This article is participating in node.js advanced technology essay, click to see more details


Some articles were written to teach others things, is ask others to write some articles, there is no doubt that this article belongs to the latter, because the author too, and this trend, there is need to the knowledge storage of the large and long term for the keen observation of the industry, there is no doubt that these I all have no, so this article is mainly to write as a rookie, I From my own feelings to talk about, 2022, Node.js is still worth learning, may deviate from the theme, may also write very bad, I hope everyone to forgive and advice (if the topic is too serious I will delete)

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What is learning node.js?

Node. Js is what? Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment built on Chrome’s JavaScript engine called V8. We can run our javascript code without the browser, and we can also use it to write the server. Because the topic of the article is not clear, so this article is understood to learn node.js is to learn how to use Node.js server development

Who is the question for?

Is Node.js worth learning? Who is this question for? Is it for client development? Is it for back-end development? Obviously not. Ninety-nine percent of backend and client developers do not choose Node.js as their first development language, so I think this question is for all of you front-end developers! 🤓

So in 2022, front-end development still need to learn Node.js, as a front-end development, I think of course to learn, and must learn! There are several reasons for this

Why do we need to learn Node.js

First, workplace needs

What does the technology industry look at first when it comes to technology prospects? Is there a better way to implement this technology? How feasible is this technology? Of course it’s all right to look at this, but is that what we need to think about? No! That’s what the tech gurus have to think about. We can’t see it. What are we looking at? See position demand!

Is the most intuitive reflect the recruitment requirements, we can take a look at the open recruitment software, take the example of intermediate front end position, there are eight will require ten inside have node. Js development capability or have the experience to develop the back-end (including node. Js), so to speak, a technology have a cold, not by mouth to say, is to see the market demand.

When we look at some large factory recruitment information, whether foreign or Chinese enterprises, the basic will also see node.js words, large factory use on behalf of what? First, it represents the leadership of the industry, and second, it also represents the contribution to technology. After all, big companies like to contribute to open source projects, so in this respect, Node.js is undoubtedly a technology we must learn

Second, low learning cost

I believe all of you at the front know Atwood’s law

Atwood’s law: Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript, Eventually it will all be written in JavaScript.

How, front-end students see the words in the smile, even a little proud, it is not, of course, we are in the hi, in the front end of the development in recent years history, the front-end written from a web page to write data to the back-end separation before and after the end, to the web APP, PC, PC client, small program solutions across the end, We can even use JS to complete the development from the front end to the back end, from the PC end to the mobile end, and even to other intelligent terminals, which shows what, shows that the front end is becoming stronger step by step, even strong to pose a threat to other client development, which also confirms the correctness of Atwood’s law.

Front-end not only has a rapid development on the cross-terminal, but also shows amazing capabilities in the application. A large number of online tools such as online forms, online live broadcasts, online flow charts, etc. When you enter a WEBSITE and you can use the function you want at any time, will you still download an APP? Most people will still download a client out of old habits, but in the near future, you’ll be more likely to enter a link than download an APP.

So what are the reasons for this phenomenon? Is it because the front-end language is perfect? I don’t think so. More importantly, it is cheap to learn, and anyone who is familiar with any code can write a simple Web application and run it in a browser, without having to build a bunch of development environments like other languages. As bad as this Web application might be, it’s still a Web application, right? The simplicity of learning has given it a large audience, and the code written by the best people can be more widely distributed.

Using node. Js writing a grammar of the service side is the js, is learned several API, we can also use while learning, than the us to learn a new backend language much faster, now most of the domestic company personnel structure is likely to be only a few Java, doesn’t even have the front-end, Java conveniently put the front end of work to do, But is it possible that the situation will be reversed one day? Recruit a few front-end, the back-end of the work on the dry, but also conveniently write a mobile terminal, H5, small program, PC client, which boss can refuse it, although node.js may still have a lot of bugs and many technologies are not mature enough, with the increase of user volume, I believe that these will not be a problem eventually

Node.js will stay cool for quite a while

A lot of the negativity about Node.js is that it’s gone out of fashion, it’s gone out of fashion, but that’s not true either in terms of big front-end trends or market demand. Even if Node.js is going to go out of fashion, we don’t have to worry about it now. Unless it has a major bug that could cause a serious security breach, it is unlikely to be completely abandoned in a short period of time. After all, there are so many projects that use this technology, it is not just refactoring, and even though jQuery is “cool”, it still has a place in the recruitment market. The front-end is currently dependent on the Node.js runtime environment, but using the same syntax, no additional environment can write a back-end service, who would refuse?

So don’t be afraid to learn Node.js. The programmer’s career is so short that you’ll probably be “retired” before Node.js is cool