In recent days, I have been thinking about how to write the summary of 19 years. I thought about it, and the key word always came to mind: busy. But I always feel that behind the busy, I still have a lot of harvest, but suddenly can’t think of. Even less good this year’s summary how to write. So I took a look at last year’s summary. In last year’s conclusion, I talked about my goals for joking in previous years:

At the end of 2016, I was still working at my first company, doing full-stack work. At that time when the circle of friends said it was nonsense, in fact, is the real goal of my heart. Later, I felt that I could not live there all my life, so I chose to leave. Now back to review, I did not expect a lot of almost realized:

  1. I gained 10 pounds of meat this year. Although I am not strong and muscular, I am not thin at least, which can make my parents happy.

  2. I went to Japan, although not as good as Europe, it was the first time I went abroad.

  1. Shake to Hangzhou license plate, give oneself old Volkswagen changed hangzhou brand, also be regarded as a change of car.

  1. The house also shook to the number, although it is not a special urban area, but also a red plate, it is in Hangzhou settled.

  1. It was a watch, but it was a lot more than $100,000, but it looked good.

  1. That’s not gonna work. It’s back this year.

It’s a bit of a joke, but the whole thing is getting better. When I think about it, I’ve had quite a year. More importantly, I feel more confident about the future.

Three years ago, I talked to the CTO of my first company about leaving. He said he didn’t think I was particularly good at coding (he was nice, he didn’t mean to belittle me, he just thought I was extraverted and would have developed better if I had followed a different path). That’s what I thought at the time, but I stuck with it anyway, just switching from full stack to full-time front end.

Now three years have passed, I am also ok in ant self-consciousness, I do not feel much worse than my colleagues, and I am full of confidence in the future. And ant is one of the most outstanding talents gathering place in the front end of the country, so calculate, I should also be suitable for knocking code.

So sometimes, don’t belittle yourself, and don’t deny yourself another aspect just because you seem to be more prominent in other aspects. There are no rules to restrict a person, everyone has unlimited possibilities, just like to do it.

I’m going to seriously summarize some aspects of 19 years. I hope I can set some braggadocio goals this year. If I can’t achieve them in one year, I will spend three more years.


Business output

Nineteen was my second year at Ant. I don’t know how to sum up all of a sudden, so let’s list the quantified data.

  • Code volume: About 85,000 code this year, with occasional overtime and 300 lines of code per day.
  • Specific business
    • Health gold. Ant insurance of a gift insurance, also do not know that we have not heard, live ten million levels. Very good, save a save every day, sick in hospital what can be subsidized a little.
    • Education fund & pension. Ant Insurance’s two life insurance products. This is something that people rarely touch, because they are not the target audience at their age.
    • Some central Taiwan projects. Internal user growth and refined operation of the middle Taiwan project.
    • Marketing activities for other businesses. Occasionally supported the marketing activities of mutual Treasure and other businesses.

With a team

This year, the roles are reversed, with five people on the dotted line. It’s so hard to lead a team, especially with Ali and Ant. When TL, there is no more right. And obligations and responsibilities will always be under pressure. Lead people, work, look at the direction, each point tests their own. The most painful time is when I talk about KPI to team members. It is not easy in ants, everyone is very hard, but hard work does not necessarily result in results, direction and method sometimes also very important. The same is true for TL, where everyone works hard doesn’t necessarily make a team strong. Force did not go to a place to make, no effective allocation of good resources, may also be in vain.

Liu Jianguo’s “Knowing and Doing: The Road of Management for Technical People” uses carriage theory to describe the management framework. That is, TL is the coachman and team members are horses. The students who can enter Ali are excellent, and many excellent horses are difficult to “tame”. “Tame” is not simply about whether you listen to others, but whether you can win the approval of your group members. Behind this test is TL’s technical ability, leadership, organization, execution and many other aspects.

So sometimes, it’s hard to hire a P7 outside the company. The requirements of P7 are domain experts, influence teams, come in is to bring some 567, work together to win the battle. A TL does not affect itself, but affects the growth of members downwards and the campaign of the organization upwards. It’s a lot of responsibility, a lot of influence, so it’s very demanding, not to mention a higher P.

Having said all that, the bottom line is that 19 years has only completed a shift in consciousness when it comes to TL. It’s very, very far from done.


A lot of manpower has been invested in recruitment this year. In the whole year of 2019, I submitted 27 resumes for recruitment. Let’s have a few for campus recruitment. Finally, we successfully promoted 3 social recruitment, 2 school recruitment and 1 resignation. Several resumes are still in the interview process.

Some students may think that recruitment is a matter for HR, not the staff. For ordinary employees, I think it also makes sense. For TL, hiring is largely their own business. The development of the team, the coming and going and selection of the staff, this must be TL’s deep consideration. Of course, it is up to you to decide how long you should spend and what strategy you should use.

Overall, for 19 years, I personally feel that my input/output ratio has been ok when it comes to hiring, or at least a good team contribution.


New technology and new wheels

  • Learn and start working with TypeScript;
  • Study React Hooks;
    • – hooks landed on the team, now almost everyone on our team only writes pure function components;
    • Precipitate the internal hooks library;
    • Created a status management tool called HOOx.

In general, too little is learned, resulting in less pure technical growth.

