Text /Paweł Białecki translated by Mantra Text: medium.com/app-coder-i…

Summary of warehouse resource address at the end of the article

1. IGListKit by Instagram Engineering


2. Realm by realm.io


3. Moya by Ash Furrow


4. SwiftyJSON by Pinglin Tang

In Swift, the absolute trump card used to parse JSON.

Convert this:

if let statusesArray = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .allowFragments) as? [[String: Any]],
    let user = statusesArray[0] ["user"] as? [String: Any],
    let username = user["name"] as? String {
    // Finally we got the username
}Copy the code


let json = JSON(data: dataFromNetworking)
if let userName = json[0] ["user"] ["name"].string {
 // Now you got your value
}Copy the code


5. Valet by Square

Valet lets you securely store data in an iOS or OS X Keychain without needing to know how it works. It supports sharing data between multiple applications (the same developer) on a single device, as well as sharing data within the same application between different devices with iCloud. There is absolutely no problem between Touch IDS!


6. Firebase Analytics by Google Developers


7. AsyncDisplayKit



8. DZNEmptyDataSet

The user installs your application and sees a blank UITableView. DZNEmptyDataSet can help you avoid this blank case by providing a default schema for empty datasets.


9. Chameleon by Vicc Alexander

With Chameleon, you can save time constantly changing RGB values for your application’s color palette and never worry about whether your text is readable in the application’s various background colors.


10. PermissionScope by Nick O’Neill


11. FileKit by Nikolai Vazquez


12. SwiftyUserDefaults by Radek Pietruszewski

SwiftyUserDefaults allows users to combine the expression Swifty API with the benefits of static typing by default. You can easily define keys, easily use type values, more security, and easier compile checking, and these better services are all free.


13. Kingfisher by Wang Wei


14. Hero by Luke Zhao


15. Hedwig by Wang Wei


16. DeviceKit by Dennis Weissmann

DeviceKit is a value type replacement for UIDevice. Easy access to device information and battery power.


17. Charts


18. MGSwipeTableCell

An easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that implements sliding buttons with various transformations.


19. RandomKit by Nikolai Vazquez

Littlebitesofcocoa.com/285-generat… GitHub:github.com/nvzqz/Rando…

20. ResponseDetective

ResponseDetective is a non-intrusive framework for intercepting any outgoing requests and incoming responses between the application and the server for debugging purposes.

www.netguru.co/blog/respon… GitHub:github.com/netguru/Res…

21. Onboard


Quick + Nimble by no o hi hi kashii

GitHub: github.com/Quick/Quick GitHub: github.com/Quick/Nimbl…

23. Natalie by Marcin Krzyzanowski

Natalie generates Swift code based on storyboard files that make it easier for Storyboards and Segues to work. The generated file reduces the use of Strings as a Segues or Storyboard identifier.


24. RxSwift by ReactiveExtensions*


25. GDPerformanceView by Daniil Gavrilov


26. Alamofire

www.appcoda.com/alamofire-b… GitHub:github.com/Alamofire/A…

27. SwiftyStoreKit by Andrea Bizzotto


28. Timepiece by AnyType

Intuitive date handling in Swift.


29. CryptoSwift by Marcin Krzyzanowski

Swift encryption-related functions and parts.


30. FSCalendar


31. ImageViewer by Kristian Angyal

High copy Twitter ImageViewer


32. PromiseKit


33. Ensembles by Drew McCormack


TL; DR list of libraries for quick access:

IGListKit[UICollectionView Framework] -> pod ‘IGListKit’ ‘~> 2.0.0’ 2, Realm [Mobile Database] -> POD ‘RealmSwift’ 3, Moya [Encapsulated Network Layer] -> POD ‘Moya’, Parsing parsing -> Boot parsing -> Boot parsing -> Boot parsing -> Boot parsing 5, AsyncDisplayKit [asynchronous UI SDK] ->pod ‘AsyncDisplayKit’ DZNEmptyDataSet[empty State pattern] -> pod ‘DZNEmptyDataSet’ Chameleon [Flat Colors Framework] -> pod ‘ChameleonFramework/Swift’, : git = > ‘https://github.com/ViccAlexander/Chameleon.git’ 10, PermissionScope [iOS permissions framework] – > pod 11, FileKit [file management] -> pod ‘FileKit’, 13, Kingfisher [image downloading] -> Complete range of complete range range of downloading pod ‘Kingfisher’, ‘~> 3.0’ 14, Hero [Custom View Controller Transitions] -> POD ‘Hero’ 15, Hedwig [Email sending] 16, DeviceKit [device Info] -> pod ‘DeviceKit’, ‘~> 1.0’ 17, Charts [well… Charts] -> pod ‘charts’ 18, MGSwipeTableCell [swipeable table cells] -> pod ‘MGSwipeTableCell’ 19, RandomKit [random numbers generation] -> pod ‘RandomKit’, [Debug network Requests] -> Pod ‘ResponseDetective’, Onboard [user onboarding] -> pod ‘Onboard’ 22, Quick + Nimble [BDD testing] -> Nimble’ Quick’ pod ’23, Natalie [Code generating from storyboard] Reactive Programming -> Reactive programming -> Reactive programming -> Reactive programming -> Reactive programming 25, GDPerformanceView [real time FPS and CPU usage] -> pod ‘GDPerformanceView-Swift’, ‘~> 1.1.0’ 26, netamofire [networking] -> netamofire 24, ‘~> battery life ‘-> Device [date helper] -> Device ‘Timepiece’ -> Device ‘Timepiece’ 29, ImageViewer [Twitter] -> POD ‘CryptoSwift’ 30, FSCalendar [Calendar] -> pod ‘FSCalendar’ 31, ImageViewer [Twitter Inspired ImageViewer] -> promiseViewer [promises] -> promiseViewer ‘, Ensemble [Core Data synchronization] -> pod ‘Ensembles’