Pom serves as the project object model. Maven projects are represented by XML, which is implemented using POM.xml. Mainly describes the project: including configuration files; Rules developers need to follow, defect management systems, organizations and licenses, project urls, project dependencies, and all other project-related factors.

The < project > < modelVersion > 4.0.0 < / modelVersion > <! Maven2.0 must be written like this, and is now the only version supported by maven2 --> <! GroupId --> <groupId>... </groupId> <artifactId>... </artifactId> <version>... </version> <packaging>... </packaging> <name>... </name> <url>... </url> <dependencies>... </dependencies> <parent>... </parent> <dependencyManagement>... </dependencyManagement> <modules>... </modules> <properties>... </properties> <! -- Build Settings --> <build>... </build> <reporting>... </reporting> <! -- More project information --> <name>... </name> <description>... </description> <url>... </url> <inceptionYear>... </inceptionYear> <licenses>... </licenses> <organization>... </organization> <developers>... </developers> <contributors>... </contributors> <! --> <issueManagement>... </issueManagement> <ciManagement>... </ciManagement> <mailingLists>... </mailingLists> <scm>... </scm> <prerequisites>... </prerequisites> <repositories>... </repositories> <pluginRepositories>... </pluginRepositories> <distributionManagement>... </distributionManagement> <profiles>... </profiles> </project>Copy the code

Basic Contents:

POM includes all project information

GroupId: the unique identifier of a project or organization, and the generated path is also generated from this. For example, org.myproject.mojo generates the relative path: /org/myproject/mojo

ArtifactId: Generic name for the project

Version: indicates the version of the project

Packaging: packaging mechanism, such as pom, jar, maven plugin, ejb, war, ear, rar, par

Name: User description Project name, optional

Url: it should only indicate the website of the development team, irrelevant, optional

Classification of classifer:

Among them the groupId, artifactId, version, packaging these four formed only coordinates of the project. In general, the first three are the only coordinates of the project.

POM relation: mainly dependence, inheritance and composition


<dependency> <groupId>junit</groupId> <artifactId>junit</artifactId> <version>4.0</version> <type>jar</type> <scope>test</scope> <optional>true</optional> </dependency> <dependency> < the groupId > com. Alibaba. China. Shared < / groupId > < artifactId > alibaba. Apollo. Webx < / artifactId > < version > 2.5.0 < / version > <exclusions> <exclusion> <artifactId>org.slf4j.slf4j-api</artifactId> <groupId>com.alibaba.external</groupId> </exclusion> .... </exclusions> ...... </dependencies>Copy the code

The groupId, artifactId, and version combinations indicate the specific project dependencies. These dependencies must be within the scope of Maven’s central package management. If the package is not supported by Maven, there are three methods:

1. Install the install Plugin locally

For example, MVN install:intall-file -Dfile=non-maven-proj.jar -DgroupId=som. Group -DartifactId= non-maven-proj-dversion =1

Create your own repository and deploy the package using the deploy:deploy-file command similar to the one above.

3. Set scope to system and specify the system path.

Dependency attributes:

Type: The default jar type is jar. Common types are jar, EJB-client,test-jar… You can add new types after setting the extensions value in plugins to true.

Scope: specifies the dependency scope of the current package, maven’s dependency scope

Optional: Specifies whether a dependency is optional. Default is false. If this is true, the dependency must be displayed in dependencyManagement.

Exclusions: If X needs A and A contains B dependencies, then X can declare that it does not need B dependencies by declaring exclusion in EXCLusions.

Exclusion: Delete B from the dependency tree as indicated above. Alibaba.apollo. Webx does not want to use com.alibaba.external, but alibaba.apollo. Webx is integrated with com.alibaba.external, so it needs to be excluded.

If a project is parent or aggregation, then the child process inherits from parent if packing assigns poM: dependencies,developers,contributors,plugin lists,reports lists,plugin execution with matching ids,plugin configuration

Parent can be used as follows:

<parent> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>my-parent</artifactId> <version>2.0</version> <relativePath>.. /my-parent</relativePath> </parent>Copy the code

RelativePath is optional, and Maven will search this address first, before searching the local Remote Repositories.

DependencyManagement: Helps manage the Dependencies of Chidren. For example, if parent defines a dependencyon junit:junit4.0 with dependencyManagement, then its children can reference only GroupId and artifactId, whereas version can be set by parent, which has the advantage of centralizing dependency details

Modules: For a multi-module project, the order of modules is not important, because Maven automatically sorts modules according to their dependencies.

Modules examples are as follows:


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Properties: Defines constants for the POM that can be referenced directly elsewhere in the POM.

