
Hello, I’m XY 👨🏻💻. In the last article, WE explained how to use Vite2 + Vue3 + TypeScript + Pinia to build an enterprise-level development scaffolding. Today, I share 5 open source and excellent MIDDLE background management system templates based on Vue3. X and Naive UI to help you develop a middle background management system quickly

Naive UI Admin

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Introduction: Naive Ui Admin is completely free and commercially available, based on Vue3.0, Vite, Naive Ui, TypeScript middle and back end solutions that use the latest front-end stacks and refine typical business models, pages, Including secondary packaging components, dynamic menu, authority check, particle authority control and other functions, it can help you quickly build enterprise level in the background project, I believe that whether it is the use of new technology or other aspects, can help you.

  • Secondary encapsulation applies to highly extensible components
  • Responsive, multi-topic, multi-configuration, fast integration, out of the box
  • Latest technology stack, using Vue3, Typescript, Pinia, Vite and other cutting-edge technologies
  • The powerful authentication system supports three authentication modes, such as routes, menus, and function points, to meet different service authentication requirements
  • Continuous updates, practical page template functions and interactions, random combinations, make it easy to build pages

Admin Work

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Admin Work, Vue Admini Work series is the most mature and perfect in the background framework, comprehensive system configuration, high-quality templates, commonly used components, real one-stop out of the box using the most popular Vue3 UI library -NaiveUI

  • It uses the most popular technical framework today: Vue3 + Vite2 + Typescript + Navie UI
  • Front-end control route permission and back-end control route mode are supported
  • Mock support, completely independent of the background
  • Provides a lot of MXIN code blocks, easy to integrate various functions
  • Built-in a large number of common components, such as uploads, message prompts, etc
  • Support multi-theme, multi-layout switch

Soybean Admin

Warehouse address:

Introduction: Soybean Admin is a free backend template based on Vue3, Vite, Naive UI, TypeScript. It uses the latest front-end technology stack, built-in rich plug-ins, has a high code specification, out of the box backend front-end solution, also can be used for learning reference.

  • Latest technology stack: Developed using Vue3/ VITe2 and other cutting-edge technologies, using the efficient NPM package manager PNPM
  • TypeScript: the application-level JavaScript language
  • Topics: Rich configurable topics
  • Code specification: Rich specification plug-ins and extremely high code specification
  • Route configuration: Simple route configuration


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A Vue. Js 3.x & TypeScript & Vite management platform scaffolding, including basic authentication and authentication, is relatively clean and can be used directly


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Vue 3 + Naive UI + TSX + Vite

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