Hello, I’m your cat brother, or the super cat who doesn’t like fish or cats

FrontEndGitHub has been up and running for more than half a year now.

Focus on mining good front-end open source projects, smooth out your front-end information asymmetry, covering JavaScript, Vue, React, Node, miniprograms, Flutter, Deno, HTML, CSS, etc.

Although the frequency of the updated article is not high, the average one week more, but still has been updated, and the updated article content is still very quality.

FrontEndGitHub also got 2K stars! Thank you for your affirmation and encouragement.

In the past half a year, Cat brother has recommended more than 50 topics, 450 super good open source projects, today recommended articles and projects to do a collection, so that you can quickly look up the project you want.

How to find a good open source project? Check out this article: GitHub Mining Tips – How to Find a Good Open source Project

Soft skills

  • Since the mastery of Google and Baidu’s 16 advanced search skills, I no longer can not solve the bug
  • With all due respect, you probably don’t even know how to use GitHub search
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
GitHub documentation: Using, searching, and managing open source projects docs.github.com/cn

Front trend list

  • 20 milestone top open source projects that have influenced generations of front end people!
  • 1534 k Star! Top 10 front end Top Open source projects!
  • Jump 110K Star! Top 10 front-end learning resource projects with the largest annual growth!
  • Top 10 most popular open source projects on the front end! 174K Star jump!
  • Front End Monthly Trend list: The top 20 front end open Source projects of May – so many more good open source projects! – 2105.
  • Front End Monthly Trend list: Top 20 front end Open Source projects for April – so many more good open source projects! – 2104.
  • Web Trends list: Last week’s top 10 Most interesting and hottest Web projects – 210625
  • Web Trends list: Last week’s Top 10 Hottest Web Projects – 210410
  • Front End Trend list: last week’s top 10 hottest front end projects – 210327
  • Wonderful to be continued…


  • Vue3 tutorial summary, source code explanation project, UI component library support, quality practical projects
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
Vue3 Chinese documents  vue3js.cn/docs/zh/
Vue3 design concept Vue3js. Cn/vue – composi…
Vue3 related project aggregation site vue3js.cn/
Vue3 source vue3js.cn/start/
Ant-design-vue Antdv.com/docs/vue/in…
Vant 3.0 vant-contrib.gitee.io/vant/v3/
Element-plus  element-plus.org/#/zh-CN
element 3 Github.com/hug-sun/ele…
vue-vben-admin Github.com/anncwb/vue-…
vue-admin-beautiful Github.com/chuzhixin/v…
vue-cli Github.com/Wscats/vue-…
movie-trailer Github.com/lhz960904/m…
newbee-mall-vue3-app Github.com/newbee-ltd/…
vue3-jd-h5 Github.com/GitHubGanKa…

Vue Source decryption

  • Recommend 7 Vue2, Vue3 source decrypting analysis of open source projects 👍
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
Vue-analysis: source analysis of vue.js  Github.com/ustbhuangyi…
Vue-design: Analysis at a line-by-line level Hcysun. Me/vue – design /…
Vue-family-mindmap: a mindmap that summarizes the source code and architecture of vue, vue-router, and Vuex Github.com/biaochenxuy…
LearnVue: vue.js source code analysis Github.com/answershuto…
Vue: Vue source code line by line comment analysis Github.com/qq281113270…
Vue2.0-source: Vue source analysis Github.com/liutao/vue2…
Vue3 source code: Vue3 source series  vue3js.cn/start/

React source decryption

  • Recommend a React technology debunking project, top down React source analysis
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
Just – React: Rigorous, understandable react source analysis tutorial  Github.com/BetaSu/just…

