Many mobile apps and websites are designed based on the design style of minimalism. Minimalism itself does not focus on all information, but highlights specific content by reducing non-key information, which has strong functionality and bias. It has the following characteristics:

· Simple and clear

· Expressive visual hierarchy

· Contrasting proportional control

· Every element has a function

· Lots of white space

· High attention to core details

· Excellent typographic design

· Remove non-functional decorative elements

Brutalist design is all the rage in 2017, with uIs dedicated to brighter colors, rustic and even primitive design elements, and complex layouts and anti-pattern typography to bring back the characteristics of early web design and even the texture of the 1980s and 1990s. It’s obviously original, and whether you like it or not, it’s a popular design style that can’t be ignored.

The bold integration of virtual fonts and real pictures was also a popular design technique last year. This kind of design technique enables fonts to have a visual experience integrated into real scenes, which is harmonious and pleasing to the eye.

In the web page, the Banner is the most attractive content to users, they are not only visually prominent enough, but also can convey information, convey emotions, strengthen the theme. The addition of dynamic effect makes the Banner chart on the first screen more attractive and more attractive.

Illustration has a strong customizability, which also makes it more and more appear in UI and web design, it is not only easier to be perceived by users, can better carry the creative, but also can bring more controllable style and tonality. In addition, good illustrations can also delete the user experience and improve accessibility.

If you look closely, you’ll see that many designers are keen to use a full-screen layout, where visual elements such as pictures and videos are not limited by borders. This layout is more spacious and doesn’t feel like breaking boundaries.

When it comes to motion design, you will find it more and more mature in 2017, with more and more interactions and more and more apps offering compelling user experiences. As we move forward, UI dynamics will get better and better.

8, friendly to the UI of brand design many famous brands in 2017 with the weight of its own brand in the design, after been redesigned, the element such as the brand LOGO got different degree of simplified and optimized for digital product, for the UI is more friendly, and almost every brand made a dynamic version of the LOGO.

9, monochrome UI in order to make the UI and product more functional, many designers tend to use monochrome color scheme, so the design of the UI does look more fashionable, the most critical is monochrome color, the content is more prominent, the user is not easy to be distracted. However, designers need to invest more time in polishing the design before the UI becomes boring.

Dark backgrounds often create more elegant, formal designs, and allow for a more consistent experience across different environments. By contrast, most digital product pages are designed this way, not text-based websites.

Light text Backgrounds This is a design trend that goes hand in hand with dark backgrounds, where white or light colored blocks are used to carry text, ensuring readability of text content while maintaining overall elegance.

More and more new fonts are coming into designers’ sight, and many experienced designers pay special attention to the collocation of fonts. In 2017 we saw a number of excellent serif + non-serif font combinations that not only create good contrast, but also make the overall typographic design more layered.

Experimental grid system designers are getting more and more creative, even grids can play new tricks. By customizing and creating experimental grid systems, designers were able to create more flexible and original layouts that used various visual elements creatively. However, experimental raster systems typically require multiple iterations and testing to ensure usability.

In 2017, landing pages began to be presented in a variety of ways. Both enterprise websites and e-commerce websites are becoming more and more practical in the design of landing pages. They begin to pay more and more attention to the problems that users care most about and strive to improve the conversion rate of landing pages. Through market research and testing, the design of landing pages is becoming more and more friendly, flexible and original almost everywhere.

Parallax scrolling is still popular. After all, scrolling is the most relaxed and free way of interaction. Parallax scrolling itself can promote users’ continuous interaction, which also makes diverse and creative parallax widely used in web pages and mobile apps.

16, the popularity of video content promotion video content is a general trend that we all see, which also makes video content has become the favorite of marketing and operation personnel, more and more video promotional content began to appear. Video content can be combined with visual and auditory effects on users, while animation and graphic design content can also be appropriately integrated to better serve the product and improve conversion rate.

Gamification of UX design is an obvious way to improve the product experience. It not only improves the entertainment of the product, but also makes the product more suitable for users’ needs and humanity. Challenges, rewards, points, achievement systems, badges, leaderboards, social media mechanics, etc., all of these increase user engagement, and there is no doubt that UX will improve.

The advantage of card layout is its degree of freedom, which is enough to carry various types of elements and modules with different functions. It has unified aesthetic characteristics and is easy to read and interact, making a great contribution to a more coordinated design.

19, stylized geometric elements Geometric elements have not vulgar decorative, and it can be matched with different design styles, so that the overall design of visual fullness and experience to improve, different geometric elements can also create different emotions and atmosphere.

Experimental color scheme designers never stop exploring color. Experimental color schemes are not always perfect, but because colors themselves convey different types of emotions, experimental color schemes can often convey stronger emotions and unique experiences due to their uniqueness.

In the past, designers would use Lorem Ipsum to fill content in the design stage, but now people have started to consciously use real content to fill the interface, to ensure that the visual content is realistic.

A variety of design trends emerge in endlessly, which shows the heart of designers to explore. Beautiful vision, comfortable experience, smooth motion effect, natural sound, today’s UI design requirements are really higher and higher. Some of the 21 trends mentioned above are likely to die out, but most should survive. In order to better design, designers worldwide will spare no effort to advance and discover.

Edit: Thousand front UI design