The definition is as follows:

< the properties > < file. The encoding > utf-8 < / file_encoding > < Java. Source. Version > 1.5 < / java_source_version > < Java. Target. Version > 1.5 < / java_target_version > < / properties >Copy the code

The usage is as follows:


You can also use project.xx to reference other attributes defined in the POM: $(project.version}

Build Settings:

DefaultGoal: the defaultGoal, which must be the same as the argument on the command line, such as jar:jar, or the period-parse, such as install

Directory: Specifies the build target directory. The default is $(basedir}/target, which is the target in the project root directory

FinalName: specifies the project name with the suffix removed. For example, the default value is artifactId−{artifactId} -artifacTID −{version}.

Filters: used to define the specify the location of the filter property, such as the filter element assignment filters/filter1 properties, so this file can define name = value pairs, The value of the name=value pair can be referenced by name in the project POM. The default filter directory is {name} reference, the default filter directory is name reference, and the default filter directory is {basedir}/ SRC /main/fiters/

Resources: Describes the location of resources in the project

<resource> <targetPath>META-INF/plexus</targetPath> <filtering>false</filtering> <directory>${basedir}/src/main/plexus</directory> <includes> <include>configuration.xml</include> </includes> <excludes>  <exclude>**/*.properties</exclude> </excludes> </resource>Copy the code

TargetPath: Specifies which directory the build resource should go to. The default is Base directory

Filtering: Specifies whether variable values in the filters file (*.property file defined in the filters file above) are valid in the resource file. For example, we specify that variable values are invalid in the Configuration file.

Directory: Specifies the directory for the properties file. The build process needs to find it and place it under targetPath. The default directory is ${basedir}/ SRC /main/resources

Includes: Specifies the patterns that include files. Files that conform to the pattern and are in the directory directory will be included in the project’s resource files.

Excludes: Specifies excludes patterns, if inclues conflict with excludes, then excludes wins, and files that conform to the conflicting style will not be included.

TestResources: This module contains the test resources element. The content definition is similar to resources, except that the default test resource path is ${basedir}/ SRC /test/resources. The test resources are not deployed.

Plugins configuration:

< plugin > < groupId > org. Apache. Maven. Plugins < / groupId > < artifactId > maven - jar - plugin < / artifactId > < version > 2.0 < / version > <extensions>false</extensions> <inherited>true</inherited> <configuration> <classifier>test</classifier> </configuration> <dependencies>... </dependencies> <executions>... </executions> </plugin>Copy the code

Extensions :true or false, determines whether to load the plugin’s extensions. Default is true.

Inherited: Whether child POM inherits. Ture or false Is true by default.

Configuration: Usually used for private and non-open source plugins. It is not possible to understand the internal workings of the plugin in detail, but to make the plugin meet the properties

Dependencies: The structure and functions of dependencies are the same as those of the POM base, except that dependencies of plugin are used for plugin, and denpendencies of POM are used for the project itself. The dependencies of plugin is mainly used to change the dependencies of the plugin, for example, to exclude unnecessary dependencies or modify the version of dependency. For details, see Denpendencies of POM.

Executions: resultin, resultin, resultin, resultin

                <echo>Build Dir: ${project.build.directory}</echo>
Copy the code

Id: identifier

Goals: Lists a series of goals elements, such as run goal above

Phase: Indicates the period during which Goals are executed, for example, verify

Inherited: Execution is passed to child POMs.

Configuration: Sets the execution of Goals in the following table, not the execution of all goals in the plugin

PluginManagement configuration:

PluginManagement is similar to denpendencyManagement, except that denpendencyManagement is used to manage project JAR dependencies and pluginManagement is used to manage plugins. Unlike plugins in POM builds, plugins are listed and the child POM decides whether to refer to them or not.

Such as:

<pluginManagement> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.2</version> <executions> <id>pre-process-classes</id> <phase>compile</phase> <goals> <goal>jar</goal> </goals> <configuration> <classifier>pre-process</classifier> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </pluginManagement>Copy the code

Subpom references: Plugins in poM builds

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The directories in the build:

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These elements are defined only in the parent Build Element, and they set multiple path structures. They are not in the profile, so they cannot be modified by the profile

Extensions within build: These are a set of products that will be used during the build process and will be included in Running Bulid’s Classpath. They can turn on extensions or provide conditions to activate plugins. Simply put, extensions are products that are activated during the Build process

<extensions> <extension> <groupId>org.apache.maven.wagon</groupId> <artifactId>wagon-ftp</artifactId> < version > 1.0 - alpha - 3 < / version > < / extension > < / extensions >Copy the code

Reporting Settings:

Reporting contains elements of the site generation phase, and some Maven plugins can generate reports and be configured under Reporting. Javadoc, Maven site, etc., reporting can be set with build. The only difference is that build plugin goals can be set with build executions. Reporting’s configures Goals are in ReportTest.

