• 20 Go Packages You Can Use in Your Next Project
  • Fernando Souza
  • The Nuggets translation Project
  • Permanent link to this article: github.com/xitu/gold-m…
  • Translator: tmpbook
  • Proofread: PassionPenguin, Kamly

20 Go tripartite libraries that you can use in your next project

Go is a great language. It was born in 2007, and you can use it to build almost any kind of application. It is as easy to write as an interpreted language and as fast and efficient as a compiled language. Concurrency and multi-core computing are also considered. You can even write programs that drive embedded devices.

Great projects like Kubernetes, Consul and NSQ are written in Go.

Using Go’s standard library alone, you can build decent applications.

Fortunately, Go has a vibrant community that can create and share many tripartite libraries that you can use to speed up and optimize development. We’ll cover some of them in this article.

Note: Don’t forget to check out this GitHub repository: Awesome Go, which contains plenty of Go projects, third-party libraries, and other resources.


A library that attempts to emulate Python’s main feature in Go: the Set data structure. Example:

package main
import (
func main(a) {
    requiredClasses := mapset.NewSet()

    electiveClasses := mapset.NewSet()
    allClasses := requiredClasses.Union(electiveClasses)
    fmt.Println(allClasses) // Cooking, English, Math, Biology, Welding, Music
    fmt.Println(electiveClasses.Contains("Cooking")) //false
    fmt.Println(electiveClasses.Cardinality()) / / 3
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You can learn more here.

Go kit

It is a toolkit for implementing microservices. Helps you implement the basic functionality of distributed systems so you can focus on business logic.

If you want to use microservices architecture in your solution, “Go Kit will help you structure your services and help you avoid common pitfalls as your project grows”.

You can learn more here.


It is a “clone” of the famous Python Requests tripartite library. You can easily make HTTP requests, upload, download files, or serialize the returns to JSON or XML.

If you’ve worked with Python-related libraries, you’ll be very comfortable with it.

package main

import (

func main(a) {
  resp, err := grequests.Get("http://httpbin.org/get".nil)
  iferr ! =nil {
    log.Fatalln("Unable to make request:", err)
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The third-party library WS implements both the client and server side for the Websocket protocol. It has some nice features like zero-copy upgrades and low-level apis (which are useful if you want to write your own logic).

You can learn more here.


Powerful and flexible email tripartite library. It provides a more user-friendly interface to send email using Go.

You can add attachments, send text, HTML messages, or add custom titles in a very clear way.

package main

import (

func main(a) {
  e := email.NewEmail()
  e.From = "Jordan Wright <[email protected]>"
  e.To = []string{"[email protected]"}
  e.Cc = []string{"[email protected]"}
  e.Subject = "Awesome Subject"
  e.Text = []byte("Text Body is, of course, supported!")
  e.HTML = []byte("

Fancy HTML is supported, too!

) e.Send("smtp.gmail.com:587", smtp.PlainAuth(""."[email protected]"."password123"."smtp.gmail.com"))}Copy the code

You can learn more here.


Github has more than 44K start, one of the most popular Go tripartite libraries. It is a Web framework that focuses on productivity and performance.

It has many features, such as custom middleware, providing static file services, handling multiple data formats, HTML rendering, etc.

If you want to develop an API or Web application, you should definitely consider using Gin.


Go tripartite library that provides fuzzy string matching in the same style as editors such as Sublime, VsCode, etc.

It relies solely on the Go standard library and is fast enough to be a good choice if you’re adding search capabilities to your application.

The Github address is here.


Authentication is a necessary part of modern Web applications. Writing a full-featured component can be cumbersome, and you’re likely to miss something.

This tripartite library is designed to help you implement your authentication system, saving you time and avoiding some mistakes you might make.

You can learn more here.


This tripartite library provides a pure Go implementation of UUID, with support for both creation and parsing.

It supports versions 1 through 5 and is very easy to use.

package main

import (

func main(a) {
 // Creating UUID Version 4
 // panic on error
 u1 := uuid.Must(uuid.NewV4())
 fmt.Printf("UUIDv4: %s\n", u1)

 // Parsing UUID from string input
 u2, err := uuid.FromString("6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8")
 iferr ! =nil {
  fmt.Printf("Something went wrong: %s", err)
 fmt.Printf("Successfully parsed: %s", u2)
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You can learn more here.


If you want to implement some API functionality, you will most likely need to connect to a database. Although you can do this manually, using ORM can save a lot of time.

Gorm is an excellent Go ORM tripartite library. You can use its model creation, associations, hooks, transactions, and other cool features.

It is essential if you are going to work with databases.


If you want to support GraphQL, you can use it, which provides queries, updates, and subscriptions.

You can learn more here.


One of the biggest complaints in the community is that the testing library is too weak.

Ginkgo extends the Testing library to allow for a more robust BDD (Behavior Driven Development) type of testing.

package books_test


Describe("the strings package".func(a) {
  Context("strings.Contains()".func(a) {
    When("the string contains the substring in the middle".func(a) {
      It("returns `true`".func(a) {
        Expect(strings.Contains("Ginkgo is awesome"."is")).To(BeTrue())
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You can learn more here.


Excellent error handling tripartite library. The main function is to handle errors the same as the official way, except that comments are added without losing the context (file and line number) of the original error.

If the document belongs, error handling using this tripartite library looks like this:

iferr := SomeFunc(); err ! =nil {
  return errors.Annotate(err, "more context")}Copy the code

This can save a lot of time, especially when we’re trying to troubleshoot annoying bugs.


It not only helps you build CLI programs, but also helps you create well-structured applications.

It has command nesting, flag, intelligent suggestions, help generation and other functions.

Cobra is one of the tripartite libraries you must use if you need to create a CLI program.


Another process’s Go tripartite library, Logrus, is a structured logger that provides a comprehensive extension to the local logging standard library.

You can also add hooks that can be executed when a particular level of error occurs.

You can learn more here.


With this library, you can parse date strings without knowing the format. It can read the bytes and use the state machine to find the correct format.

t, err := dateparse.ParseAny("3/1/2014")
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You can learn more here.


A set of Go’s numerical processing tripartite libraries. It contains matrix, statistics, calculus and other tripartite libraries.

If you need to include mathematical operations in your code, by all means use it. It will save you time and provide you with scientifically consistent code.

You can learn more here.


Another library inspired by Python packages. You can use it to retrieve information about running processes and system utilization from different platforms.

It can be useful if you need to monitor system resources and processes.

package main

import (

func main(a) {
    v, _ := mem.VirtualMemory()

    // almost every return value is a struct
    fmt.Printf("Total: %v, Free:%v, UsedPercent:%f%%\n", v.Total, v.Free, v.UsedPercent)

    // convert to JSON. String() is also implemented
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You can learn more here.


You can use the Fyne Tripartite library to create beautiful DESKTOP and mobile GUI applications.

It is based on Material Design, with high availability, support for components, layout and other friendly features, it is designed to be very easy to develop.

You can learn more here.


One nice feature of the Go language is concurrency support and Goroutines. But managing all the coroutines in an application can be very challenging.

Ants implements an automatic batch management and recycling pool for Goroutines. It has a non-blocking mechanism that can handle panic without crashing the application.

If you need to create an application that involves concurrency, you should definitely try this library.

The last

Go is a great language with a great standard library. But even with the support of the standard library, sometimes we still need a little extra help.

The community already provides excellent tripartite libraries that can save you time so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel or implement easy-to-use interfaces.

If you know of other great tripartite libraries not listed here, please leave a comment.

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