The interview panel

  • Build your own raise trove with these 10 GitHub hot front-end interview projects!
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
There are a lot of front-end-developer-questions  H5bp.org/Front-end-D…
Javascript-questions: Lists of advanced javascript questions Github.com/lydiahallie…
Daily-question: one daily-factory noodle is pushed every day Github.com/shfshanyue/…
Cs-interview-knowledge-map: Interview questions for leading manufacturers Github.com/InterviewMa…
Daily-interview-question: Do one Daily Interview Question Github.com/Advanced-Fr…
Fe-interview: A review project for a front end interview Lucifer. Ren/fe – intervie…
Fe-interview: Front end interview topic  Github.com/biaochenxuy…
Fe-interview: Front end knowledge question bank Github.com/haizlin/fe-…
-Rufus: Nod-interview Github.com/ElemeFE/nod…
-Howard: Well, it’s a front-end-interview-notebook Github.com/CavsZhouyou…
Fe-interview: A prerequisite for the front end Interview Github.com/lgwebdream/…
Web-interview: Vue Interview question bank Github.com/febobo/web-…

Resume project

  • The 10 most popular Programmer resume projects on GitHub
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
ResumeSample: Programmer resume template series  Github.com/geekcompany…
Markdown-resume: A template for writing a Resume using the Markdown grammar. It is very short and generic Github.com/CyC2018/Mar…
Example sentences, examples of awesome-resume for a programmer Github.com/resumejob/a…
DeerResume: A handy MarkDown online resume tool that allows you to preview, edit, set an access password, and generate a PDF Github.com/geekcompany…
Markdown-resume: An online resume layout tool that supports four types of templates, customization, and export Github.com/mdnice/mark…
Best-resume-ever: A quick tool for generating great resumes based on Vue and LESS Github.com/salomonelli…
Awesome -resume-for- Chinese: Resume templates for Chinese  Github.com/dyweb/aweso…
Resume: An elegant, simple resume Github.com/gwuhaolin/r…
Biaochenxuying: Very free custom front-end programmer template Github.com/biaochenxuy…
Github – readME-stats: Get dynamically generated Github stats in your ReadME Github.com/anuraghazra…


  • Find inspiration to write JavaScript in 12 GitHub hot JavaScript projects!
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
30-seconds of code: short snippets of code that are often used and very classic  Github.com/30-seconds/…
33-js-concepts: 33 concepts that JavaScript developers should understand Github.com/leonardomso…
Javascript-questions: Lists of advanced javascript questions Github.com/lydiahallie…
JavaScript 30: Complete 30 projects in 30 days using native JavaScript Github.com/wesbos/Java…
Codewars: Similar to LeetCode, it’s a platform where you work with others to complete real code challenges to improve your skills www.codewars.com/
ES6: An open source JavaScript language tutorial that fully introduces the new syntactic features introduced in ECMAScript 6 es6.ruanyifeng.com/
JavaScript Tutorial: A comprehensive introduction to the core JavaScript syntax, covering all aspects of the ES5 and DOM specifications  wangdoc.com/javascript/
Modern JavaScript tutorials: Based on the latest JavaScript standards. From basic to advanced knowledge of JavaScript zh.javascript.info/
MDN: Provides information about Open Web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and apis for Web sites and progressive Web applications developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/
Clean -code-javascript: excellent JS code specification Github.com/ryanmcdermo…
Introduction to TypeScript: A step-by-step guide to understanding TypeScript from the JavaScript programmer’s perspective ts.xcatliu.com
W3school: Web technology tutorial platform that front-end must know www.w3school.com.cn/js/index.as…
Three.js: JavaScript editing 3D models, all sorts of cool effects and Documentation are worth learning aboutthree.js three.js] (threejs.org/)


  • Recommend 4 blockbuster open source projects based on Flutter
  • Wonderful to be continued…
Web site instructions
dy_flutter Bettas APP
flutter_tiktok Pure imitation trill
flutter-osc Open source Chinese client
FlutterDouBan Douban client


  • It’s time to give yourself a raise in 2021!
  • Wonderful to be continued…
Web site instructions
TypeScript TypeScript’s official website, TS extends JavaScript by adding type support
typescript-tutorial Introduction to TypeScript: a step-by-step guide to understanding TypeScript
TypeScript TypeScript user manual
typescript-book-chinese Learn more about TypeScript
clean-code-typescript Concise code concepts that apply to TypeScript
Introduction to TypeScript Get started with TypeScript
typescript-tutorial TypeScript Tutorial (2 hours)

