“This is the 14th day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. See details of the event: The Last Gwen Challenge 2021”.

As one of the core languages of the WEB, the Internet would never be the same without JavaScript. JavaScript is a high-level programming language for front-end and back-end Web development. You can use JavaScript to create dynamic Web content and applications.

In this article, you’ll share the 10 best JavaScript ides of 2022 and an analysis of code editors. Although Brackets, Adobe’s open source editor, stopped updating in 2021, there are still a number of applications that can help JavaScript developers simplify their workflows.

What are ides and code editors?

Ides are integrated development environments that provide user interfaces for code development, testing, and debugging functions. It helps organize project artifacts related to the source code of a software application. It provides a variety of tools and capabilities that make development easy and standardized based on the programming language in which the developer writes the code.

Ides usually have more functionality than code editors, but you can customize some code editors to have functionality similar to the IDE. Code editors typically have syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and brace matching.

An IDE combines multiple developer tools in a single graphical user interface, usually consisting, at a minimum, of a code editor, a compiler or interpreter, and a debugger.

The IDE has some common features, as follows:

  • Text editor: It provides a text editor to write and manage source code.
  • Debugger: It uses a debugging tool to identify errors in source code.
  • The compiler
  • Code completion
  • Programming language support
  • Integration and use of plug-ins

Why do YOU need an IDE?

Providing programmers with inclusivity for software development, the following points illustrate why ides should be used in application development:

  • It has the ability to debug programs and compile code.
  • It makes it easy to view a visual representation of the location of program files.
  • They provide support for external plug-ins, which can be used by providing an interface to external tools such as debugging tools.
  • They provide a console to view the results of the execution, and if any errors are found, you can easily debug them and fix them. In the C++ example, you can stop the program and check the values of variables. Breakpoints can be set to pause a program when it reaches a line of code.
  • The IDE uses a graphical user interface to enter the required specifications for the application.

1. Visual Studio Code (CE)

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a free Code editor developed by Microsoft. As a code editor, it lacks built-in tools and testing capabilities. However, these capabilities can be installed with plug-ins and extensions. VS Code has a large community and strong technical support.

VS Code has a corresponding IDE, Visual Studio. Visual Studio in particular is known as the IDE for C, C++, and C Sharp. However, it is not free, and beginner JavaScript developers may find it unnecessarily complex. As long as you don’t mind installing plug-ins to extend VS Code’s functionality, you can assume that VS Code provides enough for JavaScript development. More and more programmers are using VS Code, which has powerful plug-ins and extensions that can do a lot of things.


Support for JavaScript frameworks, including React and Node.js features including code folding, Git integration, debugging, and IntelliSense (Microsoft’s code completion implementation) screen reader accessibility


  • A steeper learning curve, here primarily for Visual Studio
  • Setting up extensions and plug-ins takes a long time

Price: Free.

2. WebStorm (IDE)

WebStorm is an integrated development environment dedicated to JavaScript and TypeScript. Many Web developers use WebStorm for both back-end and front-end development. WebStorm is a JetBrains product that supports JavaScript frameworks such as Node.js, Angular.js, and React. Its features include GitHub integration, intelligent auto-completion, and code refactoring across all project files.


  • Reliable updates and user support
  • Can be customized using plug-ins
  • Works on Windows, Linux, and macOS
  • Free for students and open source projects


  • Excessive memory consumption
  • Occasionally slow loading

Price: $12.90 per month for individual users. The free version is available for students and non-commercial open source projects.

3. Sublime Text (CE)

Sublime Text is a source code editor for programming and markup languages. Many developers are attracted to Sublime Text because of its speed and versatility. It is a highly customizable code editor with a large number of user-built plug-in packages to choose from.


  • Fast, lightweight and customizable
  • Features include color coding, multiple selections, customizable hotkeys, and Git integration
  • Works on Windows, macOS, and Linux


  • Lack of intelligent code completion
  • It takes time to set up
  • A steeper learning curve
  • Lack of work environment functionality

Price: $99 per year for individual users. You can use it for free, but it will pop up every now and then.

4. Atom (CE)

Atom is GitHub’s free open source editor with default features such as intelligent code completion and a built-in package manager. It is described as a “hackable” text editor that is highly customizable through plug-ins.

