Source: programmer Cxuan

In the first half of this year, I devoted myself to writing about the operating system. Some of you knew that I had been writing about the operating system, and some of you didn’t. Whether you knew it or not, you should know by now.

Since February, I’ve posted more than a dozen hardcore articles on operating systems, and now I’ve compiled them all into a PDF, which you can check out in the table of contents


  • Understanding the operating system
  • Processes and threads
  • Memory management
  • File management
  • I/O
  • A deadlock
  • Operating system interview questions
  • Core concepts of the operating system

Each chapter has a mind map

And errors in the book that I flagged

I did 99% of the drawings with my hands. Many friends asked me what I used to make the picture. This is the use of the Mac keynote drawing.

This PDF is a total of **306** pages, 17W words, I think this should be the first operating system PDF in the whole network, I hope you can treasure it.

It is simply used up my experience of half a year, painstaking work, now free to share with you.

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