2020 review

It was late January 2021 when I wrote this article. Unfortunately, the year-end summary was written under the urging of the team. It should have been concluded every year, but looking at last year’s flag, it seems that few of them have been reached.

It has been more than a year since I graduated, and I have been anxious from the beginning of the year to the end of the year due to the epidemic in 2020.

In June 2019, just graduated now I join the company, to join the department or the front end of the core part, belong to the online lectures related, namely the rich text editor related field, strong interaction scenarios and internship before come into contact with the front end of the gap is very big, most is to have access to some simple work, contact to slowly back to the system core part, I also learned some of the difficulties in this area.

At the beginning of 2020, the epidemic broke out, and I started the online office mode when I was trapped in my hometown. Happens to have a more difficult problem at hand, waiting for their solution, so also is facing at home from wake up close to him only at night and sleep in the office of the state, still looking at your project progress is slow, every day is very anxious, only can try to report to leader working every day, hope to get some advice, Fortunately, after two weeks of intensive work, the whole project was successfully completed before the deadline.

Work at home after a month, back to Beijing, because the company’s department of architecture, I was transferred to another department, unlike previous department, the department is doing is close to the working content of the conventional front-end, is anxious for a few months, need to be familiar with business content of the new department, familiar with the whole system architecture, Fortunately, the current leader is good and has done a lot of technical projects, but there is still no good breakthrough for this kind of routine front-end work, and I feel that my strength has not been well improved. I have read some source code and watched some videos intermittently, but I still haven’t relieved my anxiety.

In October 2020, I read a long article about wangEditor V4.0, which explored how to do open source projects in the form of a team. I also wanted to do something open source to give back to the community, so as to improve my ability. But I didn’t have a good idea about what to do. It happened that the wangEditor open source team was recruiting people, and since I had done some rich text-related things before, I thought this part would help my ability quite a lot, so I didn’t hesitate to directly add groups to contact the boss.

My first assignment was to use Webpack + TypeScript to create a proposed rich text editor. It was embarrassing to write a new project in Vue without thinking about it. Therefore, I started again. Fortunately, the difficulty was not too great, but only tested my operational ability, which was a rough pass. In November, I officially joined the team. After joining the team, I learned the specifications of the team, reviewed part of the source code, and started my first small feature after completing the training of new members. I added the callback and verification function of online video. Due to my late work in the middle of the week and my own affairs, I often started development until the weekend, so I found time to write the requirements document and started development after finishing it. When it came to the final PR review, the boss suggested his opinion to me, expecting to keep the same logic with the image insertion callback and verification, so that users would not have to re-learn and understand the new API. However, I did not think of these details at that time. Instead, I developed it as a new function without considering the usability of the whole product. Therefore, I revised it and finally merged and released it. The anxiety seems to slow down a bit when they see themselves become a member of the resulting projects, which subsequently repaired a few small issues in quick sequence.

The whole feeling of joining the wangEditor team

First of all, the development process of the whole team is very standardized, from the proposal of a new requirement to the final release, each step has a relatively clear process. Oneself also to open source understanding more profound a few, help to oneself also quite big. However, due to some work, MY participation in the development is not very high, so I can only find some time to participate in the development on weekends, but I can still produce some appropriate output. The whole team also has a strong spirit of sharing. Recently, everyone’s sharing content is full of dry things. Later, I will also prepare some content and participate in the sharing of the team to increase my presence in the team.

I participated in the planning of wangEditor open source project in the first half of 2021

  1. Share technical content within the team at least once
  2. Participate in the development and iteration of a core feature

The last

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