👋👋 original link: a few words for programmers

  1. If the code isn’t tested, it doesn’t work.

  2. Source code is your friend, make sure you use it.

  3. Just because you wrote some code doesn’t mean you own it, so don’t be offended if your team members have to change your code.

  4. Don’t duplicate the wheel. An existing wheel or code base can help. Search.

  5. If you have ideas and you don’t implement them, that doesn’t mean they’re crap.

  6. The source code just tells the compiler what to do, but the compiler doesn’t necessarily do it (compiler optimization).

  7. Do code reviews actively, and don’t do code reviews with arrogance.

  8. Unintelligible code is hard to maintain, so keep comments in place.

  9. Hard-to-maintain code is almost useless.

  10. Learn to read between the lines from business requirements and translate them into technical requirements.

  11. The neater your code layout, the easier your code will be to read. The easier it is to read, the easier it is to understand and maintain.

  12. Code doesn’t comment itself, your comments help others understand, and more importantly, they help you understand, you might understand now, but what about five years from now?

  13. Bad code will often come back to haunt you.

  14. Work that rarely takes 5 minutes takes at least half a day.

  15. The mana value is very bad.

  16. By always documenting your code, you’re not only helping others, you’re actually helping yourself.

  17. Project managers always expect you to do two days’ work in one day.

  18. If you have a bug in your product, your users will find it.

  19. It’s not the amount of code that matters, it’s the quality of the code, because everyone can write if else, but not everyone uses the policy pattern.

  20. Remember: Code review is not a criticism of your code, so don’t worry about it.

  21. The biggest cost of bad code is in running, in maintenance.

  22. Fixing bugs in your code can improve your coding and improve your understanding.

  23. You have to improve your skills all the time, otherwise you might be out of the whole industry.

  24. If the user doesn’t ask for a feature, don’t add it.

  25. If the code isn’t tested, it doesn’t work (yes, I know I’ve included it twice, but it’s really important).

  26. If you write code that makes you feel good, don’t be complacent, because someone, somewhere, will write better code than you.

  27. When testing your code, test your code for recurring and boundary cases.

  28. Never trust user input, always censor it.

  29. Always consider buffer overflows on a daily basis.

  30. You spend more time thinking about how to write code than you do writing code.

  31. Requirement change is the most hated thing of all.

  32. Remember that your success will depend more on your soft skills and how you present problems and their solutions than on your technical abilities.

  33. When you see that some of your ideas make it into the product and a lot of them get scrapped, don’t take it personally because that’s the way things work.

  34. Use version control, which will save you when it matters.

  35. Love your job, not your company, and you never know when your company will stop loving you.

  36. There’s always going to be someone younger and more talented than you, and the salary reversals over the years are a good example of that.

Finally, 💪 would like to recommend my own Github, which has a lot of hardcore articles, will definitely help you.