These days in the review of micro channel game aircraft war, playing playing in thinking about life, this aircraft war how can do so good, simple operation, simple start.

Help potty, YP, rice circle girls have something to cheer them up when they’re bored! Get their left/right hands moving rhythmically back and forth in the same direction!

It’s an epic invention. It’s an epic invention. It’s…

After a little twitching, I ended the game, feeling like everything was boring, and just as I was entering Sage mode, it occurred to me, wouldn’t it be nice if I could get more people to experience this magnificent feeling in a different way?

So I turned on my computer and created a…

Look at the renderings first

The operating environment

  • Operating system: windows10
  • Python version: Python 3.7
  • Code editor: Pycharm 2018.2
  • Use modules: OS, SYS, Random, PyGame

Because the implementation code uses a third party pyGame module, PIP install is not available. Here is a good tutorial for PyGame.

The specific implementation

  1. First we specify the file directory for the material file. Convenient for our later use. These materials have been uploaded to the public account Python column, background reply: Aircraft war, can be obtained.
import os

Get the path to the Material_images directory under the current folder
source_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'material_images')
Copy the code
  1. Implement a Game class to complete the main logic of the Game.
import pygame

class Game(a):
    def __init__(self, background_image_path, size=(480.700), title='Plane wars', font_name='Fangzhengshu Body', font_size=30, speed=2000):
        ":param background_image_path: background image path address :param size: game window size: param title: game window title: param font_name: Specify font :param font_size: specify font size: param speed: background image time to scroll the entire window once, in ms ""
        self.size = size
        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
        self.title = title
        self.background_image_path = background_image_path
        self.background = pygame.image.load(self.background_image_path).convert()
        # Set the font object to get the system's own font
        self.font = pygame.font.SysFont(font_name, font_size)
        Get the Clock object, which we can use to get the time since the last time the image was drawn
        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
        # Initial position of background image
        self.height = 0
        # Use the height of the window for the time of scrolling to get the distance of scrolling per ms
        self.every_ms_move_distance = self.size[1] / speed   # 2 seconds,
        # scores
        self.score = 0
        # Store all enemy planes
        self.enemies = []

    def show_score(self):
        "" Displays the score at the top of the window, 10px away from the top, left and right centered.

    def set_time_passed(self):
        # Control the drawing frame, the larger the faster
        Get the last time to draw the image, ms
        self.time_passed = self.clock.tick()

    def draw_background(self):
        Draw the background image and scroll down to create the impression that the plane is flying up.
        # Distance per move = distance per ms * time since last move (ms)

    def create_enemy(self, image_path=os.path.join(source_dir,'enemy1.png'), enemy_number=5):
        "" Create enemy planes: Param image_path: Image of enemy planes address: Param enemy_number: Maximum number of enemy planes on screen" "

    def draw_enemies(self, time_passed, screen):
        "" Draw enemy planes to screen, clean up the enemy planes that ran out of the window, :param time_passed: the time that the last draw guide has passed: param screen: the window object" "drawn.

    def bullet_and_enemy_crash_detection(self, bullets):
        Check if a bullet hits an enemy plane: Param Bullets: All the bullets in a plane.

    def plan_and_enemy_crash_detection(self, plan, allow_crash_size=None):
        Param plan: Aircraft object :param allow_crash_size: size allowed for aircraft collision, only valid about ""

    def draw_plan(self, plan, time_passed):
        "" Drawing aircraft :param plan: Aircraft object :param time_passed: time since last drawing :return:" "

    def game_over(self):
        "Game over."
        while True:
            # Draw the background

    def run(self):
        Game entry function, start function, body function :return: ""

        Set the size of the game window
        Initialize an airplane object
        plan = Plan()

        while True:
            # If the plane self-destructs, the game is over, call game_over

            Check for listening events

            # Detect up, down, left and right movement cases.
            # w, A, S, D and up, down, left, right
            # Then execute plan.update to change the position of the aircraft

            # Bullet and enemy aircraft collision detection
            # Collision detection between aircraft and enemy aircraft
            # set time_passed to the time since the last time
            # Draw the background image
            # display score
            # Build enemy planes
            # Draw enemy aircraft
            self.draw_enemies(time_passed=self.time_passed, screen=self.screen)
            # Draw aircraft
            self.draw_plan(plan=plan, time_passed=self.time_passed)
            # Draw bullets
            plan.draw_bullets(time_passed=self.time_passed, screen=self.screen)
            # Show our imagePygame.display.update () tells you how to view native fonts in your system. Pygame.font-get_fonts (), this function will get all native font files in your system. However, when we had Chinese in our game, we had to choose a font that supported Chinese, otherwise it wouldn't work.Copy the code

  1. Implement the DestroyAnimationMixin class, which is mainly used to display self-destruct animations of aircraft or enemy aircraft
# Mixin class to display aircraft self-destruct animation, can be used for aircraft and enemy aircraft self-destruct animation display
class DestroyAnimationMixin(a):

    def show_destroy_animation(self, time_passed, destroy_time=200):
        An animation is an animation that moves between several images too quickly for our eyes to recognize, so it is considered dynamic. This is called an animation :param time_passed: the time since the last image was drawn, in ms: Param Destroy_time: Total display time of self-destruct animation in ms ""

