First, environmental preparation

Before writing qt Creator plug-in yourself, you need to compile the source code of Qt Creator. See the blog for details:

Use Qt Creator IDE+MSVC2015 compiler combination to compile Qt Creator source version 4.8.2


Second, the compiler uses MSVC2015 32bit, Qt Creator source compiled, will generate a lot of exe, lib and DLL. We need to focus on the following lib. Because the Qt Creator plugin relies on them.










3. Create qt Creator plug-in project

Reference Qt – snapshots of the official document doc. Qt. IO/qtcreator – e…

Pro file Settings are as follows:

DEFINES += FIRECAT_TOOLBAR_LIBRARY # firecat_Toolbar files SOURCES += \ firecat_toolbarplugin.cpp HEADERS += \ firecat_toolbarplugin.h \ firecat_toolbar_global.h \ firecat_toolbarconstants.h # Qt Creator linking ## Either set the IDE_SOURCE_TREE when running qmake, ## or set the QTC_SOURCE environment variable, to override the default setting #isEmpty(IDE_SOURCE_TREE): IDE_SOURCE_TREE = $$(QTC_SOURCE)# comment out the sentence isEmpty(IDE_SOURCE_TREE) IDE_SOURCE_TREE = "D:/temp/qt-creator-opensource-src-4.8.2 running qmake, ## or set the QTC_BUILD environment variable, to override the default setting #isEmpty(IDE_BUILD_TREE): IDE_BUILD_TREE = $$(QTC_BUILD)# comment out this sentence #isEmpty(IDE_BUILD_TREE): IDE_BUILD_TREE = "D:/temp/build_plugins"# IDE_BUILD_TREE = "D:/temp/build_plugins/debug/" Build_tree = "D:/temp/build_plugins/release/"# uncomment to build plugin into user config directory  ## <localappdata>/plugins/<ideversion> ## where <localappdata> is e.g. ## "%LOCALAPPDATA%\QtProject\qtcreator" on Windows Vista and later ## "$XDG_DATA_HOME/data/QtProject/qtcreator" or "~/.local/share/data/QtProject/qtcreator" on Linux ## "~/Library/Application Support/QtProject/Qt Creator" on OS X #USE_USER_DESTDIR = yes # this sentence must be commented out, otherwise the plugin will be generated in the default path: C:\Users\firecat\AppData\Local\QtProject\QtCreator\plugins\4.8.2 ###### If the plugin can be depended upon by other plugins, this code needs to be outsourced to ###### <dirname>_dependencies.pri, where <dirname> is the name of the directory containing the ###### plugin's sources. QTC_PLUGIN_NAME = firecat_Toolbar QTC_LIB_DEPENDS += \ # nothing here at this time QTC_PLUGIN_DEPENDS += \ coreplugin QTC_PLUGIN_RECOMMENDS += \ # optional plugin dependencies. nothing here at this time ###### End _dependencies.pri contents ###### include($$IDE_SOURCE_TREE/src/qtcreatorplugin.pri) RESOURCES += \ res.qrcCopy the code

Note: The path pointing must be correct, otherwise the compilation will fail

IDE_SOURCE_TREE refers to the source path for Qt Creator

2, IDE_BUILD_TREE refers to the path generated by the plug-in. It must be clear otherwise it will run to the default path:

C:\Users\< user name >\AppData\Local\QtProject\QtCreator\plugins\4.8.2

3, the include ($$IDE_SOURCE_TREE/SRC/qtcreatorplugin pri)

4. Select Release for plug-in compilation, because debug is meaningless and useless.


4. Write plug-in code. My purpose is to add my frequently used functions to the left toolbar:

The first new button is calculator, which calls Microsoft Calculator when clicked;

The second new button is run without deployment;

The third new button is to ignore deployment and start debugging directly.