Front-end mandatory online tools

  • White whoring 11 super hot front-end necessary online tools, finally have time to go to work to touch fish
  • Recommend 12 fairy level tools and websites for learning front-end
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
LightHouse: An open source automation tool for improving the quality of web applications Github.com/GoogleChrom…
Can I Use: query CSS, Js in the popular browser clock features and compatibility sites caniuse.com/
Ios Font: Supports ios font query and ios font query iosfonts.com/
Web security color: Ensure that users see pages with the same color. Use 216 web security colors as much as possible www.bootcss.com/p/websafeco…
TinyPNG: PNG/JPG image compression tool, smart PNG and JPEG image compression tinypng.com/
Two-dimensional code generator: straw two-dimensional code generator cli.im/
Shape Divider: A tool to customize the SVG of web site partitions of various shapes www.shapedivider.app/
Json format: Online PARSING of JSON sites json.cn/
Sojson: A collection of front-end WEB tools www.sojson.com/
Webmaster tools: essential tools for webmaster tool.chinaz.com/
Codelf: Intelligent recommendation for naming variables unbug.github.io/codelf/
Evernote: Web front-end developers provide quality Chinese documentation www.docschina.org
Regexr: matches the regular expression regexr.com/
Any-rule: regular expression library, very complete, easy to use Github.com/any86/any-r…
Bootcdn: domestic CDN library with high speed www.bootcdn.cn 或 cdn.baomitu.com
Jsdelivr: Foreign CDN library, support github, NPM, WordPress www.jsdelivr.com
Gitignore: Depending on the selection, the.gitignore file is generated www.gitignore.io/
Codesandbox: Edit code online codesandbox.io/
Typora: A practical Markdown writing tool, what you see is what you get www.typora.io
Mdnice: Make Markdown grammar more beautiful, writing tool (highly recommended) mdnice.com
Toptal: Multiple images are combined into Sprite images and the corresponding CSS is generated www.toptal.com/developers/…
Tool: a collection of tools, including timestamp conversion, base conversion, etc tool.lu/

The inner workings of the computer

  • Recommend 7 Github on nearly 200K Star computer learning resources, practice good front-end internal skills of the secret book!
  • B station collection 12.5w+! GitHub 标 star This course saved my weak computer foundation
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
Crash-course -Computer-Science-Chinese Github.com/1c7/Crash-C…
Computer-science: The Road to free Self-study education in Computer Science! Github.com/ossu/comput…
Cs-notes: technical interview basics, Leetcode, computer operating system, computer network, system design, Java, Python, C++ Github.com/CyC2018/CS-…
Rekcarc-tsc-uht: Curriculum guide for The Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University Github.com/PKUanonym/R…
Zju-icicles: Zhejiang University Course Strategy sharing program Github.com/QSCTech/zju…
Teachyourselfcs-cn: You can get a world-class education just by yourself Github.com/keithnull/T…
Cs-xmind-note: Computer Science (408) Mind mapping and Notes Github.com/SSHeRun/CS-…
Awesome – Books: 160+ This open source technology elite ebook, including front end, back end, data structures and algorithms, computer fundamentals, design patterns, databases and other books Github.com/biaochenxuy…

Online code to pictures

project address
Carbon: Online code-to-picture tool carbon.now.sh/
Glorious. Codes: an online code-to-picture tool glorious.codes/demo
Codezen: Online code-to-picture tool codezen.rishimohan.me/
Codeimg: Online code-to-image tool codeimg.io/