Articles and technical influence

The article

This year’s articles are mostly in the team column. I made a list according to the time:

  1. Programming for the Rise of Front-end Engineering
  2. React Hooks
  3. HooX: React State Management tool based on Hook
  4. Some Benefits of Using HooX to manage React state
  5. Vue3 Responsive System source code analysis – Single test
  6. Vue3 Responsive System source code analysis -Ref Article
  7. Vue3 Reactive System Source Code Analysis -Reactive
  8. Vue3 Responsive System source code analysis -Effect

There are not many articles this year. The first post is actually about hydrology, and some of my thoughts on front-end engineering and front-end engineers. In the middle I started playing React hooks. I wrote this badly, so I don’t recommend you to read it, because I was just starting out. HooX, I always thought, was just a toy, and there were big limitations in its use scenarios, but it was ok to play with it or even put it into production. In addition, I will consider optimizing another version before the Spring Festival to solve some existing problems.

Vue behind the response system, I wrote 4 source code analysis. I don’t actually use VUE myself, but I don’t think I’m a bad writer. I also wrote about a dozen lines of code for VUE3, which was nice. I only blame too little time, otherwise I could write a whole source code analysis, and then a small volume or something. I would have eliminated the tinder book.

In general, my summary of the output of the article is as follows:

  1. Writing is still too little;
  2. Lack of systematic output, such as a complete series of articles.

Technological influence

  • Within the team: Inside the insurance, the technical influence has increased significantly since last year when I started, thanks to hooks promotion and frequent CR’s, weekly meetings, etc.
  • For ants: there is little increase in influence over ants as there is no significant technical output. However, I usually attend some technical meetings of the ant world, or contribute articles to the special journal of ant experience technology, which should be more or less.
  • For the community: No wheels, github stars haven’t changed much. The number of zhihu fans has increased from 1000 to 3000, which is actually a qualitative change. Nuggets as a result of the article mainly hair column, follow no change.


This year, I mainly want to build the technological influence of ant insurance, so I set up the column of Nuggets and Zhihu. The current mining data are as follows:

The data of Zhihu column are as follows:

Zhihu column attracts less attention. The core or our external output of articles is really few, failed to attract everyone’s attention. Next year, I hope to work hard again, mobilize the power of the people, write more articles and output more, hoping to catch up with the attention of the nuggets now.

Life and Habits

Compared with previous years, this year has been so much enriched that many of my life behaviors and habits have changed.

Recreational activities

  • I hardly played mahjong this year;
  • There’s a lot more team building going on, and I basically have two team dinners every three weeks. However, we are relatively monotonous in the form of group construction, and basically eat;
  • I attended more weddings this year than last year, which is also a kind of reunion in disguise. Some old classmates who haven’t seen each other for many years are still very happy to see each other again.
  • The game is barely playing.

Daily habits

  • The good:
    • Quit smoking, used to smoke 2-3 cigarettes every day after work, more on weekends, now has not smoked for two weeks;
    • I walk more. I used to take 3,000 steps a day, but now I take about 8,000.
    • Reading more.
  • Bad aspects
    • Go to bed later;
    • I care too much about politics. I’m addicted to watching gulf people fighting on Youtube every day.


I think happiness should also be included in the summary, especially as a technician. Because being a technician is really hard and stressful. Maybe the wages are a little bit higher, but essentially we’re still proletariat workers. There are also some negative news about sudden death, jumping off buildings and so on. So make sure you are happy, or reflect on your happiness every year.

To sum up your happiness in 2019, use the five keys to happiness from “Lasting Happiness” by Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology.

1, positive emotions feel this year, my emotions are still very positive, mainly because I am optimistic to keep up, childhood is such a person. A few years ago, I felt a little self-abased because of some things. This year, I am more confident.

2. Good interpersonal relationship with colleagues is ok for me. I feel good about my relationship with team members, other TL and business partners, at least it doesn’t bother me in this aspect. With friends, really have no words. This year to buy a house, several college students, hundreds of thousands of said to lend me to lend me, the most one time, I borrowed one million to freeze capital lottery. For them, this money is also the money to buy a house and give birth to a baby, which is quite touching.

Devotion is not just about putting in a lot of time, but a state of ecstasy. This feeling needs to be improved a little more, at present in the work, or can rarely enter the state of ecstasy. The main reason is that they are easily distracted by too many daily chores. Twenty years must bring us into a better state of concentration and productivity.

Achievement is actually more or less mentioned above. On the whole, 19 years, my achievements are pretty average.

In this regard, I have always considered myself very lucky. Both at Lilac, and now at Ant Insurance. The social value of the projects I do is probably greater than the social value I can bring as an individual. In other words, this platform allows me to bring more value to society. On my first anniversary, I joked with my colleagues. I have joined ant for one year, and I have not earned a penny for the company, but have given countless amounts of money to the society (some public welfare projects and donated insurance products, how much money can not be said, unless there is an accident, it should be more than I can earn in my life).

Of course, this is a joke, meaning itself is not determined by making or losing money. Profitable projects can also have significant social significance and value. Specific also wants to see each person oneself idea.

So based on those five elements, emotionally, relationally, meaningfully, I’m fine. In terms of commitment and achievement, I was relatively modest. Overall, I have a good life. Keep up the good work

The overall summary

I said a lot of wordy words, and finally wrote a dozen (Tibet) oil (head) poem to sum up.

Knock code 300 lines a day, programming work is really busy. Think about how much trouble growing up, can’t sleep at night. Fortunately, I have many friends, blowing brag force to eat and drink. Who has no bitter life, the key is to be happy.