical groups, and I went to the group to ask questions when ENCOUNTERING problems. Because the questions I asked were too naive, and I was born with stupid talent and poor brain, I often did not understand, and the result was that I was scolded, ridiculed, and persuaded to quit…

When I feel bored, I go out of my room and sit on the edge of the street for ten minutes. I look at all the cars and all the people in the street. Then I go back to my studies.

What is it like to learn about depression? I feel like a little lamb, trapped in a rectangular box, unable to walk out, only breathing the air outside through a few holes, even dreaming at night, this is probably the most painful time in recent years.

At that time, I still remember asking my family for 10,000 yuan, deceiving them that I had applied for a training class, but actually I used it to pay off my debt. I still keep my notes on my study at that time in my photo album:

At that time, ONLY HTML and CSS copied fully two books, after learning JS, found too many concepts, impossible to copy, so I gave up copying notes……

Looking back on it now, I think I was so stupid at that time. Hahaha, no one learned to copy notes, and I never took them out afterwards. The only point was to keep a little memory to prove that time was not wasted.

In the eyes of outsiders, doing these things is nothing more than touching yourself…

V. Turning Point

I studied for about four or five months since the beginning of the year. By June 2019, I had finished reading all the basics and had the idea of looking for a job. At that time, IT was a real dish, but the dish was ridiculous. Such a level of food, unexpectedly came to Hangzhou to find a job (think at that time was very brave, too young at that time, did not experience the social beatings, ha ha).

I’ve been looking for my first job for five months! Find winter from summer!

I sent over 1,000 applications over the course of several months, but only 100 responded. Out of 100, only 20 invited interviews, and only four were accepted.

It may seem bitter to others, but in my opinion, it was bitter at that time, but looking back now, I don’t feel bitter at all. At that time, it was true that the technology garbage reached the house. If I were the boss, I would not hire employees like myself.

What kind of outcome, can be worthy of this way displaced from place to place?

Finally, on November 6, 2019, I joined my first company, ushering in the turning point of my life!

Sixth, the starting point

Just hired first company, full of passion for all kinds of things, although the technology at that time very vegetables, but does things very motivated, will complete it to the best can do every thing, here would like to thank the teacher in the first company, flower, the northeast people, a senior Java, taught me many things (is actually the whole stack, the front-end He is so modest that he calls himself an ordinary backend.)

If I had not been guided by him at the beginning of my career, I don’t know what would have happened at that time, and I’m not even sure if I could have made it this far. I might be sticking film on mobile phones under the overpass now (why is it sticking film instead of doing other things, because I think I am a serious person, so IT is suitable for me to put film on mobile phones).

In this way, it is officially entered the front end of this line!

The road to rise

When the first company just joined, it was the second time of suffering after self-study, because…… I don’t know anything!

I just started my career like a headless fly everywhere, the day seemed like a year, sitting at my desk for 5 minutes, it felt like 3 hours, see the boss coming quickly to tap the keyboard twice, pretend to be working hard…

I still remember that I liked to write CSS most at that time, because I could only write CSS, and I didn’t know how to use THE JS learned by myself at work at all… At that time, the only hope was that the master would see when he was free to help me write a dozen lines, and then he couldn’t, and when he was free next time, he pestered him to help me write a dozen lines… I still remember a small function pestered him to help me write for a week, finally online, in fact, most of his writing (here to the master apologize: sorry, sorry, SORRY, I know I was very annoying at that time).

This situation lasted about two months until the Spring Festival of 2019, when the outbreak of the epidemic broke out in Wuhan and all staff began to work at home!

During telecommuting at home, I could not get help from others, so I had to study the code by myself. I wrote what I knew and copied similar modules for what I didn’t know. Gradually, I felt that the work was not so strenuous.

In April, he returned to Hangzhou and resumed his work.

That’s when I made up my mind to study for two hours a day after work! So began to buy lessons, buy books! As long as it is to see the course, there is piracy to buy piracy, no piracy to buy the original, the family must not learn me ah, we should support the original, do a law-abiding good citizen!

I studied every day until the end of the year. I learned ES6, React, Node, typescirpt, Jest, Webpack, engineering and a series of things from 0.

It is worth mentioning that during that period, I not only studied, but also lost weight. Because the summer in Hangzhou was too hot, I chose to go out running at night, so that last year’s work and rest were basically chaotic:

  • Get up at 8 am and go to work
  • Eat dinner at 6 PM and leave work
  • Get home from work and start sleeping
  • Sleep till midnight, get up and run
  • Run 5k, come back to study at 1:00
  • Go back to sleep until 3 a.m
  • Get up and go to work at 8 a.m

The result was to lose 25 pounds in two months, from 175 to 150

Well, that was probably the first year, getting ahead of myself a little bit every day, but overall I ended up growing a lot.

