Basic usage

// No arguments multiple arguments need to be wrapped around ()
const fn = () = >5
const fnG = (num1,num2) = >num1 + num2
Function blocks containing more than one statement are wrapped with {} and returned with a return
const fJ = (a,b) = >{
    let c = a+b;
    let d = c+19;
    return d
// Return an object {}
let getObj = () = >({name:'Joe'.age:18})
let getObj1 = () = >{
    return {
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Pay attention to the point

// 1 This is where the arrow function is most useful. This is no longer the object that is defined dynamically instead of the object that is used
// 2 arrow functions cannot be used as constructors
// Arguments cannot be used inside arrow functions
// 4 cannot be used as a generator
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Examples demonstrate

// See the code
function Person(){ = 'Joe'
    this.say = function(){
        console.log('This is my nameThe ${}`); 
    this.say = this.say.bind(this)
    // this.say = ()=>{
    // console.log(' This is my name ${} ');
    // }
let person = new Person()
let res = person.say
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Use time

// When the arrow function is used
// 1 If a short statement returns a simple expression return num + num 2 There is no reference to this inside the function
// No reference of its own (recursive)
// 2 Internal need to call VAT self = this call bind also applies to the arrow function
// 3 There is nothing wrong with using arrow functions as long as it is a callback function
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Scenarios where arrow functions are not applicable

  1. Call this in the EVENT of a DOM binding to get the value of one of its properties

    document.querySelector('#textBtn').oninput = () = > {
       console.log(this.value); // undefined
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  2. Change this of the arrow function with call, apply, and bind

    // apply
    const A = (age, gender) = > {
      this.age = age;
      this.gender = gender;
    const a = {};
    A.apply(a, [18.'gender']);
    console.log(a); / / {}
    // bind
    const test = () = > {
    	console.log(this.gender); // window.gender => undefined
    const obj = {
    	gender: 'male'};const bindTest = test.bind(obj);
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  3. Think of the arrow function as a constructor

    const A = () = > {};
    const a = new A(); / / an error
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  4. Use arguments objects in constructors

    const a = () = > {
      console.log(arguments); // arguments undefined
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  5. Use the arrow as a generator

    const a = *() = > {}; // The compiler has a syntax error
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