Management background admin

  • The 10 most popular and beautiful admin background templates on GitHub have been selected for the admin background project
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
Vue-element-admin: Back-end front-end solution based on vUE and Element-UI implementations Github.com/PanJiaChen/…
Iview-admin: based on vue. js, with iView UI component library formed a set of background integration solution Github.com/iview/iview…
Vue-admin-template: A minimalist vue admin management back end Github.com/PanJiaChen/…
Ant-design-pro: Ant Design Pro is a complete set of enterprise-level mid-backend front-end/design solutions based on Ant Design and UMI packaging Github.com/ant-design/…
Ngx-admin: Customizable management dashboard module based on Angular 10+ with six amazing visual themes Github.com/akveo/ngx-a…
Vue-admin-beautiful: VUE + Element-UI based on the excellent backend front-end development management framework Github.com/chuzhixin/v…
Vuestic-admin: Free management template with wonderful vue.js, including more than 38 customized user interface components Github.com/epicmaxco/v…
Antd-admin: a set of excellent backend front-end solution Github.com/zuiidea/ant…
Eladmin: SpringBoot, Jpa, Security, Redis, Vue and other front-end cutting-edge technology development Github.com/elunez/elad…
AdminLTE: is a fully responsive administration template. Based on Bootstrap 4.5 framework and JS/jQuery plug-in Github.com/almasaeed20…

Fill the space with PPT

  • GitHub star 54K + 2K! This is the correct posture for a programmer to write a full powerpoint!
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
Reveal-md: Open source project that uses Markdown for powerpoint presentations Github.com/webpro/reve…
Reveal. Js: Write static text using HTML and Markdown to create a fully functional and beautiful PPT Github.com/hakimel/rev…

Data structures and algorithms

  • 7 of GitHub’s hottest data structures and algorithms to learn from! No one of
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
Javasjavascript -algorithms: Contains a variety of javask-based algorithms and data structures Github.com/trekhleb/ja…
Algorithm-visualizer: Algorithm visualizer is an interactive online platform for visualizing algorithms from code Github.com/algorithm-v…
Algo: 50 code implementations of data structures and algorithms Github.com/wangzheng08…
Awesome – Algorithms: Javascript implementations of different well-known computer science algorithms Github.com/mgechev/jav…
Js-sorting -Algorithm: A simple and efficient Sorting process Github.com/hustcc/JS-S…
Beauty of JavaScript data Structures and algorithms: contains the ideas, code implementation, some examples, complexity analysis, animation of the top ten classic sorting algorithms Github.com/biaochenxuy…
Daily-algorithms: Algorithms, a daily exercise Github.com/barretlee/d…
JavaScript more… Github.com/search?l=Ja…

CSS Learning Topics

  • [10 Super popular CSS tips on GitHub for inspiration!]
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
You-need-to-know- CSS: Various effects of CSS implementation, especially animation effects Lhammer. Cn/You — the need to…
Css-inspiration: Find the Inspiration to use or learn CSS Github.com/chokcoco/CS…
Css_tricks: Summarizes some commonly used CSS new properties and a few tricks Github.com/QiShaoXuan/…
Animista: A variety of CSS implementations, as well as code demos, so you can copy code directly animista.net/
Spinkit: A collection of CSS snippets that implement various loading effects tobiasahlin.com/spinkit/
10 days to master CSS3: CSS3 tutorial www.imooc.com/learn/33
Animate: interesting, cross-browser CSS3 animation library animate.style/
Sass: Sass is a precompiled CSS language that brings more power to CSS Sass.bootcss.com/documentati…
Less: Less is a CSS preprocessing language that extends the CSS language by adding variables, mixins, and functions less.bootcss.com/
Cssdeck: Online CSS front-end code Demo style effects cssdeck.com/
Codepen: Front end cool style effects, various loading effects, online programming, Vue components are also special codepen.io/
Cubic – Bezier: CSS3 bezier curve online debugging tool cubic-bezier.com/
Snapsvg: SVG animation JS library, all kinds of cool effects. snapsvg.io/
All of our background images are colorful and varied, which can help you look Cool. coolbackgrounds.io/


