
Because I had planned to go abroad and missed the autumn recruitment, I decided to attend the spring recruitment in early March 2018, so I didn’t have much preparation at the beginning. I spent nearly one and a half years in the lab learning machine and forgot C++ by using Python, so I had to take zuo shen’s book and sword Offer to prepare for it. In early March, I applied online for hikvision, IFlyTek, Shanghai Huawei, Meituan Dianping and Toutiao respectively. In mid-April, the written test interview was completed.

Iflytek (Hefei)

Algorithm engineer


  • To introduce myself
  • What did you do in the school lab
  • Talking about the project, I did a bus forecasting program, asked what algorithm to use, and the traditional Autonavi Baidu map than where the advantage, how to data?
  • What neural network projects have you worked on? A: Verification code identification, how to get the label?
  • Then start the technique:
  • Diagram Huffman coding
  • Implementation of memcpy (I was confused, memcpy is not the lowest level of function, how can use C++ to implement ah? And then I started pulling GetProcessMemory blah blah… The interviewer warned me not to use the API, but it turned out to be a simple circular pointer to read and write.
  • Large numbers are multiplied in place by two 32-bit large numbers
  • Tell me about your strengths and redeemable features (this is half a chill, this is the pace that the interviewer gives the opportunity to impress him or not).



The written test of iFLYtek did not receive a few days after the United States group of written tests, before the confidence of the push is machine learning post, such as the pen test found filling in the blank to choose a few will… Cool down and not get an interview, then quietly change the headline online application from NLP to TEST ORZ

God ce data

A small start-up company, looking at the brochure and introduction are very good, Beijing headquarters in Hefei opened a branch, and then reported the Beijing headquarters of machine learning. Then came the slot, the written test was very simple, but the programming question was in the form of solutions, that is to say, there was no code to run or test samples, it was just a text box, which could not be cut out, and there was no code completion. I soon received a phone interview, but HR directly informed me that I had been transferred to the back end. I don’t know why, but I think the written test was good: I used phone + shared writing pad during the interview, but the code still didn’t work…

  • The sum of two unordered arrays is N and the number of pairs is found
  • Write a quick list, and explain how it works
  • Having left JOIN, right join
  • The difference between processes and threads
  • Two days later, Shence sent me a rejection letter, obviously the interview came up, at the same time with my classmates have received rejection letters, which makes me doubt whether shence this company is sincere recruitment or to take the private data of fresh students…

Huawei (Shanghai)

Cloud computing development engineer

For an interview in Shanghai, the company has a great infrastructure and waits in a waiting room with dozens of candidates:

  • To introduce myself
  • Then I started to look through my resume, asking detailed questions about my school grades, awards and projects I had done
  • I am also interested in the bus prediction I have done, and ask me about the principle and implementation process. Therefore, if you do more projects, you can make up for the lack of foundation to a certain extent. Otherwise, you will start to ask about the basic part of you.
  • I learned Java, and THEN I asked about the company’s cloud computing stack

He quickly finished his introduction and went back to his chair to wait for the interview. Before he left, he asked the interviewer if he wanted to ask about the operating system and data structure, because I felt that the interviewer didn’t ask me the usual questions

Summary: I was interviewed by a middle-aged man who felt like the head of the department

  • First, I was introduced to the work and prospect of The department of Huawei. Then I was asked why I chose Huawei and why I came to Shanghai. What do I think about my future career planning, house and household registration?
  • What offers do I have now? What do I think of Huawei? Why did I choose Huawei instead of going to other big factories? (There aren’t many big factories anymore.)
  • On the second day, the interview was notified and the recruitment review began. I have to say that it takes a long time for Huawei to review and approve the offer. It took more than half a month to review the offer

Toutiao (Beijing)

Test Engineer transfer -> Test Development Engineer

Come to Beijing headquarters for an interview, before coming to hear the headline is algorithm factory hand tore code so horrible, before entering the glass room to prepare for one side:

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Did you know about the test tools? Which ones you used
  • Design a wechat friend circle like test case
  • If the user clicks the following icon of Weibo but there is no response on the APP, how should the problem be solved? (I talked about the data transmission sequence from the client to the server.)
  • Algorithm: minimum heap problem, there is a hash table to solve the memory
  • Start by asking about projects and repeating things you’ve said many times before
  • What are your unique strengths
  • Do the tests add the front end and the back end and they’re fighting and they think the other side should change the code, what do you do?


  • Write code to prepopulate an array with elements after offset, using a linked list to achieve the following
  • I said THAT I had touched the front end and asked me some questions:
  • Do you know what the cross-domain condition is, what do I need to put in the header, how many ways can I do it
  • Front-end data storage methods (cookies, LocalStorage, SessionStorage, indexedDB)
  • HTTP cache problem, answer 304, continue to ask the cache life, how to determine whether the file has changed on the server
  • Guangdong users suddenly headlines APP brush out of things, how to check the problem?

HR: The three leaders went to a meeting, and the HR sister met first. The little sister is very beautiful and kind

  • Let me introduce myself, my advantages and disadvantages, what do your classmates and friends think of you
  • Have you ever cooperated with others on a project (answer: worked as a project leader)? How did you coordinate the cooperation of team members? Did you ever have conflicts, conflicts and difficulties? How did it work out
  • Ask about the offer you have received and why you chose headlines
  • How much do you know about Toutiao and have you downloaded the APP? What do you think
  • If all things considered, how would you rank in your class, why, who are higher than you, where are you better?

Three sides: feel very diao, should be the same position as the leader

  • After a brief self-introduction, he asked me questions about the project. Seeing that I had learned machine learning, he asked me if I could use machine learning to automate tests
  • How do you monitor abnormal traffic, if it’s a pulse? How to distinguish it from normal traffic
  • There was a long open discussion about how to root out exceptions or errors in a large number of logs…
  • C++ code: pointer function and constructor (GG, no)
  • DOM is dynamically generated by Vue. Bs can not climb, to analyze JS, analysis for a while, the interviewer is still satisfied

Three days after the results, passed, but to add a cross face, was transferred to test development

Four sides: telephone interview, in cow guest net

  • The first question was the LCS question, which was very simple but extremely nervous. I wrote it for nearly half an hour, from N2 solution to CURSOR jump optimization, and finally I didn’t write DP solution. The interviewer asked how to write test samples
  • Design a school’s course selection system, and then start to add various requirements (request the course has different classes and teachers, request to query any day of the course, request to query the average score of students, etc.). The end of the

The same three days after the results, get the offer

The last

Finally, I wish you all can get the ideal Offer!

Gold-digging techniques: links to 👉