ExcludeDefaults: Whether to exclude reports generated by default by the Site Generator

OutputDirectory, default dir becomes :${basedir}/target/site

Executions of executions. Can only bind a report to another phase

<reporting> <plugins> <plugin> ... <reportSets> <reportSet> <id>sunlink</id> <reports> <report>javadoc</report> </reports> <inherited>true</inherited> < configuration > < links > < link > http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/ < / link > < / links > < configuration > < / reportSet > </reportSets> </plugin> </plugins> </reporting>Copy the code

Reporting reportSets and build executions are used to control the build process with different granularity of POM. We not only configure plugins, but also configure separate goals for those plugins.

More information about the project:

Description: Project description URL: project URL inceptionYear: founding year

< licenses > < license > < name > Apache 2 < / name > < url > http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt < / url > <distribution>repo</distribution> <comments>A business-friendly OSS license</comments> </license> </licenses>Copy the code

List direct licenses for this project, not dependencies’ licenses

Configuring organization information:

    <name>Codehaus Mojo</name>
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Many projects are run by some organization. Set the basic information here

Configure developer information:

For example, a developer can have multiple roles, properties are

      <email>[email protected]</email>
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Environment Settings:

IssueManagement: bug tracking management system, define the defect tracking system defect tracking system, such as (bugzilla, testtrack, clearquest, etc.).

Such as:

< issueManagement > < system > Bugzilla < / system > < url > < / url > < / issueManagement >Copy the code


Repository in POM is the same repository in Setting.xml. The main difference is that the warehouse in the POM is personalized. For example, the setting file in a large company is common, and all projects use the same setting file, but each sub-project will reference different third-party libraries, so it is necessary to set the warehouse address it needs in POM.

Repositories: To be a maven2 repository an artifact, must have the pom file in $BASE_REPO/groupId/artifactId/version/artifactId – version. Pom BASE_REPO can be local, It can also be remote. The Repository element is the repository that declares the repositories to find. The default Central Maven Repository is located at repo1.maven.org/maven2/

<repositories> <repository> <releases> <enabled>false</enabled> <updatePolicy>always</updatePolicy> <checksumPolicy>warn</checksumPolicy> </releases> <snapshots> <enabled>true</enabled> <updatePolicy>never</updatePolicy>  <checksumPolicy>fail</checksumPolicy> </snapshots> <id>codehausSnapshots</id> <name>Codehaus Snapshots</name> <url>http://snapshots.maven.codehaus.org/maven2</url> <layout>default</layout> </repository> </repositories>Copy the code

Snapshots and releases: Are policies of an artifact, and poM can choose which policies work. UpdatePolicy: specifies the frequency of updates. Always or never or daily (default) or interval:X (X is the number of minutes)

ChecksumPolicy: When Maven’s deployment file is in the repository, it also deploits the corresponding checksum file. You can choose to ignore, fail, or missing or incorrect checksum warnings.

Layout: Maven1. x has a different layout than Maven2, so it can be declared as default or Legacy.

Plug-in repository:

PluginRepositories: Repositories is of a similar structure, only Repositories is the home of Dependencies, and this is the home of plugins.

Distribution management:

DistributionManagement: Manages distribution and supporting files.

DownloadUrl: A URL specified by another project to grab a POm’s artifact. This means that the pom upload is told the address from which others can download the artifact. Maven automatically sets the status of the project. Valid values: None: no state is declared, poM default; Converted: this project is for the administrator to convert from the original Maven version to Maven2. Partner: formerly called Synched, meaning that synchronization with Partner Repository has been performed; Deployed: Deployed means the artifact is deployed from Maven2 instance and deployed manually at the command line should get this; Verified: This product has been verified, that is, the final version has been finalized. Repository: Declare how the current project will become repository during deploy and describe the information deployed to Repository.

