This article is participating in the 2021 Year-end Summary Essay Contest.

Back in 2021

  • Have you put on a little weight?
  • Are you addicted to games and neglecting your studies?
  • Do you stay up all night working overtime?
  • Are you dissatisfied and powerless at your job?
  • Do you want to learn, but don’t know where to start?
  • Do you give up because study is boring?
  • Did you learn a new skill?
  • Have you made significant progress in your technique?
  • Are you working hard enough to get what you want?
  • .

If you hit one or more of the above, do you feel a little emotional? Curious about what my 2021 has done? Next, welcome to my 2021!

The interview

This year, I was responsible for the front-end interview of the company and got to know more front-end partners. Here said his harvest, for reference only.

1. Introduce yourself

There are few interviews that don’t require me to introduce myself, so it’s a plus to prepare a one-minute introduction that highlights me.

Such as:

Very active in GitHub and participated in xx open source project; In nuggets have sustained output, a year output xx+ articles; There is continuous output in station B, xx+ video output in a year; There is a learning framework source code, even handwritten XX module; Familiar with data structure and algorithm, able to brush xx questions; Pay attention to technical trends, xx direction is relatively hot recently, XX framework open source, is doing XX; . Wait, just a bright spot.

If none of the above, you can also list your work experience and the key points of each company, but make sure it’s organized.

2. Professional skills

Don’t stack up basic skills like HTML, CSS, and highly restored pages. It’s like hiring a driver who says he can step on the gas. 😓

I don’t know how to view the remote repository address. I don’t know how to revoke a commit. I know how to handle Node and Koa framework. As a result, I just wrote a simple service with Koa in my spare time,…… One of these skills can’t help but be examined, and it feels like all the skills are not fully mastered.

3. Basic pass

Intermediate and advanced must ask the foundation, JS foundation, CSS foundation, framework use, etc. So, when you’re ready to change jobs, at least go through the basics (really know the answers, not memorize the answers), because those are the common interview questions, and those are the common test points. And found that a lot of friends have not read “JavaScript advanced programming”, I think this is really every front-end must read the book. If not every day working overtime busy fly, sincerely suggest brush again. If you can’t answer the basic questions, it can be really negative.

Here’s the point: Don’t tell me if you can’t! Don’t talk hard about the problem that won’t! Don’t talk hard about the problem that won’t! If this question doesn’t work, you can just say no. It’s not a big problem, but no. Don’t say it according to the question’s meaning.

In front of a small partner, ask: depth copy understand? A: A shallow copy copies only the first layer of attributes, and a deep copy copies the deeper attributes as well. After listening to his answer I was like this

This is not an interview question, and this behavior reveals a character problem. The first thing I can think of is that he can not solve their own problems, will not help others, in that hard work, and finally to raise the test, the boss understand the progress, he said I have a problem here, has not been solved, the current progress of 20%!

So the interview is good to seek truth from facts, will be a question, speak clearly, speak thoroughly, not the question answer do not understand can, write down the question back to have a good look. Companies are not looking for a generalist, and interviewers only ask questions to get a sense of the knowledge boundaries of each direction and to get a better idea of the technical capabilities of the candidate. So the interviewer keeps asking until the candidate can’t. It’s not an embarrassment.

4. Project Experience

When you’re writing your project highlights

  1. What problems are encountered in what business scenarios
  2. What kind of work did you do
  3. To what effect

This process is clear and does not add to the cost of reading your resume. After all, nobody wants to do reading comprehension. 😝

Some immature summary of the individual, but it is true feelings, words from the heart, welcome big guys clap brick! 😃

