“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

My personal motto is to live up to food and love.

Compared with a year ago, I enjoyed campus life with my good sisters in the dormitory. At this time, I had some worries but also grew up a lot. Now, at least I have a job that can support me, I can do some things on my own, and my family gradually wants my advice on shopping and other things. In every way, I have become an adult, and I need to be responsible for my family and myself. Fortunately, I met a small company before graduation, the company environment is good, the work intensity is not much, the relationship between colleagues is also very harmonious, so I feel very good, just like a warm family. Here are some personal experiences and summaries:

I. Summary of the interview

When I don’t know what you lack, the interview can be a “litmus test”, the company environment easily boiled frog, stay longer easy to slack off, so time to face a few, and the interviews are also good, just about the same, is equivalent to the current company oneself also gains, know their own shortcomings, to 20, do the interview and analyse. There are three ancient provinces of my body, we should also have the thought of replay, their own efforts to learn technology, also want to hair technology post in nuggets, but the feeling is not on the table, are to do their own study notes. Later to consider writing technical posts, or with the majority of digging friends exchange.

2. Career planning

I have only been working for more than a year now, and I am a rookie who has no entrance to any door. I really envy the technology masters for the bottom of the technology class, so I am very eager to become a big bull. However, the technology is too impatient to be hot tofu, so I have to step by step. The current plan is to lay a solid foundation, think more before knocking on the code, find more reference schemes, at least to ensure the quality of the code. Behind the words more like Daniel learning, more research algorithm and source code, gradually form their own technical system. The road ahead is still very long, only hard work.

3. Industry dynamics/turbulence

I industry belongs to traditional industry, work overtime in fact is not much, so his free time is enough, so it is necessary to use spare time to study more charge or, such as this year’s education sector layoffs without any preparation, to find a job must be a lot of difficulty, tough-minded, latent thought is be prepared, and hence, every moment of the day can’t slack off.

My story with the Nuggets

My story with the Nuggets started with a technical problem, when I searched the Nuggets and saw the solution in great detail, the problem was solved very quickly. On the other hand, CSDN immediately jumps to the payment page of buying C coins at the slightest problem, which is really a poor experience. Moreover, the search results page is full of advertisements, which makes me feel bad. Nuggets is still in a good position to learn technology and to catch the catch. Ha ha, the best work efficiency can only be achieved by combining work and rest. There is no advertisement, but only technical community, and there are many activities and rewards. The more I see, the more I am tempted, so I want to join in and become a member of Digyouyou. Learn technology together to strengthen themselves, but also happy fishing, sharing work and life.

On the whole, 2021 is a satisfying year with a lot of achievements. We should continue our efforts in the coming year.

5. Vision for 2022

1. Pay more attention to your health, cook for yourself and eat take-out less. Keep fit and exercise at least twice a week. The body is the capital of revolution, so the investment in the body should not be less.

2. Save more money, plan each sum of money well, and plan to learn financial management. Although the salary is not high, I still have some money left.

Read more, study more, and invest in yourself.

4. Spend more time with family. Money is to survive, but a lifetime of endless money, do not have to live so tired, have time to go back to do cooking for family accompany them.