
As the fragmented life becomes more and more common, most people prefer to read summary articles, which has a certain relationship with the time cost. In order to save readers’ time, this paper also summarizes a collection of free resources other than books and MOOC courses, mainly collecting network resources in the past year. The list covers a wide range of resources, from those for beginners to those who want to improve themselves. In addition, each field is further divided accordingly to facilitate readers to find their own content of interest. Note: The resources listed in this article are not presented in any particular order, so feel free to focus on the content that appeals to you the most. In addition, I would like to thank the authors of these resources, without their hard work, we would not be able to learn from these wonderful content to enjoy the content.

Five very useful machine learning resources

Interested in learning machine learning? Many say yes. For a number of reasons, most high-quality machine learning educational resources tend to focus on the theoretical basis, especially at the beginning of the resource. However, the number of resources that have been practical-oriented from the start seems to be growing. With the further upgrading of resources, more and more resources integrate practice and theory, making it easier for readers to understand the relevant theoretical basis through practice.

The links above cover five of these resources, covering the basics of machine learning, as well as the use of zero-based programming algorithms and specific deep learning frameworks. The range is wide and free, so feel free to read up and get your hands on it!

Learn more about deep learning with 5 free resources

Interested in further understanding neural networks and deep learning and mastering basic introductory tutorials and videos. The links above contain five specific videos that together make up many hours of instruction. If you’ve already mastered some of the basics of neural networks, it’s time to touch on and understand some more advanced concepts.

Five very useful natural language processing (NLP) resources

Interested in some practical natural language processing resources? There are many NLP resources on the web, especially those that rely on deep learning methods, and it can be a daunting task for readers to sift through them to find high-quality resources. Of course, the eyes of the masses are clear, and some famous high-quality resources with theoretical depth are welcomed by the masses, especially the NLP deep learning courses of Stanford university and Oxford University:

  • Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning (Stanford University)
  • Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing (Oxford)

But what if you’ve completed these courses, and you’ve laid the groundwork in NLP and want to move on to some practical resources, or are just interested in other approaches that might not necessarily rely on neural networks?
The following linksI hope it will help you.

Five free resources for an in-depth introduction to natural language processing

Interested in applying deep learning to natural language processing (NLP)? Or don’t know how to get started? This link is a collection of five resources for laypeople that cross-apply both NLP and deep learning and provide the best current research results. In addition. It should also provide some ideas on how to proceed. Hopefully this collection will be of some use to you.

Five free introduction to artificial intelligence courses

Looking for an AI solution for an entry-level graduate school from materials available for free online? As more colleges and universities decide to allow non-students to publicly access their college course materials via the Web, suddenly a college course experience is available to almost anyone, anywhere. Check out these free course materials, all of which are suitable for a scientific understanding of AI, and some of which cover concepts and materials for basic applications.

The professors and materials in these open courses have played a significant role in shaping the thinking of some of the world’s top AI researchers and practitioners. You, too, will benefit from this material and guidance.

Five free resources for getting started on autonomous vehicles

Interested in autonomous vehicles? Not sure how to get started? There are few formal educational resources available on autonomous driving, so those interested in learning about it must do so with a hacker mentality. This article has compiled a list of five resources to help novices find a direction that interests them, all of which are free and hopefully useful to readers.

This article is translated by Ali Yunqi Community Organization.

30 Free Resources for Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP & AI

The original link

This article is the original content of the cloud habitat community, shall not be reproduced without permission.