This Mac tips is for each major novice partners to provide a quick start guide, I hope to help you.

Having used the Mac for so long, I have to sigh that the Apple ecosystem is indeed very strong, and even better than Windows in some experiences. My favorite feature is the multi-desktop function of the Mac, which can make every work clear when working with multiple threads. Let’s continue to learn some Mac tips this time!

1. Enable multiple desktops on the Mac

The multi-desktop feature was introduced on the Mac and later on in Windows, and I have to say it’s really helpful for managing files.

1. You can add or delete desktops by swiping up the touch pad in three directions

2. You can switch back and forth between these desktops, and you can even set the wallpaper according to different desktops for easy search

2. Unlock your Mac with an Apple Watch without a password

Everyone knows that Apple’s ecosystem has always been strong, so if you have an Apple Watch, you can connect them.

1. Ensure that Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are enabled on the Mac, that both Mac and Apple Watch have logged in to iCloud using the same Apple ID, and that the Apple ID has enabled two-factor authentication

2. Open “System Preferences” — “Security and Privacy” on the Mac

3. Enable use your AppleWatch Unlock APP and Mac or Allow AppleWatch to unlock Mac.

The auto-unlock function only works if you are wearing an unlocked watch and are in close proximity to your Mac. Make sure your Mac supports automatic unlocking.

Three, find the input code

If you are a person who uses pinyin a lot and want to learn wubi typing one day, find the input code is a great tool to use.

1. Click the “Input method” icon on the toolbar and choose “Find input Code”

2, enter one or more Chinese characters in the “input box”, and the pinyin, stroke, wubi and spelling of each character will be displayed below.

4. Clear DNS cache

When you visit a web page, DNS will cache some information. If the cache information is too much, it will not open when you visit some web sites. At this time, you can try to clear the DNS cache.

1. Open the Terminal software and enter sudokillall -hup mDNSResponder. Sleep 2 “, press Enter to confirm

2, enter the Mac login password (input is the screen will not display, directly enter), press Enter to confirm

3, “command+Q” exit to clear the DNS cache

5. Write text on the trackpad

Don’t assume that the Mac’s trackpad can only slide a cursor or perform actions. In fact, it also supports handwriting.

1. Open the “Input method” icon in the toolbar and click “Open keyboard preference Settings”.

2. Select add input method and click “Handwriting” to write on the touch pad

3. To exit, just press Esc

Check the power supply information and cycle times

You can use this feature if the power supply doesn’t seem to last long or if you need to check the Settings on a used Mac you just bought.

1. Click the Apple icon on the toolbar and press “Option” (” About this machine “becomes” System Info “)

2. Click “System Info” and choose “Power” to view the battery status and cycle times of your Mac

7. Customize Touch Bar

The Mac’s Touch Bar doesn’t have fixed shortcut buttons, so you can fit commonly used ones to your needs.

1. Open “System Preference Settings”, open “Keyboard”, and select “Custom Function Bar”.

2, the window will display multiple buttons, you can just drag the button you need to Touch Bar, of course, you can also directly remove the not commonly used can be.

8. “Option + Letters” quickly enter the icon

Some ICONS we commonly use can be quickly input through “Option + letters”, the author sorted out this table for your reference.

Format the storage disk

Sometimes the USB flash drive or portable hard disk store too much stuff, want to format, can

1. Open Disk Tool and select the disk to be formatted

2, select the “Erase” button, select the erased format, generally we will choose “ExFAT”, because this format is supported by both Apple and Windows.

These are some tips on the Mac. I hope they are helpful to you. For more tips, please check out mac.Orsoon Future Software Park.