Employees’ working hours are generally set according to the company’s rules and regulations. Of course, there are different practices in different locations. Such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen these key big cities, overtime is relatively more. However, according to the author’s opinion, the working time is usually 7-8 hours a day, but if the personal work has been completed, you can leave early, the time is optional, more humane.

The day before yesterday, I was chatting with my friends in an IT group. Someone mentioned a 996 time system. He works from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. six days a week. However, he said the system was withdrawn after only two weeks because so many employees submitted resignation letters because of it. Therefore, I would like to tell you that the working hours of these employees are made according to the management system of different companies, and different companies in different cities have different practices.

Anyway, in my company, I want a humane system. Of course, the author is in Haikou, many companies in Haikou are still very humane, do not require everyone to work overtime, personal needs. Therefore, the author said to the entrepreneurs, small companies have small company practices, large companies have large company practices, as far as possible to employees have a certain human practices, so that more can retain good employees.