Introduction to the

Work unconsciously more than 11 o ‘clock, the recent Spring Festival is really busy, participated in the seven days of punching punch activities really have some big, but since it is their own flag, stay up all night also want to write it, pure technical paper is really difficult to achieve a week of high yield. Hence the daily essay, and this tool sharing article.

Getting VS Code plugins is pretty much available, but it doesn’t prevent some weird productivity plugins from popping up. This is a little tip, as plugins can improve your daily development productivity.

If you come across something you like, you might as well like it and secretly collect it.

The plugin list

Import Cost

Import Cost displays the size of the packages imported into your code. Developers and code consolidators can see the currently imported library locally, and determine if the current Import is loading on demand and tree-shaking. If you are sensitive about packages, you can install one for yourself.

Code Spell Checker

Compared with students who are not good at English, we can download a wave of Code Spell Checker, which can have certain verification for some basic English words. For example, I have verified the charm of this software by using the vocabulary I have learned all my life. For wavy lines do not like the friend directly quit.


I don’t need to say more about esilnt, a team must have tool with very good quality requirements for code review, provided that your ESlint is rigorous and will avoid some logic fool problems. If the team has a constraint specification for this, it is recommended to download one.

ESlint will automatically help you to save the code when the current page ESlint error, easy to unified modify some such as space, typeface format error information.

  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll.eslint": true
Copy the code


Circle complex section is very interesting, if you do not understand the above can see my article

After refactoring several times, I summarized some front-end code optimization practices. […]

For highly complex code, it is recommended to split and reorganize, or even refactor if necessary. Code that is difficult to understand and read on a team is dirty code, which is a disaster for developers.

Parameter Hints

There was a time when I was envious of Webstorm’s method remarks feature. I think Webstorm is great, right out of the box. That way we can write functions that have corresponding hints, very convenient. So, by accident, I found this plugin

Path Intellisense

In pages, we often use many proxy aliases and file paths, and when developers develop, some people directly through.. /… And so on the format of the page to jump. So path-alias can quickly handle some of the path proxy file names and other path addresses as an intelligent prompt.…

Better Comments

Better Comments allows you to add states to your code Comments. You can customize the meaning of Comments during development to describe methods and give more possibilities.

Live Server

Today, most scaffolding projects are packaged, so to fit the scenario, Live Server can open a local path with a local IP and port number to preview our packaged code.


GitLens is a powerful Git log management tool. You can see the current Git repository log and the current change record in the plug-in. You can also see the difference between other people’s changes and your current version of the code, and do a basic test.

REST Client

As the name implies, REST Client is a plug-in used to support RESTful interface request sending. You only need to configure the corresponding Settings in the local, so you can directly debug the interface and interconnection on the plug-in. It is a great plug-in, greatly reducing the back and forth testing problem.

Git Graph

GIT branch Graph is the most intuitive method compared to pure text commit record. Therefore, installing GIT Graph is equivalent to having the branch view ability of Source Tree.


The above is my personal recommendation for the installation of plug-ins, in addition to improving productivity, the experience level of coding development is very good, the things shared this time are some essential, on the contrary, React and Vue code support plug-ins I will not mention, this is everyone has, it is meaningless to recommend again. This time mainly I think these plugins are really very good, the so-called happy alone than the crowd.

This article is already the third article in 7 days, which is also the third article of water. The project will be online tomorrow, so I can spare my hands to write some practical articles to share. It’s not easy to write late at night. Good night.

[Seven days punch card] The article quality is not so high before, if it is helpful to you, you can like oh.