      <name>Corporate Repository</name> 
      <name>Propellors Snapshots</name> 
Copy the code

Id, name: : unique id, and readable name uniqueVersion: specifies whether to generate a uniqueVersion number or use the version part of address. True or False URL: Indicates location and Transport Protocol Layout: default or Legacy

Profiles: A new feature of POM4.0 is the ability to modify Settings based on environment

It contains optional activation (a trigger for a profile) and a series of changes. For example, the Test procedure might point to a different database (relative to the final Deployment) or to a different dependencies or repositories, depending on the JDK. Then the structure is as follows:

<profiles> <profile> <id>test</id> <activation>... </activation> <build>... </build> <modules>... </modules> <repositories>... </repositories> <pluginRepositories>... </pluginRepositories> <dependencies>... </dependencies> <reporting>... </reporting> <dependencyManagement>... </dependencyManagement> <distributionManagement>... </distributionManagement> </profile> </profiles>Copy the code

As shown in the following example, a profile can be activated only if one of the conditions is true. If the first condition is true, there will be no further matching.

<profile> < ID >test</ ID > <activation> <activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault> < JDK >1.5</ JDK > < OS > <name>Windows XP</name> <family>Windows</family> <arch>x86</arch> <version>5.1.2600</version> </ OS > <name>mavenVersion</name> <value>2.0.3</value> </property> <file> <exists>${basedir}/file2.properties</exists> <missing>${basedir}/file1.properties</missing> </file> </activation>Copy the code

The activeProfile element of the setting file specifies the ID of the activeProfile. The activeProfile element of the setting file specifies the ID of the activeProfile. The activeProfile element of the command line specifies the ID of the activeProfile. mvn help:active-profiles

