
In fact, I considered Ali’s company at the beginning, because there were some people I knew there. I hoped that I could enter the big factory smoothly through internal promotion, but I was completely abused by a series of questions from the interviewer. Autumn at this time already more than half, then in watched many NiuYou surface by the cattle on the guest, also added a lot of communication group, received a lot of friends point, today was finally my turn, let get the Beijing education business client offers, summarize their own face and review process, talk about some of my feelings, NiuYou provide some reference for all.

Say my circumstance first, study hangzhou electronic science and technology university now, undergraduate course shandong agricultural university, this master is computer. People in linyi, Shandong province, usually like taking photos, traveling, watching movies and playing games with gay friends.

Article 1. The resume

If you think of yourself as a product, your resume is an instruction manual.

Writing a resume may seem simple, but writing it well is not. A good resume can help you stand out from the crowd.

I’ve condensed the best of my resume writing tips for new readers and added some new content. Regular readers of previous articles can quickly scan this section.

1.1 Personal Photos

The debate about whether or not to include a photo on your resume never ends. Programmers don’t live by their faces, but I tend to show photos.

Usually when I’m looking at a resume, if I see a picture of a young guy looking good, I might think: His code is probably neat.

Yes, photos are the first impression people make of you. Normal people like beautiful things, and a photo that makes people feel good, even bright, can make people feel good about you.

So my personal advice is, as long as you look good for the audience, it’s ok to put a photo on your resume. It’s ok to have some beauty, but don’t be a photo cheat.

1.2 Basic Information

Basic personal information, such as name, education background, email address, telephone number, etc., should be written normally. I just remind you not to omit the following points in the eyes of the interviewer.

  • Most people only put their degree in their personal information, not their university. If your school is famous, you can write the school you graduated from in this section.
  • If you have a blog, Github, or account related to the position, don’t hesitate to include it here. It shows that you love learning and sharing.
  • Another tip, take the public account for example. If you are more productive, add a sentence after the name of your public account, for example: 50 original technical articles. Don’t take that statement lightly. It’s icing on the cake.

1.3 Self-evaluation

Make sure you take the time to write carefully!

This is a comprehensive statement of who you are, a way of rediscovering yourself and letting the other person know your strengths, goals, and values. And it’s worth it, so you can introduce yourself later in the interview process.

I see that most of the self-evaluation is like this: “I am hard-working, responsible, steadfast and hard working, strong learning ability, and have team spirit… Balabalabala “.

Well, I really doubt it was a combination of words that I did an Internet search on. It’s not interesting, it’s not persuasive, anyone could write that. Can’t you give me more examples, more numbers?

Look at some positive sentences:

  • I have 7 years of Java development experience and 5 years of Internet industry experience. I think I have reached the level of senior engineer. I hope I can grow up to be an architect in the future. (With goals and plans)
  • A loyal fan of Minjian development, a practitioner of unit test driven development, will actively refactor code and have a code cleanliness obsession. (Good coding habits)
  • I love reading technical books. I read about 10 books a year. Recently, I am reading Domain Driven Design and Enterprise Application Architecture Patterns. Love to learn and have completed 5 paid courses on Geek hour this year. (Love reading and learning)
  • 2 years of team management experience, team size of 15 people, harmonious team atmosphere, member turnover rate is far lower than the average level of the company. Has been selected as the company’s outstanding team. (The team is not bad)

1.4 Skill Level

Once in an interview, the resume of the other person said “proficient in Spring, Redis…” “Is a long list of about a dozen mastery items. The results of the interview question, found too water, you are redefining the mastery of it.

Familiar with, master, master this kind of word, there is no unified standard, do not write disorderly, do not let a person think you are bragging.

If you are a newcomer, you are not sure.

Skills: Development language: XXX, XXX, XXX Back-end framework: XXX, XXX, XXX Database: XXX, XXX, XXX

Old programmer, you think you can write proficient write, if you know a lot of skills, don’t forget to highlight. What’s the point? 1. Highly matched skills that are clearly required by the position. 2. Skills with highlights, such as 3 years of experience in AAA framework; Read BBB source code; Publish 5 ccC-related articles.

1.5 Project Experience

Project experience is an important part of the interview process.

  • Project experience here is two words, project and experience, and most people just write about project and ignore experience. An experience is what you do, how you do it, and what happens when you do it. For example: Which parts of the project did you do? Are you a key person? Do it alone or with a team? How did you grow? What happens after the project is delivered?
  • If you’ve done a lot of projects, keep them to a minimum, or you’ll write pages of projects that will miss the point. Don’t write about projects that are too early or too small. Instead, write about projects that are large in scale. Write about projects that are more relevant to your position.
  • Don’t write legible abbreviations for project names. You can understand them even if you write “ERP”. If you write “SCF”, it looks very foreign, but god knows what it means.

1.6 Resume Template

Keep your resume template simple and generous.

I’ve seen so many resumes, some of which are too loud, some of which have exaggerated covers that you want to close as soon as you open them.

Job seekers want to make their resume look good and stand out from the rest, but sometimes they overdo it and become zuo. Especially the new, easy to overexert in this respect.

How to do interview surprise, planning study direction?

The question set can help you to find out what is missing and make up for it. But if you just look at it, you don’t study it. This interview question will be of limited help to you. In the end, it depends on senior technical level.

There is a lot of information about Learning Android online, but if the knowledge learned is not systematic, and problems are only tasted, no further research, then it is difficult to achieve real technology improvement. It is suggested to make a study plan first and connect the knowledge points according to the study plan to form a systematic knowledge system.

Learning direction is easy to plan, but if only through fragmented learning, it will be slow to improve yourself.

At the same time, I also collected the interview questions from Bytedance, Tencent, Alibaba, Huawei, Xiaomi and other companies in 2020, and sorted out the interview requirements and technical points into a large and complete Xmind interview for “Android Architect” (which actually took a lot more effort than expected), including the knowledge context and branch details.

When building these technical frameworks, but also organized the system of advanced tutorials, will be much better than their own fragmented learning effect.


Android Architecture Video +BAT Interview Topic PDF+ Study Notes

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There is a lot of information about Learning Android online, but if the knowledge learned is not systematic, and problems are only tasted, no further research, then it is difficult to achieve real technology improvement. I hope this systematic technical system has a direction reference for everyone.