100 + articles

01. JS design mode 02. Installing Nginx for Linux 03. Github Actions for Automated deployment 05. Github Actions 06. 07. ECharts Common Chart configuration 08. 09. From zero to one: Build a Vue3 development framework 10. Vue3 abnormal monitoring 11. From zero to one: Build Vue3 background management system 13. Soft Skills 2: Software Developer Career Guide – Reading Notes 14. Leetcode -20- Valid parentheses 17. Leetcode -21- Merge two ordered lists 18. Leetcode – Offer II 018. Valid palindrome 19. Leetcode -144- Antecedent traversal of binary tree 20. Leetcode -226- flip binary tree 21. Leetcode – Interview question 02.07- Linked list intersects 24. Leetcode -703- the KTH element in the data stream 25. Leetcode -35- Search for insertion position 26 Leetcode -344- Reverse string 29. Leetcode -13- Roman numeral to integer 30. Leetcode – Finger Offer 06- Print list from end to end 31. Leetcode – Interview question 02.02- Return the last k node 32. leetcode-141- ring list 33. leetcode- Sword finger Offer II 004- Number that occurs only once 34. leetcode-25-K group flip list 35. Leetcode -704- Binary search 36. Leetcode -633- Sum of square numbers 37. Leetcode -1- Sum of two numbers 38. Leetcode -347- first K high frequency elements 41. Leetcode -202- Happy number 42. Leetcode -242- Valid letter heterotopic 43. Leetcode -121- Best time to buy and sell stocks 46. Leetcode -746- Use the minimum cost to climb the stairs 47. Leetcode – Jian Offer II 095- Longest common subsequence 48. Leetcode -23- Merge k nodes in ascending list 53. Leetcode -2- Add two numbers 55. Leetcode -3- The oldest string without repeating characters 56. Leetcode -4- Find the median of two positive ordinal groups 57. Leetcode -227- Basic Calculator II 60. Leetcode -636- Exclusive time of functions 61. Leetcode -1124- Maximum period of good behavior 62. Leetcode -142- Ring linked list II 63. Leetcode -206- Reverse linked list 64. Leetcode -82- Delete duplicate elements from sorted list 68. Leetcode -86- Separate linked list 69. Leetcode -641- Design loop double end queue 71. Leetcode -1670- Design front, middle and back queue 72. Leetcode -933- Number of recent requests 73. Leetcode – interview question 17.09- Number K 74. Leetcode -859- Intimate String 75. Leetcode -860- Lemonade Change 76. Leetcode -946- Verifying stack sequences 82. Leetcode -946- Verifying stack sequences 82. Leetcode -445- Add two numbers II 86. Leetcode -1249- Remove invalid parentheses 88. Leetcode -714- Best time to buy or sell stocks including handling fees 89. Leetcode – Interview questions 02.08- Loop detection 90. Leetcode -725- Separate linked lists. Leetcode – Interview questions 02.04- Split linked lists Offer 10-i – Fibonacci sequence 95. Leetcode -112- Path summation 96. Leetcode -105- Preorder and middle order traversal sequence construction binary tree 97. Leetcode -222- Number of nodes in a complete binary tree 99. Leetcode – Sword Offer 54- The KTH largest node in a binary search tree 100. Leetcode – Sword Offer 26- substructure of the tree 101 Leetcode -144- Preorder traversal of binary tree – Iterative algorithm 103. leetcode-968- Monitor binary tree 104. leetcode-589-N Preorder traversal of binary tree 103. leetcode- Offer 32 – Leetcode -103- Zigzag sequence traversal of binary tree 109. Leetcode -103- Zigzag sequence traversal of binary tree 109. Leetcode – Sword Finger Offer 40- Minimum k number 110. Leetcode -1046- Weight of last stone 111. Leetcode -215- KTH largest element in array 112. Leetcode -295- Median of data stream 116. Leetcode -104- Maximum depth of binary tree 117. Leetcode -1801- Total number of orders in backlog 121. Leetcode – Interview questions Leetcode -230- The KTH smallest element in the binary search tree 123. Leetcode -199- right view of the binary tree 124. Leetcode -100- Same tree 125 Leetcode – Finger Offer 68 – I- nearest common ancestor of binary search tree 127. Leetcode -124- maximum path and 128. Leetcode -973- K points closest to origin 129. Leetcode -451- Sort by frequency of character occurrence 130. Leetcode -547- Number of provinces 131. Leetcode -200- Number of islands 132. Leetcode-990 – Satisfiability of equality equations 134. Leetcode-684 – Redundant connections 135. Leetcode-1319 – Number of operations on connected networks 136. Leetcode -947- Removes the most stones in the same row or column 138. Leetcode -1202- Swaps elements in the string