Eight, advanced

Although I have enriched myself in the first company and learned a lot and got to know master, there are still many disadvantages.

So! In December 2020! Honorable resignation from the first company! (The reason does not say, understand all, remember once online bug, but also let all the R & D department to write review……)

My life was not so unsatisfactory. Later I changed my job to another company, and my salary doubled. The single day off was changed to two days off.

At the same time, I found a diploma promotion agency and applied for a promotion (spent a lot of money, heart is bleeding, thank mom and dad also helped me out of part).

Time came in 2021. At that time, I was not satisfied with the status quo and hoped for further improvement, so I bought the “Top-down Learning React Source Code” course from Mr. Kazong, and added his wechat account (Kazong was the author of React Technology And a React Contributor). Then also met some technology in some technical group of Daniel, often ask them questions, such as love Richard elder brother (dharma court vision lab after 00, offer harvester), and such as wang (mihajlovic bosses, he himself is also very handsome, is I still owe him a meal), and the bosses after some technical communication, Once encountered problems can be solved, from a higher dimension to think and analyze the problem, dimension reduction blow, the whole cognitive promotion of a grade. (I also learned a lot of Internet slang.)

It was at this time that I began to publish articles on the Nuggets platform and record my blog:

  • A 2-year “2021 Year-end Summary” of a self-taught front-end specialty vegetable chicken
  • React Error Boundaries
  • Magic IntersectionObserver – IntersectionObserver
  • Essential differences in mainstream front-end frameworks
  • Toolkit Learning Notes: How to Transform your Redux using Toolkit
  • Record a pit in TS
  • Share some interview tips and minefields
  • V8 engine garbage collection principle analysis
  • React Render: 40 lines of code
  • 80 lines of code to implement a simplified version of useState
  • Do you really know CommonJS?
  • Take notes on your recent job interview
  • A step-by-step tutorial on Redux that a chimp could understand
  • A step-by-step Vuex tutorial that a monkey could understand
  • Webpack packaging principle analysis

A total of 15 articles have been published this year, with an average of one per month. Some of them are hydrology and some have been written seriously. When they are empty, they write at least one article every month, and when they are busy, they output one article in two months. Welcome to comment like!

Nine, now I

More than half a year later, in October this year, I once again job-hopping! Surprise!!

In my last company, I met a team leader, who was very nice and had good skills. He was very patient. When I met with problems, HE would help me solve them step by step, even if he was eating, he would put down his own food to help me solve my problems.

But! All good things must come to an end. I’ve only been with the company for six months!)

In fact, there is no reason for this resignation, on the one hand, I don’t want to work overtime, I want to find a little more relaxed, on the other hand, I went out for a casual interview, and as a result, I just met a good opportunity, so I don’t want to miss it, so I ran away (am I too cold-blooded, said to walk away).

Then, in the first two months, I came to my current company. I still had a double day off and the react+ TS technology stack. My salary was raised by 25%, although I expected 30%, I am satisfied with my current salary.

If the progress in the first year is technical improvement, the progress in the second year is ideological improvement. Gradually, I have a relatively complete cognition of the knowledge system, and have a mind map in my mind, knowing what to learn and what not to learn in each stage. The improvement in thinking also brings about the change in mentality, and gradually know what their strengths and weaknesses are.

Some interesting things also happened in my work. For example, shortly after I joined the company, one day the boss asked me to interview two people for help. I had been interviewed all the time and had never met anyone before, so after the interview, I had a new experience: this is the feeling of face to face test tube!

The boss let me not ask too partial or too deep things, more investigation of the candidate’s foundation, so I prepared some questions according to the candidate’s resume casually, HTML casually asked a point, CSS casually asked a point, the rest is JS, framework, performance, network, engineering, will also chat about some gossip……

As a junior interviewer, BEFORE my first interview, I take a moment to reflect on the people I’ve met over the past two years, which ones I feel comfortable talking to and which ones I feel tired talking to.

So I concluded a rule:

  • The better interviewers are, the more approachable they are. When you talk to them, you don’t feel like you’re interviewing, you feel like you’re chatting
  • On the other hand, an interviewer who looks like a jerk is less skilled and may even give you a hard time

So I learn from the former, although I am not good, but I try to let the other party think I and gentle, humble, approachable.

The perspective-taking once, stand in the Angle of the candidates, how much to come here for an interview a little nervous, so I the difficulty of the problem is from shallow to deep, asked some very simple questions at the beginning, to ensure the other party must be able to answer it, let the other party in confidence, if her answer is better, I will follow the XiaWen, mining the upper limit of the other party, on the whole or partial foundation for more, Try to guide the other side, even if there is no answer, can not completely deny, more can not hit the other side, for example, I will say:

  • Feel free to interrupt me if you didn’t catch me. I’ll repeat it
  • If you have any questions during the process, you can ask them
  • If the business you ask about involves privacy and it is not convenient to answer, you can tell me directly
  • If the other person has misunderstood and implemented something else, ask him first if I am not making myself clear
  • If the other party answers more or less part of the answer, they will generally give a positive answer before further questions
  • Try to get him to ask as many questions as you can during the candidate’s rhetorical session

In general, I also learned a lot during the interview, not only technical, but also interpersonal and communication skills.

