“The waves behind the Yangtze River push on the waves before, and the waves before die on the beach”, once a joke that made people laugh, has become a true portrayal of the software testing industry. Because the software testing industry entry threshold is low, the salary is high, there are constantly fresh blood scour the software testing industry “pioneers”, to us brought very big pressure.

Those who have been in the field for several years, but are still functional testing students face the pressure can be imagined. At the end of the day, software testing is a technical job. Since it is a technical post, it depends on technology to speak. Constantly mastering new skills and improving the ability of software testing to “find bugs” has become an urgent problem for software testing practitioners to solve. As a result, most entry-level functional testers are now moving toward automation, performance, and security.

But there are still many software testing engineers standing at the “crossroads” confused, helpless, can not find their own direction.

All the confusion is because think too much and do too little! Every practitioner of software testing industry can realize the dilemma they are facing at present, but too few people can make changes in time and adapt to the changes of The Times. Do most people see themselves wiped out by their industry when they are “lying flat on their face”?

No, the following knowledge architecture diagram of software test engineer development direction will tell you where to work:

First, Linux essential knowledge

Linux as the most popular software environment system, it must be mastered, the current recruitment requirements are required to have Linux ability.

Shell scripts

Master shell scripts, including shell basics and applications, shell logic control, shell logic functions, etc.

Three, the Principle of Internet program

The road to automation: basic knowledge of front-end development and essential knowledge of the Internet network.

Mysql database

Software test engineers must have knowledge of Mysql database, not just basic “add, delete, change and check”.

5. Packet capture tool

Fiddler, Wireshark, Sniffer, and Tcpdump are all available for your projects.

6. Interface testing tools

Interface test magic, you can not escape the powerful tool: Jmeter. Small and nimble: Postman.

Web automation testing Java&Pyhton

Understand the purpose of automation and be familiar with the TestNG&UnitTest automation framework, assertions and logging.

Eight, interface and mobile phone automation

Professional interface calls and tests solutions. Build a complete Web and interface automation framework, Appium overall use.

Agile Testing &TestOps builds

Demystifying TestOps, the Continuous integration Jenkins framework is by heart.

Performance testing & Safety testing

The other side of software testing: performance testing and security testing, choose the right direction, and strive to climb the pit!

Above is I sorted out for you a software test engineer development direction knowledge architecture system diagram. I hope you can follow this system and complete the construction of such a system in 3-4 years. It’s a process that can literally kill you, but once you get through it. The rest of my life is so much easier. As they say, all things are difficult at the beginning. Once you have taken the first step, you are half way there. You will look back on the journey with a lot of emotion when you are finished.

If you don’t want to experience the feeling of giving up after a few days when you can’t find information and no one answers your questions, you can add our software testing communication group: 718897738, which has all kinds of software testing information and technical exchanges.

Come on, tester! Road in the foot, success in tomorrow!

The future of you will certainly thank now desperately own!