 <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"  
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">  
    <!--父项目的坐标。如果项目中没有规定某个元素的值,那么父项目中的对应值即为项目的默认值。 坐标包括group ID,artifact ID和 version。-->
    <!--项目的全球唯一标识符,通常使用全限定的包名区分该项目和其他项目。并且构建时生成的路径也是由此生成, 如com.mycompany.app生成的相对路径为:/com/mycompany/app-->  
    <!--构件的标识符,它和group ID一起唯一标识一个构件。换句话说,你不能有两个不同的项目拥有同样的artifact ID和groupID;在某个特定的group ID下,artifact ID也必须是唯一的。构件是项目产生的或使用的一个东西,Maven为项目产生的构件包括:JARs,源码,二进制发布和WARs等。-->  
    <!--项目的名称, Maven产生的文档用-->  
    <!--项目主页的URL, Maven产生的文档用-->  
    <!--项目的详细描述, Maven 产生的文档用。  当这个元素能够用HTML格式描述时(例如,CDATA中的文本会被解析器忽略,就可以包含HTML标签), 不鼓励使用纯文本描述。如果你需要修改产生的web站点的索引页面,你应该修改你自己的索引页文件,而不是调整这里的文档。-->  
    <description>A maven project to study maven.</description>  
 <!--项目的问题管理系统(Bugzilla, Jira, Scarab,或任何你喜欢的问题管理系统)的名称和URL,本例为 jira-->  
            <!--发送邮件的地址或链接,如果是邮件地址,创建文档时,mailto: 链接会被自动创建-->  
            <post>[email protected]</post>  
            <!--订阅邮件的地址或链接,如果是邮件地址,创建文档时,mailto: 链接会被自动创建-->  
            <subscribe>[email protected]</subscribe>  
            <!--取消订阅邮件的地址或链接,如果是邮件地址,创建文档时,mailto: 链接会被自动创建-->  
            <unsubscribe>[email protected]</unsubscribe>  
            <id>HELLO WORLD</id>  
            <email>[email protected]</email>  
                <role>Project Manager</role>  
            <!--项目开发者所在时区, -11到12范围内的整数。--> 
    <!--该元素描述了项目所有License列表。 应该只列出该项目的license列表,不要列出依赖项目的 license列表。如果列出多个license,用户可以选择它们中的一个而不是接受所有license。-->  
            <name>Apache 2</name>  
              manual, 用户必须手动下载和安装依赖-->
            <comments>A business-friendly OSS license</comments>  
    <!--SCM(Source Control Management)标签允许你配置你的代码库,供Maven web站点和其它插件使用。-->  
  <!--该元素设置了项目脚本源码目录,该目录和源码目录不同:绝大多数情况下,该目录下的内容 会被拷贝到输出目录(因为脚本是被解释的,而不是被编译的)。-->
  <!--当项目没有规定目标(Maven2 叫做阶段)时的默认值-->
   <!--使用的插件列表 。-->
     <!--插件在仓库里的group ID-->
     <!--插件在仓库里的artifact ID-->
     <name>Windows XP</name>
     <!--激活profile的操作系统所属家族(如 'windows')-->
     <!--激活profile的操作系统体系结构 -->
   <!--模块(有时称作子项目) 被构建成项目的一部分。列出的每个模块元素是指向该模块的目录的相对路径-->
   <!--该元素描述了项目相关的所有依赖。 这些依赖组成了项目构建过程中的一个个环节。它们自动从项目定义的仓库中下载。要获取更多信息,请看项目依赖机制。-->
   <!--不赞成使用. 现在Maven忽略该元素.-->
   <!--该元素包括使用报表插件产生报表的规范。当用户执行“mvn site”,这些报表就会运行。 在页面导航栏能看到所有报表的链接。参见reporting元素-->
 <!--模块(有时称作子项目) 被构建成项目的一部分。列出的每个模块元素是指向该模块的目录的相对路径-->
          <!--true或者false表示该仓库是否为下载某种类型构件(发布版,快照版)开启。 -->
            <!--用于定位和排序构件的仓库布局类型-可以是default(默认)或者legacy(遗留)。Maven 2为其仓库提供了一个默认的布局;然而,Maven 1.x有一种不同的布局。我们可以使用该元素指定布局是default(默认)还是legacy(遗留)。-->
    <!--该元素描述了项目相关的所有依赖。 这些依赖组成了项目构建过程中的一个个环节。它们自动从项目定义的仓库中下载。要获取更多信息,请看项目依赖机制。-->  
   <!--依赖的group ID-->
            <!--依赖的artifact ID-->
            <!--依赖的版本号。 在Maven 2里, 也可以配置成版本号的范围。-->
            <!--依赖类型,默认类型是jar。它通常表示依赖的文件的扩展名,但也有例外。一个类型可以被映射成另外一个扩展名或分类器。类型经常和使用的打包方式对应,尽管这也有例外。一些类型的例子:jar,war,ejb-client和test-jar。如果设置extensions为 true,就可以在plugin里定义新的类型。所以前面的类型的例子不完整。-->
            <!--依赖的分类器。分类器可以区分属于同一个POM,但不同构建方式的构件。分类器名被附加到文件名的版本号后面。例如,如果你想要构建两个单独的构件成JAR,一个使用Java 1.4编译器,另一个使用Java 6编译器,你就可以使用分类器来生成两个单独的JAR构件。-->
                - compile :默认范围,用于编译   
                - provided:类似于编译,但支持你期待jdk或者容器提供,类似于classpath   
                - runtime: 在执行时需要使用   
                - test:    用于test任务时使用   
                - system: 需要外在提供相应的元素。通过systemPath来取得   
                - systemPath: 仅用于范围为system。提供相应的路径   
                - optional:   当项目自身被依赖时,标注依赖是否传递。用于连续依赖时使用-->  
            <!--当计算传递依赖时, 从依赖构件列表里,列出被排除的依赖构件集。即告诉maven你只依赖指定的项目,不依赖项目的依赖。此元素主要用于解决版本冲突问题--> 
    <!--不赞成使用. 现在Maven忽略该元素.-->
    <!--该元素描述使用报表插件产生报表的规范。当用户执行“mvn site”,这些报表就会运行。 在页面导航栏能看到所有报表的链接。--> 
    <!--报表插件在仓库里的group ID-->
    <!--报表插件在仓库里的artifact ID-->
    <!--一组报表的多重规范,每个规范可能有不同的配置。一个规范(报表集)对应一个执行目标 。例如,有1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9个报表。1,2,5构成A报表集,对应一个执行目标。2,5,8构成B报表集,对应另一个执行目标-->
 <!--继承自该项目的所有子项目的默认依赖信息。这部分的依赖信息不会被立即解析,而是当子项目声明一个依赖(必须描述group ID和artifact ID信息),如果group ID和artifact ID以外的一些信息没有描述,则通过group ID和artifact ID匹配到这里的依赖,并使用这里的依赖信息。--> 
    <!--项目分发信息,在执行mvn deploy后表示要发布的位置。有了这些信息就可以把网站部署到远程服务器或者把构件部署到远程仓库。-->  
   <name>banseon maven2</name>  
            <name>Banseon-maven2 Snapshot Repository</name> 
            <name>business api website</name>  
  <!--如果构件有了新的group ID和artifact ID(构件移到了新的位置),这里列出构件的重定位信息。-->
   <!--构件新的group ID-->
   <!--构件新的artifact ID-->
  <!--给出该构件在远程仓库的状态。不得在本地项目中设置该元素,因为这是工具自动更新的。有效的值有:none(默认),converted(仓库管理员从Maven 1 POM转换过来),partner(直接从伙伴Maven 2仓库同步过来),deployed(从Maven 2实例部署),verified(被核实时正确的和最终的)。-->
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