100 + video

01. Bubble sort 02. Insert Sort 03. Merge sort 04. Select sort 05. Hill sort 06. Quicksort 1 07. Quicksort 2 08. Count sort 09. Leetcode -20- valid parentheses 10. Leetcode -21- Merge two ordered linked lists 11. Valid palindrome 12. Leetcode-144 – Antecedent traversal of binary tree 13. Leetcode-226 – flip binary tree 14. Leetcode – finger offer24- flip linked list 15. Leetcode – Interview question 02.07- Linked list intersects 17. Leetcode -703- the KTH largest element in the data stream 18. Leetcode -35- Search for insertion location 19 55 I- binary tree depth 21. Leetcode -344- Reverse string 22. Leetcode -13- Roman numeral to integer 23. Leetcode -leetcode- Offer II 004- Number that occurs only once 27. Leetcode -25-K group flip list 28. Leetcode -704- Binary search 29. Leetcode -633- Sum of square numbers 30. Leetcode -1- Sum of two numbers 31. Leetcode -347- first K high frequency elements 34. Leetcode -202- Happy number 35. Leetcode -242- Valid letter heterotopic 36. Leetcode -121- Best time to buy and sell stocks 39. Leetcode -746- Climb the stairs with minimum cost 40. Leetcode – Offer II 095- Longest common subsequence 41. Leetcode -23- Merge k ascending lists 46. Leetcode -23- Merge k ascending lists 46. Leetcode -2- Add two numbers 48. Leetcode -3- The oldest string without repeating characters 49. Leetcode -4- Find the median of two positive ordinal groups 50. Leetcode -227- Basic Calculator II 53. Leetcode -636- Exclusive time of functions 54. Leetcode -1124- Maximum period of good behavior 55. Leetcode -142- Circular linked list II 56. Leetcode -206- Reverse linked list 57. Leetcode -82- Delete duplicate elements from sorted list 61. Leetcode -86- Separate linked list 62. Leetcode -641- Design loop double end queue 64. Leetcode -1670- Design front, middle and back queue 65. Leetcode -933- Number of recent requests 66. Leetcode – Interview question 17.09- Number K 67. Leetcode -859- Intimate String 68. Leetcode -860- Lemonade Change 69. Leetcode -946- Verify stack sequence 75. Leetcode -946- Verify stack sequence 75. Leetcode -445- Add two numbers II 79. Leetcode – add two numbers II 79. Leetcode -714- Best time to Buy or sell stocks including handling charges Leetcode -707- Design a linked list 85. Leetcode – Finger Offer18- Remove nodes from a linked list 86. Leetcode -725- Separate linked lists 87 Offer 10-i – Fibonacci sequence 89. Leetcode -112- Path sum 90. Leetcode -105- Preorder and middle order traversal sequence construction binary tree 91. Leetcode – number of nodes in complete binary tree 93. Leetcode – Sword Offer 54- KTH largest node in binary search tree 94. Leetcode – Sword Offer 26- substructure of tree 95. Leetcode -589-N Preorder traversal of a binary tree 99. Leetcode – Finger Offer 32 – II- Print a binary tree II from top to bottom Leetcode -373- Find and smallest K pair number 101. Leetcode -107- Sequence traversal of binary tree II 102. Leetcode -103- Zigzag sequence traversal of binary tree 103 Leetcode -1046- Weight of the last stone 105. Leetcode -215- KTH largest element in array 106. Leetcode -355- Design Tweet 107 Leetcode -295- Median of data stream 110. Leetcode -104- Maximum depth of binary tree 111. Leetcode -264- Ugly number II 112. Leetcode -1801- Total number of orders in backlog 115. Leetcode – Interview question 04.05- Legal binary search tree 116. Leetcode -101- Symmetric binary tree 120. Leetcode – Dagger finger Offer 68 – I- nearest common ancestor of binary search tree 121. leetcode-124- maximum path in binary tree and 122. leetcode-973- K points closest to origin 123. leetcode-451- Sort by character occurrence frequency 124. Leetcode -547- Number of provinces 125. Leetcode -200- Number of islands 126. Leetcode -684- Redundant connections 129. Leetcode -1319- Number of operations on connected networks 130. Leetcode -128- Longest continuous sequence 131. Leetcode -947- Removes the most stones in the same row or column 132. Leetcode -1202- Swaps elements in the string

