With the release of new tools and the iteration of existing tool versions, 2016 is clearly a boom year for design-based tools. In this article, I’ve picked a few design tools to look out for in 2017. All of these tools have gained a lot of popularity in the design tools community, so I’ve chosen them to share with you.

Have Fun!

01. Figma

Maybe you’re wondering how multiple designers work together on the same project? Let’s imagine a scenario: in a meeting, team members are watching the progress of the same project and providing feedback to make changes in real time. For these scenarios, Figma will be your go-to choice.

  • Official website: https://www.figma.com/
  • More information: https://medium.com/figma-design
  • Community: https://www.facebook.com/figmadesign/

02. Adobe XD

Adobe XD is a vectorized graphic design application that allows you to create clickable interactive prototypes from numerous artboards. Some users say XD is modeled after Sketch. It is likely that Adobe will continue to improve XD and build stronger connections between other Adobe software. Also, unlike Sketch (dedicated to Mac OS X), XD is also available on Windows.

  • Website address: http://www.adobe.com/products/experience-design.html
  • For more information: https://blogs.adobe.com/creativecloud/tag/xd-product-updates/
  • Community: https://www.facebook.com/AdobeExperienceDesign/

03. Sketch & Plugins

When designers refer to Sketch, they usually refer to its plugins, such as Measure, Content Generator, and Icon Stamper, which all contribute to designers’ productivity. In 2017, let’s hope we get better versions of Sketch and richer plugins.

  • Website address: https://www.sketchapp.com/
  • Plug-in: https://speckyboy.com/plugins-sketch-app/
  • For more information: https://medium.com/sketch-app
  • Community: https://www.facebook.com/sketchapp/

04. Zeplin

  • Official website: https://zeplin.io/
  • For more information: https://medium.com/zeplin-gazette
  • Community: https://www.facebook.com/zeplin.io/

05. Stage & Gallery

Website address: https://material.io/stage/, https://material.io/gallery/

06. Framer

  • Design Everything with Code
  • For more information: https://blog.framerjs.com/
  • Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/framerjs/

07. ProtoPie

Conditional interaction is also available in new versions of ProtoPie, and the Windows version is well under development.

  • Official website: https://www.protopie.io/
  • For more information: https://blog.protopie.io/
  • Community: https://www.facebook.com/protopie/

In the near future, new design tools will spring up like mushrooms. So are you going to settle for a New Year where you’re stuck in your old ways, or are you going to learn and master new tools to increase your productivity? It’s really a question worth thinking about. Hopefully, the tools mentioned in this article will take you to the next level.

Thank you for reading.


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The Most Promising Design Tools you Should try in 2017 http://www.jianshu.com/p/0c14bb3b4132