Flask is a Web framework written in Python that lets you write Web applications efficiently. A Web program is a “Web site” or a “Web program” that can interact through a browser. Douban, Zhihu, Baidu and other websites we visit with our browsers are all Web programs.

In this book, you will learn the basics of Flask’s development and develop a simple Watchlist program. Functionally, the program can be seen as a simplified version of IMDB Watchlist: you can add, delete, and modify your movie collections.

This book features

  • Based on the latest 1.0.2 version of Flask
  • Use a Watchlist program as an example
  • Restore the complete development process
  • Provide the minimum amount of information needed to get started
  • Optimize terminology to make it easier to understand

Reading method

This book reconstructs the entire process of writing the Watchlist program, including each line of code block and each command that needs to be executed. As you read, you need to type in each code and command yourself to check that the output is consistent with the book. It can also be tweaked along the way. For example, the interface language of the sample application is English. You can change it to Chinese or another language. You are free to change the layout and style of the page.

By the end of the book, you’ll have deployed your own Watchlist to the Internet, making it accessible to anyone.

The content discussed

The book will be published in a series in Zhihu’s Hello, Flask! We will also consider publishing to GitBook or GitHub Pages in the future to synchronize updates with the source repository. If you have any questions or thoughts, please send them in the following ways:

  • Write comments under the serials corresponding to the column
  • Create an Issue in the source repository

Participate in the contribution

If you find mistakes in the book, or have any comments or suggestions, please create an Issue feedback or submit a Pull Request to fix them. For major content changes, it is recommended to create an Issue for discussion. Thank you very much!

Pay for support

The book is open source and can be read and downloaded by anyone. If the book helps you, you can pay to support me. The price is 10 yuan. Visit the home page of this book to view the QR code of payment.

The related resources

  • The book home page: http://helloflask.com/tutorial
  • Book source warehouse: https://github.com/greyli/flask-tutorial
  • Book the sample program source: https://github.com/greyli/watchlist
  • HelloFlask:helloflask.com
  • Flask! : https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/flask.
  • The Flask Web development of actual combat “: http://helloflask.com/book
  • Flask official documentation: http://flask.pocoo.com/docs


  • preface
  • The preparatory work
  • Hello Flask
  • Templates and static files
  • The database
  • The form
  • User authentication
  • Organize your code
  • test
  • The deployment of online

Forced to make a living, took a project, writing the tutorial was delayed…… Now that the project is almost complete, I’ll be serializing the tutorial content in the column, hoping to finish it by 2019.