Lose weight 16 jins

This time, I lost weight because of a campaign organized by the company, which called on everyone to run together. Everyone’s weight will be recorded at the beginning of the activity, and then they will record their running records and mileage through various software. According to the mileage of running, 10 yuan per kilometer in the name of each person for charitable donation, this point I feel particularly good! Rewards are then given for weight loss. The event began in May and ended in October, covering a total of 400 kilometers.

In fact, I set more goals than that. Due to various reasons and inertia, I only ran 400 kilometers and bought two pairs of running shoes. 🤣 worth mentioning is: ran a half horse

The whole thing about losing weight is diet and exercise, and it really works. And unlike other things that take a while to work out, there’s a bonus period at the beginning, where the benefits are obvious and easy to feed back into. And the biggest difficulty is their own inertia, after all, running or lifting iron are very tired. But the rewards are real.

Reading a book

I have read five books in 21 years

At the beginning of the year, I did not read technical books, so I read the first three books, which seem to be relatively relaxed (do not need to deliberately think, memory and practice like technical books), but I still have a lot of harvest and feeling after reading, if you want to read some non-technical books recently, wall crack recommended!

Just like its title, Soft Skills 2: A Software Developer’s Career Guide tells you what you need to do and learn at different stages of a software developer’s career.

Deliberate Practice redefines the concept of practice for me, and I have a deeper understanding of the true meaning of diligence to compensate for procrastination. I prefer to study method books. This book illustrates and proves that great people take a lot of deliberate practice. It also shows that anyone can become great through deliberate practice. Let’s go! 💪

Back in the 2021


Set up some development frameworks, all on my GitHub.

Signed up for a few courses of open class, personal feeling still has harvest very much. For those of you who are interested, most of the above outputs are also part of the course.

During the learning process, I also joined some new circles and met many excellent and hardworking partners. I realized that excellent people become excellent only because of continuous learning and continuous progress. I have more role models and motivation to learn.

Some people may wonder, how do you manage to output 100+ articles and 100+ videos in two months? First of all, I began to learn the algorithm in April, so I have done many questions about the algorithm. But the output is completely from scratch. And how to achieve this amount of output, is to rely on the liver. Yes, the liver. After I started to do this output, I barely slept until 24:00, and I had liver till 2am or 3am, not only on weekdays, but also on holidays. Because I didn’t need to work the next day on holidays, I would sleep even later.

Some may not understand, some may not think it is necessary, I want to say that this is my choice. Sometimes tired, liver immobile, but also want to forget today? But I still insist to do output, because I know that slack is toxic, there will be a second, third… I don’t allow myself to waste away, this time I want to stick to the end! A big part of my motivation is the support and recognition from many partners in the output process. I don’t want to be the one who didn’t stick it out to the end in the eyes of others!

This party, finally I want to say is that this is not volume, I just for their goals to work hard, everyone has everyone’s choice, I choose to go forward.

The Denver nuggets

At the end of the year, I wrote an article for the Nuggets and participated in a writing event. Luckily, I was ranked 7th on the November front end author list.

Thank you to the nuggets for creating and maintaining such a good community. I am very happy to be a member of the community. I have learned a lot of knowledge and made many excellent friends here. I am also honored to export articles in Digg to record my learning and growth. I also gained some recognition from digging friends. Thank you for giving me a lot of encouragement!