In addition to this, there was another incident this year that I think is also worth noting: a PR was submitted to the React official the other day!

I don’t want to mention this, because I personally closed this PR, because MY English was too poor, I didn’t pay attention to the V8 engine blog, but just optimized the writing method for speed and performance. Here’s what happened:

It was so awkward I dug out three rooms and one room with my toes.

Later in the Japanese user’s point, looked at the V8 document found that the form of creating an array is different, V8 internal processing is different, although the performance of push is poor, but here is to use push! Of course, there are so many different ways to create arrays that the differences between them are minor, and it’s up to you to decide which way to use it in your daily work. The only framework that really cares about kernel level optimization is React.

Although the PR failed, I learned something new and was very profitable.

Take notes, that’s all.

10. Something outside of work

1. Family drama

  • In the first half of 2020, my grandfather passed away
  • My grandfather passed away in September 2021
  • In October 2021, grandma passed away

Less than two years, four old man walked three, when my grandparents died because of all sorts of reasons can’t go back, only grandpa’s death, funeral when I didn’t cry, I didn’t cry when buried, when I eat mat also didn’t cry, then one time, accidentally see grandpa had photos in mother’s mobile phone, see when he was dying, When I took a photo with my ID card in one hand, I cried…

The last time I saw grandpa was in July…

Hope the three old people are happy in heaven!

I hope grandma is healthy!

2. Academic planning

Because of his record of formal schooling problem, looking for a job to eat very thanks, so before signing up for a self-taught exam, although not full time, want to enter big factory or hope slim, but better than nothing.

This year, I spent nearly 10,000 yuan on round-trip air tickets for two trips to Beijing and two trips to Heilongjiang.

If it goes well, I will go to Heilongjiang again in April next year. Wish me luck.

3. The feelings

Since I separated from my ex 18 years ago, I have not paid special attention to this aspect, and I have not met a suitable person until a few months ago, when I met my current partner.

I am in Hangzhou and she is in Shenyang. I really don’t like long-distance relationship, but I can’t do anything about it. In fact, I have many standards about finding a partner, but there is always one person who will break your rules.

I do not know if she will read this article, I have not told her, in fact, I often sulk, often become sullen because of jealousy. I have not told her that I am a selfish person about love. I want to be unique, if not unique, then I don’t want it.

All I can do now is see you every two weeks.

Let’s hope we don’t get caught up in the epidemic.

Let’s hope this works out for us.

11. Vision for 2022

  • We hope the outbreak will be over once and for all
  • I hope to work smoothly and get a promotion and a raise
  • I hope I can get my undergraduate diploma
  • The Nuggets continue to update their blog with more quality posts
  • I wish my family good health
  • Exercise and lose weight
  • I hope to pay off the money I owe
  • I hope my girlfriend won’t make me angry, don’t work so hard, don’t ignore me all day
  • Buy a 14-inch MBP (depending on the mood, maybe not)
  • The year of 2021 is coming to an end, and I haven’t finished reading a pile of thick books on my bed. This is the original plan for this year, but it seems that I can’t finish it this year. I hope I can finish this plan in 2022

12. Something I want to say

The first half of this year-end review records the general process of getting started in the industry, although it looks tortuous, BUT I am not selling miserably, just recording, that’s all.

I have to say that learning is really tiring and lonely.

However, only by tolerating loneliness can we keep prosperity.

Think about your situation carefully when you feel tired, and then move on. After all, 80% of the people in the world are ordinary people, and no one is intelligent, no one is born a genius. Besides, I feel stupid since childhood, so I can only rely on acquired efforts to make up for congenital deficiency.

Because my family conditions are general, and is from the countryside, so when I just came to Hangzhou is very inferior, I am not like city people, they go out to play ball games, to date, to climb mountains, to sing and dance, to play books…… I was bored, nothing to do with books, files, nuggets, so, than playing, than dating, than singing and dancing, I than they… I may not be able to compete with them in technology… But I don’t think I’m at a disadvantage compared to working hard.

The only way to break the inside is to roll it in, roll it in someone else but you, don’t you?

13. Thank you and encourage each other

Heron singing, the end of the article, thoughts complex.

When I write here, I feel that these years of time in my mind one scene after another movie, sad only their own clear, so sad after the joy only their own most can understand.

The landscape of the world is far away, and the road is urgent. Take this, I wish all meet: day high sea wide, everything wins meaning.

Landscape has a way, sooner or later meet again.