Atom is based on the Electron framework and is ideal for building cross-platform desktop applications using Chromium and Node.js.

While Atom is known for its simple user interface and customizability, many users experience errors, freezes, and crashes. This is a larger application and it may slow down if the machine is weak.


  • Highly customizable UI and functionality
  • Features include GitHub integration, APM integration package manager, and multiple panes
  • Open source, with a huge support community

5. IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate (IDE)

IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is a Java-centric IDE that is also popular in JavaScript development. When first released in 2001, IntelliJ was one of the first Java ides to integrate features such as code navigation and code refactoring. Fortunately, IntelliJ now has more features, including coding assistance and support for JavaScript frameworks like Node.js.

IntelliJ is a product of JetBrains. If IntelliJ is chosen, it will take some time to get used to and the learning curve is widely considered steep. IntelliJ has a free and open source counterpart, the IntelliJ IDEA community, but unfortunately it does not support JavaScript.


  • Intuitive user interface
  • Precise auto-completion based on DOM model
  • Ancillary features include screen readers


  • Indexing may be slow
  • A steeper learning curve
  • expensive
  • The free version does not support JavaScript

Price: $49.90 per month for individual users.

6. Komodo Edit (CE) and Komodo IDE

Komodo Edit and Komodo IDE, developed by ActiveState, are applications for dynamic programming languages. Komodo Edit is a free open source editor. Its commercial version, Komodo IDE, is an IDE with extended features. Komodo IDE is now free as part of the ActiveState platform.

Beginners may find it easier to get started with Komodo Edit, as some users report a steep learning curve for Komodo IDE. Komodo Edit offers a built-in FTP client, auto-complete, code folding, and smart syntax highlighting. The Komodo IDE preserves more advanced features, such as debugging and unit testing. Both can be customized using plug-ins and macros.


  • The custom macros
  • Komodo IDE features include live preview, Git integration, version control, and remote collaboration
  • Regular maintenance and improvement
  • cross-platform


  • Beginners have a steeper learning curve
  • Advanced features reserved for Komodo IDE
  • Developers do not support or maintain Python’s Komodo IDE

Price: Komodo Edit is free. Komodo IDE is free as part of the open source ActiveState platform.

7. NetBeans (IDE)

NetBeans is a free IDE known to Java programmers. Although it is most commonly used in Java, NetBeans supports multiple languages, including JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3. The NetBeans JavaScript editor comes with syntax highlighting and auto-completion, as well as built-in jQuery support. NetBeans supports JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, Express, Vue, React, and Mocha.

Many programmers like NetBeans because it has an intuitive and customizable interface that works out of the box and has so many features that you can start running immediately after installation. However, NetBeans is notoriously demanding on resources. If the computer has a low configuration, it may not run smoothly.


  • Features include a debugger, built-in Git support, and code folding
  • UI is easy to customize
  • Applicable to Windows, Mac OS, and Linux


  • Difficult to integrate with other tools
  • Minimal extras
  • Requirements for resources
  • Even for small front-end projects it can be slow

Price: Free.

8. Eclipse (IDE)

Eclipse is an open source IDE, first released in 2004. Its focus is On Java development, but it also supports JavaScript and other programming languages. Eclipse has a base workspace that can be customized using plug-ins to extend functionality. Therefore, additional setup time needs to be considered, such as the need to install JavaScript development tools.


  • Highly customizable
  • Large user base and community-built plug-ins
  • Use Emacs key bindings


  • Limited support
  • Requirements for resources
  • Many people find THE UI counterintuitive

Price: Free.


  • Large application sizes over 100MB
  • Long loading times, occasional crashes and crashes
  • If you extend functionality through plug-ins, the setup takes longer

Price: Free.

9. Notepad++ (CE)

Notepad++ is a free source code editor for Windows users. This is a very lightweight application, perfect for those with limited device specifications. It has out-of-the-box features such as code folding and syntax highlighting, and it supports macros and plug-ins for additional customization.


  • Easy to install and use
  • The most lightweight application
  • Support plug-in and macro customization


  • Available only on Windows
  • Lack of intelligent code completion and syntax checking

Price: Free.


Although the code editor is all-inclusive, as a programmer, the code editor is a sharp tool, suitable for their own is the best!