B station

In November, I began to export my learning in STATION B, and became an UP master, and gained a lot. This process is wonderful, I feel like I opened the door to a new world. Tell someone something for the first time in front of a screen, communicate with someone via video. And it’s very different from writing an essay. When writing an article is not coherent, or interrupted, you can stop at any time and continue later. Or when the train of thought is not coherent, you can sort out the train of thought first, and then the code word. You can also write a structure like this one and then flesh it out later. But when you’re making a video, you need to have your thoughts in your head, and at the same time, you need to express your thoughts in language, like when I’m doing forcings, and you need to write code at the same time. So when you don’t master the content thoroughly and skillfully, it is unlikely to tell others clearly through video. Therefore, when you try to explain something clearly to others through video, this process will force you to be skilled and think about the content more times, which is of great help to learning. Also learned that the creation of each content is to spend many times the content of the long pay, so encounter helpful content, don’t be stingy with your three even oh! 😃


I am a Vue technology stack and have fully embraced the Vue3 ecosystem in my work, using TypeScript, unit testing, automated deployment, and some normalization tools. Abnormal monitoring was performed based on the problem that the online error message could not be interpreted and the feedback link was long. I also did some of the various projects, and finally showed my work station. 😃


Tianjin is now home to many people who cannot settle down in Beijing and do not want their children to return home. Big city drifters are supposed to yearn for a stable home of their own, at least I am. All kinds of north drift do not expand to say, experienced people have their own experience. I spent a few busy months decorating, shopping, moving and so on. This year is a year of real stability. I feel that the quality of life has been improved and my heart is at peace when I return home. It feels like it was all worth it. Although the mortgage comes with it, isn’t making money just to give your family a better life?

Outlook 2022,

The following year will continue to learn, continue to be active in the Nuggets community. The specific content will be carried out around the following flags.

1. Into the metal

Emmm, about this goal, in fact, I still quite difficult, I am a junior college degree, non-section classes, 92 years (the most pathetic is id card or 91 😭).

So why the obsession?

In my opinion, since I have been engaged in this industry, I feel that my career is incomplete without visiting a big factory. Just like the body in martial arts, did not go to the first – class school of the same. It is a personal dream and pursuit.

And then you feel that the goal is not out of reach. The good thing about being a technician is that if you’re good enough, you’ll be recognized. If you don’t try, it’s a pity. Tried, even if not successful, at least once tried, tried. Come on, we’re done! 💪

Read 5 books

First take a look at the unread list 👇

I will choose at least five books to finish next year. The list of books for next year will be mostly technical books, and I will also output reading notes.

3. Five articles with 100 likes

Front-end technology development with each passing day, coupled with their own shallow technology, so the follow-up is bound to continue to learn. Will still be worth sharing the content of the article output in the Nuggets, also will still be active in the Nuggets community, once again thanks to the nuggets bigwigs pay. The number of this year has been a lot, that next year the pursuit of quality, at least 5 output articles 100 praise!

4. 5 videos with 100 likes

The benefits of transferring knowledge to others have also been mentioned above. In fact, it also follows Feynman’s learning method. I will still adhere to this method in the subsequent learning process, hoping that while learning, I can also help some partners in need within my power. Same as above, the number of this year has been a lot, next year to pursue the quality, at least five hundred videos!

5. Contributions from 3 open source projects

A good way to improve is to learn from good people. Obviously the best code is the high star open source projects that will be learning the Vue source code next year. In order to test out my own learning and contribute to the open source community, set this flag.

6. 3 1/2 horses (non-race)

In the last two months, I have spent all my energy on work and study, sitting for more than 12 hours a day. A very direct consequence is that my health has become significantly worse. Next year, I will try to balance work, study, life and exercise. This year, I like running because OF participating in activities, so I set a small target of 3 and a half horses for the flag related to exercise, hoping to bp the previous record.


Write so much, thank you can see here! 🙏 before the technical article has never asked for praise in the article, today will break the commandment! 😄 has also written this article for more than ten days. Looking back on the experience of the past year, I feel deeply, so I feel more emotional. I hope to get your support and recognition. 🥺

The last word with everyone mutual encouragement: today through all the detours, from life is smooth!

I wish you all happiness in the New Year without compiling, happiness will run! 😁