  • Recommend 9 node.js learning, advanced, debugging analysis, practical heavy open source projects 👍
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
Node: The best resource to learn from is definitely the official node.js project. github.com/nodejs/node
Node-api-cn: Node.js API Chinese documentation project Github.com/nodejscn/no…
Node-in-debugging: Items in the Node.js debugging guide Github.com/nswbmw/node…
Nodebestpractices: A summary and sharing of the highest ranking content in Node.js bestpractices Github.com/goldbergyon…
Deep-into-node: deep understanding of node.js: core ideas and source analysis Github.com/yjhjstz/dee…
Nodejs-roadmap: Technology stack for node.js servers Github.com/qufei1993/N…
NeteaseCloudMusicApi: netease CloudMusic Node.js API service Github.com/Binaryify/N…
Node-elm: This is a background system based on Node.js + Mongodb Github.com/bailicangdu…
Awesome -nodejs: Node.js resources Github.com/sindresorhu…

Small program

project address
Mpvue: a small program development framework based on vue. js, which supports vue. js syntax and building tool system from the bottom Github.com/Meituan-Dia…
Wepy: Componentized development framework for small programs Github.com/Tencent/wep…
Westore: mini program solution for wechat – 1KB javascript coverage state management, cross-page communication, plug-in development and cloud database development Github.com/Tencent/wes…
ColorUI: Bright high saturation color, focus on the visual small program components library Github.com/weilanwl/Co…
Gitter: The demo developed with Taro framework + Taro UI may be the GitHub wechat mini program client with the highest appearance level Github.com/huangjianke…
Taro: Multi-terminal unified development framework, support with React development method write code once github.com/NervJS/taro
Painter: Small program generates a photo library, easily draw a picture that can be sent to friends circle through JSON Github.com/Kujiale-Mob…
Kbone: Web and small program isomorphism solution, wechat official Github.com/wechat-mini…

The front-end monitoring

  • Featured GitHub 2K+ Star: Front-end Monitoring Tool – WebFunny Projects!
  • Wonderful to be continued…
Web site instructions
Front end monitoring tool – WebFunny project A lightweight front-end exception monitoring and front-end performance monitoring system

Front-end code specification

  • With all due respect, the front-end code specification of these big factories you probably don’t have – the front-end code specification can be refined
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
tencent Tgideas.qq.com/doc/index.h…
jingdong guide.aotu.io/index.html
airbnb Github.com/airbnb/java…
baidu Github.com/ecomfe/spec…
JavaScript Standard Style Github.com/standard/st…
Vue  Cn.vuejs.org/v2/style-gu…
ES6 es6.ruanyifeng.com/#docs/style
Bootstrap codeguide.bootcss.com/
ESLint eslint.org/
Prettier prettier.io/

Programmer’s Must-have Warehouse

  • There are seven of the top 10 GitHub repositories that programmers must have!
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
Build-your-own-x: Build the app you want to build Github.com/danistefano…
Javasjavascript -algorithms: Multiple javask-based algorithms and data structures Github.com/trekhleb/ja…
Computer-science: Offers a wealth of free resources for anyone who wants to study computer science Github.com/ossu/comput…
30-seconds-of-code: More than 100 code segments covering everything in JavaScript Github.com/30-seconds/…
Nodebestpractices: A summary and sharing of the highest ranked content in Node.js bestpractices Github.com/goldbergyon…
Realworld: How do you develop appropriate applications using specific languages/technologies Github.com/gothinkster…
Free-programming-books: Free programming books  Github.com/EbookFounda…
System-design-primer: Learn how to design large systems to prepare for a system design interview Github.com/donnemartin…
Awesome – Python: A selection of Python frameworks, libraries, software, and resources Github.com/vinta/aweso…
Awesome Machine-learning: A selection of great machine learning frameworks, libraries, and software Github.com/josephmisit…

