4. Add, delete and modify rows of Oracle database SQL development

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Perform add, modify, and DELETE operations on database tables using the following SQL statements: INSERT,UPDATE, and DELETE. The COMMIT statement can be used to permanently save changes to rows, and the ROLLBACK statement can be used to undo changes to rows.

1. Add rows to the table

View the Customers table.

SQL> desc customers;

 Name                                             Null?   Type

 ————————————————- —————————-

 CUSTOMER_ID                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 FIRST_NAME                                NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)

 LAST_NAME                                 NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)

 DOB                                                          DATE

 PHONE                                                     VARCHAR2(12)

Find that the CUSTOMER_ID, FIRST_NAME, and LAST_NAME columns are NOT NULL and you must provide values for these columns. DOB and PHONE do not need to provide values.

Insert as follows:

SQL> insert into customers (

   customer_id,first_name,last_name,dob,phone ) values (


Then look at

SQL> select * from customers;



———– ———- ———- ———————

           6 Fred      Brown    01-JAN-70 800-555-1215

           1 John      Brown   01-JAN-65 800-555-1211

           2 Cynthia   Green     05-FEB-68 800-555-1212

           3 Steve     White     16-MAR-71 800-555-1213

           4 Gail      Black                  800-555-1214

           5 Doreen    Blue       20-MAY-70

6 rows selected.

2. Modify existing rows in the table

Use the UPDATE statement to modify existing rows in the table.

Such as:

SQL>update customers set last_name=’Orange’ where customer_id=2;


1 row updated.

SQL>select * from customers where customer_id=2;


———– ———- ———- ———————

           2 Cynthia   Orange   05-FEB-68 800-555-1212

3. Delete rows from the table

The DELETE statement is used to DELETE rows from a table. Typically, a WHERE clause is used to restrict the rows that you want to delete.

SQL> delete from customers wherecustomer_id=6;


1 row deleted.


SQL> rollback;


Rollback complete.

Use COMMIT to permanently save changes made to rows.