Whether we are in life or work, we often use a variety of websites, how to save commonly used websites?

I recommend this bookmark management tool Pinbox, which is not only easy to use but also high level of appearance.

Pinbox’s main function is cross-platform bookmarking. It can not only store websites, but also photos and text. This is really convenient for sorting out some fragmented knowledge.

The installation
After the extension, right click can be saved by one button, in chrome extension center Pinbox score up to 4.7 points, it can be seen that users like Pinbox

Pinbox also manages bookmarks very well. First of all, it supports four modes for displaying bookmarks, which can be switched in real time at will.

You can also add descriptions and labels to each bookmark, which makes it easy to sort, find, and search for your own bookmarks.

In terms of interface, Pinbox supports user – defined interface theme colors, currently available in six colors

There are many other features that I won’t cover

Get up and put your knowledge in your Pinbox.