
Time is not wasted, creation is not stopped, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay contest”

Before I knew it, I had learned programming for four years. The experience of learning programming has brought me many changes that I never thought of before, and it seems to be in line with what the Bible says: “When God closes one door, another will open for you.” .

Back to the subject, 21 years has come to an end. While I am feeling how time flies, I also cherish the things in front of me more. Vaguely, I remember Posting such a sentence in my moments last year:

At that time, it was the last day of December 20, and I had experienced everything that had happened in the past 20 years, both good and bad, so I was looking forward to 21 years.

So, let’s go back to the present and share with you what I’ve done in the past 21 years (mumble).

1 community

This year, the output in the tech community was tolerable.

First of all, I wrote 16 articles on nuggets, covering framework source code, tools, translation, etc. However, the feedback of the output article is not very good in terms of data. I think this is also a point that many students will feel confused when they write technical articles. In fact, we do not need to worry too much about the data in the article. From the perspective of writing, we should start from what we have learned and then share it to help others in need. In this way, the data is only an additional benefit, and the importance is not so strong (the original intention is the most important).

Second, this year was also quite active on GitHub, with 605 Contributions in total, some outputs, some tools and PR written, and some tools keeping downloads on NPM. In addition, THIS year, I have also gained a lot on GitHub. I have seen the source code implementation of many excellent tools, and I am also using such tools to do some output, such as tsup written by EGOIST.

Those of you who aren’t very active on GitHub might ask, “How do I output something on GitHub? “. In fact, all the fruits in this world are derived from the cause. When you see what some open source students do on GitHub every day (tools, frameworks), the easiest thing is to follow in his footsteps and see what he does and how he implements it. Over time, you will accumulate ideas and designs for the implementation of tools. So, at some point in time, when you have a problem, that’s when you can think about whether you can use tools to solve that problem. So, to sum it up, “Accumulate, think, and do.” .

2 work

This year, I left my previous employer in September and entered a more than two-month interview process. During this period, I have made more than 30 interviews with ant, Byte, netease, NiO, Youzan, etc. Except byte, I was told that the position was not suitable after four interviews, and all the other companies accepted offers. Later, if you have time, you can share my interview experience. Of course, if you are interested, please contact me (wechat: FewuLiu). So, FINALLY I chose to go to netease (pig factory).

Since I was in the music business group (netease Cloud Music), I happened to witness its listing on the third day of my employment. On the night of the IPO, the company also invited some musicians to perform in the campus. As a programmer, I naturally took a picture and then went upstairs to write code…

I believe many students are curious about the work experience of netease. To name a few, salary alignment, 4 free meals a day (all pork is home-grown), gym, playground, you name it! (Plus, girls are really good looking)

3 life

Speaking of life, a little ashamed… Maybe a little too simple. So, I am also planning to try other directions, such as learning guitar, taking photos, dancing and so on? However, I would like to remind young students that while learning programming requires a lot of time, don’t neglect life (experience).

Although, life is simple, but there is something to talk about. On weekends, apart from programming learning and thinking about work, I would play basketball and have a meal (less) for leisure and entertainment, and then go shopping on Taobao and buy clothes. And then, maybe because you bought a lot of clothes, so it might be a little flashy… My classmates who are not doing programming always say that I don’t look like a programmer.


Well, this short article is a brief summary of what happened to me in the past 21 years, either happy or sad. But I think that’s the way life is, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. When you choose something, you may find yourself losing something else. But that’s okay. As long as you’re on the road, how do you know something more interesting won’t happen next?

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My name is Wu Liu. I like innovation and source Code manipulation, and I focus on source Code (Vue 3, Vite), front-end engineering, cross-end and other technology learning and sharing. Welcome to follow my wechat official account: Code Center.