The role of maven

  • Life cycle, execute some plug-ins
  • runmaven compile, will execute the declaration cycle before compile
  • Visual tools are also available

  • Maven’s dependency tree, either through the visualization tool or through the runtimemvn dependency:treeTo view

IDEA productivity double shortcut key

  • alt + enter, the universal key
  • control + nGenerate generate quickly
  • command option + lFormat,
  • option command+o, optimize the import statement
  • ctrl option + hWho called this method
  • command + iThe implementation class,
  • command + F12, Document outline
  • F2Next mistake
  • shift + F6, advanced renaming

Git related functions, find back pot man

  • Right-click annotate and press Command + D above to see Show Diff
  • The clock icon in the upper right corner shows who has changed it recently
  • Open in Github, when working with people


  • The default abbreviations
  • psvm
  • sout,soutv,
  • fori
  • Rainbow brackets plug-in

The debugger

  • Set conditions

  • Function of several debug buttons

The stack frame

  • Local variables are stored in the stack frame
  • When stack frame multiple is destroyed, local variables are not

evalute expression

  • The action that can be performed after the breakpoint has stopped

Change the value of a variable by force

Jump to a class

Debugging third-party Tools

  • Say you want to debug the Compile plug-in
  • Start by downloading the plug-in to open the POM
  • Then run the debugger tool,~ / Develop/apache maven - 3.6.0 / bin/mvnDebug compile
  • Connect, change to port 8000

  • You can debug Maven with consistent versions