JsDelivr – Free CDN acceleration
JsDelivr is an excellent foreign public CDN service provider and the first “free CDN service between Mainland China and overseas”.
JsDelivr has a very useful feature — it speeds up files in the Github repository. We can build a free, globally accessible map bed.
1. Making the Settings
1.1 Creating a Warehouse
The warehouse should be selected as Pubilc, while Private is only accessible by yourself, which is obviously not suitable.
Create a README file to automatically create the main branch, which will be used later to avoid manual creation.
1.2 access token
Go to the Github Setting page, go to Developer Settings at the bottom of the page, and click Generate New Token
Check repo and go straight to the bottom and click Generate Token
Copy the token, write it down in the little book, the token will only appear once and then disappear.
2. Download PicGo
2.1 Download and Installation
2.2 configuration
Repository name: Github repository address
Branch: The main branch is created by default when the Github repository is created
Token: Github Token, which is recorded in the notebook
3. Set the Typora
3.1 Download and Installation
3.2 configuration
Click on the file in the upper left corner, click on preferences, and configure the PicGo address you installed.
Check it out. You’re done.
3.3 Quick Upload
Typora inside support CTRL + V directly paste the picture, click the right mouse button on the picture, click upload picture ok.
4. Jsdelivr acceleration
Just use the link below to access github resources
https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/github name/name @ branch warehouseCopy the code
The sample
Before the transformation: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/claude-hub/cloud-img/main/2020/20201213012036.png
After the transformation: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/claude-hub/cloud-img/2020/20201213012036.png
After editing the document, click on the Enable source mode in the lower left corner of Typora and CTRL + F to replace the path globally.
5. Compress the image
It is recommended to compress images before uploading them, which can effectively speed up the loading of images
Tinypng.com is recommended
Regularly download github map bed repository, use this tool after compression, upload again ok.