The development of smart contracts is still in its infancy! There are tools you can use to create, monitor, and visualize your smart contracts, and here we pick out five that you should pay attention to.


Easy access to the Ethereum blockchain through a browser!

MetaMask is a browser extension available for Chrome, Firefox, and Opera that allows anyone to interact with the Ethereum blockchain in the simplest way possible! With MetaMask, you can access or create a new Ethereum address, easily send contracts and confirm transactions to other addresses in order to interact with Ethereum’s decentralized applications (DApps).

To enable users to access and view blockchain information with a single click, MetaMask allows developers to build excellent blockchain applications like CryptoKitties and EthDelta!


Infura provides scalable and secure Ethereum nodes for developers to use.

When starting blockchain development, some of the deal-breaking situations may be because the blockchain is available on your device! Thanks to Infura, you can use web3.js to access any data through the API they provide.

Infura offers anyone a set of free nodes where you can query block information, all kinds of transaction data. On their website, it shows more than 500 million requests handled daily and more than 9000 developers in use.

To use Infura, you need an API key, which you can get by registering on their website. You don’t want to do things that aren’t allowed, because they might be expensive, so they can’t be handled. Examples are new blocks and event listeners.

Remix IDE

Remix IDE a powerful Web-based Ethereum development IDE.

ReMix provides a Web interface that helps you write, deploy, and interact with smart contracts. It can be used directly, but because the project is open source, you can also do secondary development based on it.

The interface can seem a bit complicated at times, but it’s really powerful. It comes with a code analyzer that helps you write better code with hints, and a debugger that lets you run your code step by step. When ReMix is running in the browser and connected to the Ethereum blockchain via Metamask, you can deploy directly to any Ethereum network, even your own private test blockchain.


DAppBoard is the ethereum smart contract analysis platform.

DAppBoard is a new Ethereum blockchain browser. With this tool, you can easily visualize how smart contracts and decentralized applications (Dapps) work. How many users are using decentralized applications, how much Ether is processed by smart contracts. You can also visually see global information and compare games and tokens on the blockchain.

The DAppBoard is still in its early stages, but in the future it may provide an API that will greatly speed up the development of Taifang smart contracts and empower creators to use their applications with a bird ‘s-eye view.


Pragma is an easy-to-use IDE for ethereum smart contract development. Pragma is a tool very similar to the Remix IDE that lets you write, deploy, and interact with smart contracts directly from the browser. It’s more restrictive than Remix, but easier to understand and use! After deploying your contract, you can even share a user interface that allows users to interact with smart contracts in a very simple way. This is a key feature because the user doesn’t need to install anything (just have Meta MetaMask is ok), and you don’t have to do any front-end development.

Pragma is a tool for GO language Ethereum developers, it’s just a variety of try and test Solidity features.

If you’re learning Ethereum, how about using one of our recommended tools? If you want to go a little deeper, recommend:

  • Ethereum development, mainly introduces smart contract and DAPP application development, suitable for entry.
  • Ethereum tutorial, mainly introduces the use of Node.js, mongodb, blockchain, IPFS to achieve decentralized e-commerce DApp combat, suitable for advanced.

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