Foreign websites,

  • Rise posture! Expandingprogrammer technology and vision of 22 foreign websites!
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
GitHub: Open source project repository github.com
GitLab: Open source project of warehouse management system about.gitlab.com/
Dev. to: The technology blog community dev.to/
Dreamincode: Niche tech blog www.dreamincode.net
Bytes: Similar to Dreamcode, simple but not simple bytes.com
Hongkiat: Technical articles in the field of technology and design www.hongkiat.com/blog/design…
IBM Developer: First Line engineers, very technical articles developer.ibm.com
StackOverFlow: An international problem-solving community for programmers stackoverflow.com
Reddit: A very personal community where you can discuss programming issues and learn English www.reddit.com
Daniweb: A high quality q&A platform www.daniweb.com
LeetCode: Domestic LeetCode is the same as brush questions leetcode.com
LintCode: LintCode has more than 1000 algorithm and ARTIFICIAL intelligence questions on the collar button www.lintcode.com
Codeforces: One of the best known online measurement systems in the world codeforces.com/
Topcoder: The world’s largest programming website www.topcoder.com
Tutorialspoint: Free online learning site with various techniques, explanations and demos www.tutorialspoint.com/index.htm
Codecademy: Simplify programming learning www.codecademy.com
Livecoding. TV: provide a real-time and efficient interactive platform for global programmers www.livecoding.tv/accounts/lo…
Dzone: Technology covers a more comprehensive site dzone.com
Simpleprogrammer: Pure technical article is not much, the article of guidance suggestion sex is more simpleprogrammer.com/
SitePoint: Learn Web design and development of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, and mobile applications www.sitepoint.com/web
YouTobe: Bilibili is the same as Bilibili in China. All kinds of videos are gathered here, and of course the programming masters from all over the world are also here www.youtube.com/

The design specification

project address
IPhone screen sizes www.paintcodeapp.com/news/ultima…
Design specification for mobile screen sizes screensiz.es/phone
Wechat official mini program UI style library weui.io/
Each large size device response screen effect display www.responsinator.com/


  • Brick Design is recommended as a full-scene visual drag-and-drop low code front-end framework
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
Brick-design: Full-scene visual drag-and-drop low code front-end framework Github.com/brick-desig…

Code generator

  • GitHub 2W star: One-click generation of front and back end code
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
Jeecg-boot: Generates front and back end code with one click Github.com/zhangdaisco…

Download the whole web video

  • GitHub 5W Star: One line command to download web wide videos for two open source projects
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
You-get: A one-line command to download the entire web video Github.com/soimort/you…
Annie: One line command to download the whole web video Github.com/iawia002/an…

Cool geek interface

  • Amazed! For Windows, Mac, Linux, cool geek interface Edex-UI
  • Everything a programmer wants is hidden in this open source project!
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
Edex-ui: Cool geek interface Github.com/GitSquared/…
Lively: Pull up the programmer’s desktop screensiz.es/phone

Cutout artifact

project address
removebg www.remove.bg/zh
Ps – uupoop online www.uupoop.com/

Online mapping

project address
ProcessOn www.processon.com/
draw.io www.draw.io/
excalidraw excalidraw.com/

Color is tie-in

project address
Chinese Academy of Sciences chromatography of traditional Chinese color zhongguose.com/#yuhong
Online fast color generation tool coolors.co/
Updated daily with a simple and comfortable color scheme colorhunt.co/
MaterialDesign powerful online color matching www.materialpalette.com/blue/purple
Analyze site color matching through url access webcolourdata.com/
Cool polygon background color block generation trianglify.io/
Color search engine picular.co/
Popular grid gradient background for free download webgradients.com/
Upload and match the colors of the extracted image style www.colorfavs.com/

The development idea

  • Github has a 1.6w + star, and the “unspoken rules” that programmers have to know have become popular again. If I had known, I wouldn’t have gone bald
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
Hacker-laws: The most common laws, principles, etc Github.com/nusr/hacker…

Technical community

project address
GitHub: A platform for high-quality content creation and sharing github.com/
Stackoverflow: a site that answers technical questions stackoverflow.com/
Nuggets: at present look, domestic a lot of high quality front end article, on nuggets juejin.cn/
Blogpark: A pure technology blogging platform www.cnblogs.com/
Zhihu: Many technical students have started to play zhihu, and many leading executives of Ali are very active on Zhihu www.zhihu.com/
Segmentfault: A relatively low-key technology blogging platform segmentfault.com/
CSDN: Too much advertising, but you are so old www.csdn.net/
V2ex: A place for sharing and exploration www.v2ex.com/
Node.js is a professional Chinese community www.jstips.co/
JS Tips: Launch a JS tips website every day cnodejs.org/
W3cplus: is a technology blog dedicated to promoting the domestic front-end industry www.w3cplus.com/
Imprinting Chinese: is the most authoritative technical Chinese document community docschina.org/

