“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


In 2021, there’s a lot going on, both professionally and personally, with time’s scratches. If I can describe it in one sentence, my youth is over.

Looking back


This year, I want to go to Dachang.

After graduating in ’17, I spent four years in two small companies. The first company found a colleague to study with and gained something on the whole. The second company took the position similar to TL, but there were only a few people. It considered the work more comprehensively and laid a foundation for the future.

By January of this year, I have a feeling of ceiling in my head. There is no problem in doing business, but I don’t know where to make efforts to further study and use some knowledge. After finding three or two friends, I decided to buy vUE courses for myself. Originally, I wanted to simply learn, but the more I learned, the more I felt that a bigger world was beckoning to you. Therefore, AFTER watching the video, I made a decision: I would try to visit Dachang this year, and then I began to prepare relevant materials.

Want to understand the world outside the circle, no guide will indeed hit the wall, the forum to find a high level of big guy, add friends, into the group, see their day by day to share articles, thunder struck immobile, the heart began to blame mode.

Finding ways to export what you have learned is a measure of how much you have learned.

Read books, write blogs, send forums, do public accounts, participate in open source projects…… One thing slowly began to do, can think of and within the scope of the ability to do well, is the biggest progress.

After persisting for half a year, the effort paid off and I entered the orange factory. Before this, I got 5 offers, but I got my dream, so I will sway in my dream.

After coming in, the biggest feeling is: the world is big, be what you want to be.


About the words of life, the recent brain is quite disorderly, do not want to, this march wrote a feeling put up.

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I am 26 years old.

From 22 to 26, I was in my prime. I graduated from university at the age of 22 and started to work. I worked for two years in 2019 when I was 24. I came to Chongqing and spent another two years in 2021.

Two years working, two years dating.

It feels like youth doesn’t belong to me anymore, youth is an excuse and the time spent is just the golden age, although Wikipedia says that men are only boys before 30 and real men are between 30 and 40.

Working for two years at the age of 24 is the fastest time to learn. Before, I was glad that I didn’t spend so much money, and I learned something in the past two years, at least I didn’t starve myself. However, at the age of 26, I don’t think I worked hard enough in those two years.

After that, the two years of love were also the happiest time, although there were a lot of incidents in the middle. At the age of 26, I think the two years of growth are enough run-in and cracks between us.

Now I can’t afford to play any more. Just like people say, when people live to a certain extent, all kinds of pressure will follow, and more and more uncertain factors will affect you all the time. The year 2020 is a year of great disasters and difficulties for the world. I want to win a good fortune in 2021. I hope that IN the four years before I reach the age of 30, I can have a firm grasp and ability to withstand various uncertain factors. So starting in January, I started pushing myself to do things that I would have found ridiculous or incomprehensible before.

I still wish I was a capable person, able to support themselves, able to protect the people I love.

Don’t idle, white young head, empty sad……

No one can predict the future, but there are always people who regret…

Now I regret my choice to make chicken head. Although it is normal to be young and energetic, one day I will pay for myself.

Live only for two or three pieces of silver, as a boy, there is no more sense of security than silver.

I gradually realized that the reason why their elders work every day is not because of their knowledge and knowledge. They also want to have a rest, but they dare not be idle and life does not allow them to…

I feel like I’m having a midlife crisis, the house, the car, the bills, everything.

Nothing in this life is more important than early efforts, ridicule and contempt just because the people who love you do not rest for you to share it, and their own sooner or later to repay all this.

I dare not expect that I will have a role, let my love and love me can live free and unrestrained.

I only hope that my 26 years old is the turn of my life, no matter good or bad, I should do something well, less unreliable, less frivolous, more thinking, more practical, to give her a sense of security, but also to give myself a sense of security.

At least in the future, don’t do anything that looks like you’ll regret later.

In the youngest age, you can be young and do nothing, but you can not live up to the trust and expectations of those who love you, in fact, they could not have done so.

26. Be yourself

— — — — – at the end


Last weekend, at 3am, 300 chats, a dozen screenshots, taught a beginner’s front end to the structure and use of the prototype chain.

Do you want to teach? Not so much, but given the road I’ve been on, I can point him in the right direction.

Actually, I’d like to do something meaningful, if I’m touching someone’s cake.

Is lower and lower the threshold of the programmer, attract most people learn also is salary, I can understand that, earning a meal to eat, but it is undeniable that there is a kind of culture, the salary is out of step and ability, and boast, paddling, unlimited fishing, unreasonable things, such as move of that day of, suddenly panicked, have no preparation, no it doesn’t it, When they can’t find a job, they say things like “the environment is bad, there are too many jobs,” hoping to find a dumber employer to offer them, and then day after day.

Can’t say bad, because this society can eat a full stomach is good, but I think, overall, and pension is no different.

Under the guidance of this thought, I felt that I could do some things, such as forming a self-study group with a few people, punching in the clock and so on, which I would not have done before, because I had already seen the results. But after I saw something different, I thought I could try it. It was helpful to a person, and at least it was meaningful.

Adults always say, can not lose at the starting line, in fact, to go beyond, never others, but yesterday’s own.