bool firecat_ToolbarPlugin::initialize(const QStringList &arguments, QString *errorString) { // Register objects in the plugin manager's object pool // Load settings // Add actions to menus  // Connect to other plugins' signals // In the initialize function, a plugin can be sure that the plugins it // depends on have initialized their members. Q_UNUSED(arguments) Q_UNUSED (errorString) / / we affirmative RunWithoutDeploy this method to the toolbar, easy to use const char id1 [] = "ProjectExplorer. RunWithoutDeploy"; / / this id is corresponding to the Qt Creator source const char RUNWITHOUTDEPLOY [] QAction * act1 = Core: : ActionManager: : command (id1) - > action (); M_runWithoutDeployAction if (act1 == NULL) {return false; } const Utils::Icon CLASSIC1(":/image/mode_run.png"); / / 32 bit image, 34 * pixel const Utils: : Icon FLAT1 ({{" : / image/mode_run_mask PNG ", Utils: : Theme: : IconsRunToolBarColor}}); Const Utils::Icon FLAT_ACTIVE1({{":/image/mode_run_mask. PNG ", Utils::Theme::IconsModeWelcomeActiveColor}}); act1->setIcon(Utils::Icon::modeIcon(CLASSIC1, FLAT1, FLAT_ACTIVE1)); //act1->setIcon(Utils::Icon::sideBarIcon(CLASSIC1, FLAT1)); act1->setVisible(true); Core::ModeManager::addAction(act1, 130); / / we affirmative DebugWithoutDeploy this method to the toolbar, easy to use const char id2 [] = "the Debugger. DebugWithoutDeploy"; QAction *act2 = Core::ActionManager::command(id2)->action(); M_debugWithoutDeployAction if (act2 == NULL) {return false; } const Utils::Icon CLASSIC2(":/image/mode_debug.png"); const Utils::Icon FLAT2({{":/image/mode_debug_mask.png", Utils::Theme::IconsRunToolBarColor}}); const Utils::Icon FLAT_ACTIVE2({{":/image/mode_debug_mask.png", Utils::Theme::IconsModeWelcomeActiveColor}}); act2->setIcon(Utils::Icon::modeIcon(CLASSIC2, FLAT2, FLAT_ACTIVE2)); //act2->setIcon(Utils::Icon::sideBarIcon(CLASSIC2, FLAT2)); act2->setVisible(true); Core::ModeManager::addAction(act2, 120); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) QAction *act3 = new QAction(tr("calc"), this); const Utils::Icon CLASSIC3(":/image/mode_calc.png"); const Utils::Icon FLAT3({{":/image/mode_calc_mask.png", Utils::Theme::IconsRunToolBarColor}}); const Utils::Icon FLAT_ACTIVE3({{":/image/mode_calc_mask.png", Utils::Theme::IconsModeWelcomeActiveColor}}); act3->setIcon(Utils::Icon::modeIcon(CLASSIC3, FLAT3, FLAT_ACTIVE3)); //act3->setIcon(Utils::Icon::sideBarIcon(CLASSIC3, FLAT3)); act3->setVisible(true); //QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::DesktopLocation); Wchar_t szPath[MAX_PATH] ={0}; GetSystemDirectory(szPath, MAX_PATH); QString path = QString::fromWCharArray(szPath); connect(act3, &QAction::triggered, this, [=]() { QProcess *poc = new QProcess; poc->start(path + "\\calc.exe"); / / that is "C: \ \ Windows \ \ system32 \ \ calc exe"}); Core::ModeManager::addAction(act3, 150); #endif // because Qt Creator source code has defined the position of the priority // Action priorities //const int P_ACTION_RUN = 100; //const int P_ACTION_BUILDPROJECT = 80; //const int P_ACTION_DEBUG = 90; // Priority for the modemanager. //ModeManager::addAction(cmd->action(), Constants::P_ACTION_RUN); return true; }Copy the code

Release builds firecat_toolbar4.dll and places it in the official Qt Creator installation path.

D: \ Qt \ Qt5.9.8 \ Tools \ QtCreator \ lib \ QtCreator \ plugins \

Note that the Qt Creator IDE for Windows is compiled using MSVC2015 32bit.

Done (#^.^#)


Five, the complete project source code and library file download link:…

The source folder has the firecat_tools.json. in file. Change it to:

    \"Name\" : \"firecat_Toolbar\",
    \"CompatVersion\" : \"$$QTCREATOR_COMPAT_VERSION\",
    \"Vendor\" : \"firecatStudio\",
    \"Copyright\" : \"firecatStudio\",
    \"License\" : \"\",
    \"Description\" : \"\",
    \"Url\" : \"\",
Copy the code

This ADAPTS to the QtCreator version number


If you want to know how Qt Creator works, check out my next blog post:

Qt Creator plugin hands-on practice (3) C++ class ModeManager source analysis


Ico Icon Download