        # Because we have four self-destructing pictures, which need to be displayed in sequence, first of all, the effect of animation
        # self.destroy_image_position indicates which chapter will self-destruct images, starting from zero
        Set self.destroyed to True if the value is greater than or equal to 4
        if self.destroy_image_position >= 4:
            self.destroyed = True

        # Load self-destruct images in sequence
        if self.time_passed >= destroy_time / 4:
            self.image = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(source_dir, self.destroy_images[self.destroy_image_position])).convert_alpha()
            self.destroy_image_position += 1
            self.time_passed = 0
            self.time_passed += time_passed
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  1. Realization of aircraft class, complete the main operation of the aircraft. Aircraft operations include: aircraft position, aircraft bullets, firing bullets and so on.
DestroyAnimationMixin > DestroyAnimationMixin > DestroyAnimationMixin > DestroyAnimationMixin > DestroyAnimationMixin
class Plan(DestroyAnimationMixin):
    def __init__(self, image_path=os.path.join(source_dir,'plan.png'), background_size=(480.700)):
        ":param image_path: plane image address :param background_size: game window size"
        self.background_size = background_size
        self.image = pygame.image.load(image_path).convert_alpha()
        self.image_size = self.image.get_size()
        self.position = [(background_size[0]-self.image_size[0) /2.500]
        # The distance the aircraft moves per flight
        self.every_time_move_distance = 0.5
        # Airplane bullets
        self.bullets = []
        # destroy association Attributes
        # Start self-destruct
        self.start_destroy = False
        # End self-destruct
        self.destroyed = False
        # Self-destruct images
        self.destroy_images = ['me_destroy_1.png'.'me_destroy_2.png'.'me_destroy_3.png'.'me_destroy_4.png']
        # Self-destruct image position
        self.destroy_image_position = 0
        # Time since the last image was drawn
        self.time_passed = 0

    def update(self, direction):
        Update aircraft position :param direction: Aircraft moving direction

    def shut(self, image_path=os.path.join(source_dir,'bullet.png')):
        "Aircraft firing bullets: Param image_path: Bullet image"

    def draw_bullets(self, time_passed, screen):
        "" Draws all bullets from the plane :param time_passed: Time since the last time the image was drawn :param screen: to which window" "
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  1. Realization of enemy aircraft class, complete the main operations of the enemy aircraft. Mainly used to update location.
DestroyAnimationMixin > DestroyAnimationMixin > DestroyAnimationMixin > DestroyAnimationMixin > DestroyAnimationMixin
class Enemy(DestroyAnimationMixin):
    def __init__(self, image_path=os.path.join(source_dir, 'enemy1.png'), speed=2000, background_size=(480.700)):
        ":param image_path: enemy plane image address :param speed: enemy plane time to move the entire window, in ms, speed: param background_size: game window size"
        self.image = pygame.image.load(image_path).convert_alpha()
        self.speed = background_size[1] / speed
        self.background_size = background_size
        self.position = [random.randint(0, background_size[0]-self.image.get_size()[0]), -self.image.get_size()[1]]
        # Start self-destruct
        self.start_destroy = False
        # Self-destruct completed
        self.destroyed = False
        # Self-destruct image path
        self.destroy_images = ['enemy1_down1.png'.'enemy1_down2.png'.'enemy1_down3.png'.'enemy1_down3.png']
        # Time since the last image was drawn
        self.time_passed = 0
        # destrucy_images in self.destroy_images position
        self.destroy_image_position = 0

    def update(self, time_passed):
        Update enemy location :param time_passed: Time since last drawing :return: ""
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  1. Realize the bullet class, complete the main operation of the bullet
# Aircraft bullets
class Bullet(a):
    def __init__(self, image_path=os.path.join(source_dir,'bullet.png'), background_size=(480.700), plan=None, speed=1000):
        ":param image_path: bullet image address :param background_size: Game window size: param plan: plane object :param speed: bullet flying speed"
        self.image = pygame.image.load(image_path).convert_alpha()
        self.background_size = background_size
        self.speed = background_size[1] / speed
        # Whether bullets hit enemy aircraft
        self.destroyed = False
        self.position = self._get_position(plan)

    def _get_position(self, plan):
        Param plan: aircraft object ""
        bullet_size = self.image.get_size()
        plan_width = plan.image_size[0]
        x = (plan_width-bullet_size[0) /2
        return [plan.position[0] + x, plan.position[1]]

    def update(self, time_passed):
        "Change bullet position :param time_passed: Time since last drawing"
        If the bullet goes off screen or hits enemy aircraft, set self.position[1] to -100 and remove it at plan.draw
        if self.position[1] + self.image.get_size()[1] < =0 or self.destroyed:
            self.position[1] = - 100.

        # Change in distance = time * speed
        self.position[1] -= time_passed * self.speed
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Now that we’re done, we just need to use Game().run() to run our Game.

You can get the complete code and the package.