In the first year of entering the front end in 2022, from a little white stumbling, fearful survival to the present


Set a small goal in 2022, I hope to take root in the front-end industry. I have never felt the crisis of age before, but now with every year, a group of post-1995 and even post-2000 generations around me feel that THEY have become an aunt. Was under 30 focus decided to change careers, a lot of determination, is engaged in the sales industry, before meet outbreak suddenly company a large number of layoffs, becoming one of them, don’t know should rejoice or unfortunately, unfortunately his unemployment from then on, the company spent 5 years, before their vitality, the most good for five years. Fortunately, I began to have a new beginning in the front end of this industry.

Career change process

At the end of October 2020, I resigned from the previous company, thinking that I should have a long holiday after working for five years, so I began to lie dead for half a year, eat, sleep and play games, and safeguard my rights and interests (the former company had forced layoffs without any compensation). I also started wandering around in a confused way. A 30-year-old woman was married and had no children. Starting a career change is certainly an unwise choice for many people. Under the advice of my former classmates, I was encouraged to try to break through myself, and I began to contact a bunch of unknown English letters. I was born with procrastination, so I didn’t start the training for half a year until April 2021, because I didn’t get in touch with this industry and still thought that systematic training would be better for my employment.

During the training, I was sitting next to those who had just graduated or worked for one or two years. I was still a maverick and felt uncomfortable and embarrassed, but I forced myself to stick to it. In the process of learning, I found that I still liked code, so I could stick to it with my love. In the learning process is also about to some teachers very professional, but not suitable for teaching in the process of teaching, after the end of the study, perhaps because working time is longer, or faster to find work, there can be no real development experience may heart empty, feel almost went to the first job, but the salary is too low, to 6 K, 4.5 K residency. Thinking about the first work to improve their skills, they began to work, as long as the company is small program development, test post is static page writing, training period or solid practice, all is very simple. The scale of the company is relatively small, mainly to do small programs and multi-terminal development, basically a month to complete three small programs, the work intensity is relatively large. It’s a great opportunity for me to connect. In one month’s work, I developed two small programs, but the company’s system was too imperfect and there was no formal contract. I happened to have an opportunity. Luckily, a colleague of the company introduced them to their friend’s company, which had perfect systems and was relatively formal. The interview process is bumpy, first round of technical interview, mainly is the foundation of basic knowledge, vue is given priority to, because the company is based on the development of the vue backstage management system, personnel, and then finished personnel interview but in my heart, there is no bottom, the main reason is likely to be older, also had no children would consider stability so there has been no reply, After two days notice I have a second technical end surface, end surface to the first question their meng force, what is the VVM, only heard MVVM the also don’t know, so I don’t know, say honest think didn’t listen to also can not talk nonsense, but technical manager also be kind, for check, may be the problem is partial, online also didn’t find out why, At the back of the problem is not very well, and now is waiting for the notice of the personnel, this time to 7 k in the city of xi ‘an is relatively quite low salary, the company for the 6.5 k, I was quite satisfied, no overtime, there are five social insurance and one housing fund, may also because their lives are partial to closer to home, so wages are relatively late, but just started, So contented, contented long happy bar! The company’s colleagues are also very good, the atmosphere is also good, usually not busy, so I want to learn more, let oneself become a technology master.

Presto work for almost three months are positive, the New Year began, also began to think about planning in the New Year plan, the deep study of how to get a front end, because the work is a mature framework, and some data change, repaired before learning the basics of all quick forget, so think of the first step to review the knowledge learned before, In front of this industry found really learn good front still need more efforts, the subject is too complex, also do not know from the start, so I decided to start combing the study plan, it is better to look at oneself how to complete the end of the year, before never asked myself, nor did the feasibility plan.

2022 plan

First, I plan from the technical aspect. I have two books on hand, vue.js and JavaScript Advanced Programming. After reading these two books, I will learn vue3 technology by video. Then I will learn node.js at the back end. What I learned before was not used in the project, and I do not understand some deep principles, so I need to deepen my impression and study. Understand the packaging tools, read the big man is to understand the deep things, also try to learn. For the time being, I plan to review the recent study every once in a while and comb through new plans

In other aspects of learning to strengthen, read more books, so that their spiritual level has also been improved. But a few specific books what books also have no plan, recently in see a “the world is qing Huan taste” yu Dan wrote, because the north University was driven by students off the platform, so Yu Dan in recent years also fade out of the screen, but talent can not be denied, may be suitable for different people, or very meaningful for their own this kind of rookie

Then, I need to discipline myself and plan my time reasonably so as not to become decadent. Tiktok Kuaishou has been uninstalled and the game (League of Legends mobile game) is still stored on my mobile phone, but I will not play it in the week. The most important thing is to start working on your body. As you get older, your body gets worse and worse. It’s important for programmers to work on their body, so keep yourself busy and stick to a running plan once or twice a week.

Finally, come on! A rookie… Make yourself a big shot

Writing for the first time, I hope not to spray, literary talent is not good, is to make a record in the most important stage of their life, so that they become more and more excellent