Blog team

project address
Tencent AlloyTeam www.alloyteam.com/
Tencent Social User Experience ISUX isux.tencent.com/
Tao department front end team fed.taobao.org/
Alibaba International UED www.aliued.com/
Jingdong Concave-convex Laboratory aotu.io/
Ele. me front end zhuanlan.zhihu.com/ElemeFE
Baidu front-end RESEARCH and development department FEX fex.baidu.com/
360 odd dance company 75team.com/
Meituan technical team tech.meituan.com/
The night is the morning Github.com/biaochenxuy…

Making statistics

project address
GitHub Global Rankings: This ranking is authoritative gitstar-ranking.com/
GitHub Chinese ranking, high score excellent Chinese projects Github.com/kon9chunkit…

Front end assembly

project address
Vue.js Developer Conference: Vue.js Developer Conference, China fequan.com/
China JS Developer Conference: an international conference focused on JavaScript and Node.js technology jsconfchina.com/
China CSS Developers Conference: the conference to improve the posture of CSS development css.w3ctech.com/
D2 Front-end Technology Forum: held by Alibaba to share the fun of technology and discuss the development of the industry d2forum.alibaba-inc.com/

Packaging tools

project address
NPM www.npmjs.com/
Yarn yarnpkg.com/zh-Hans/
Webpack webpack.js.org/
Gulp www.gulpjs.com.cn/
Babel babeljs.io/
ESLint: assembles JavaScript and JSX checking tools cn.eslint.org/
PostCSS: a tool for converting CSS code with JavaScript tools and plug-ins www.postcss.com.cn/
Rollup: Packages the NPM library Github.com/rollup/roll…
Parcel: A packaging tool similar to WebPack Github.com/parcel-bund…
Systemjs: useful for some special scenarios, such as cloud IDE, Alipay miniprogram IDE, etc Github.com/systemjs/sy…
Microbundle: Simplifies configuration based on rollup Github.com/developit/m…
Bili: Based on rollup, ibid github.com/egoist/bili
Vue-cli: indicates the Vue command line tool Github.com/vuejs/vue-c…
Create-react-app: React official scaffolding Github.com/facebook/cr…
Prepack: Optimizes the packaging results by pre-executing them Github.com/facebook/pr…
SWC: Rust based syntax converter, a competitor to Babel Github.com/swc-project…
Nathan/Pax: Based on Rust, said to be the fastest JavaScript packaging tool on the planet github.com/nathan/pax
Pikapkg /web: NPM dependencies in the browser, for modern browsers github.com/pikapkg/web
Lebab/LEBAB: Convert es5 code to ES6, reverse Babel github.com/lebab/lebab
Snowpack: A faster packaging tool system for the modern Web Github.com/pikapkg/sno…

Code hosting platform

project address
Coding: code hosting platform coding.net/
Code Cloud: Code hosting platform gitee.com/
Github: Code hosting platform github.com/
SVN: code hosting platform Svnbucket.com/?ADTAG=bdss…
SVN: code management center www.svnchina.com/
Git: website git-scm.com/
Ali cloud www.aliyun.com
Tencent cloud cloud.tencent.com/

Debugging caught

project address
Whistle: It’s a proxy packet capture tool. It’s nice and powerful wproxy.org/whistle/
Easy Mock www.easy-mock.com
Fiddler: proxy packet capture tool www.telerik.com/fiddler

The development tools

  • Recommend 12 essential tools to improve programmer’s soft skills and efficiency, love love 👍
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
VS Code code.visualstudio.com/
Sublime Text www.sublimetext.com/
WebStorm www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/
Atom atom.io/

Record the screen tools

  • Recommend the popular screen recording tool on GitHub, kill 33 peer tools
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
screenity Github.com/alyssaxuu/s…

Practical Guide to Buying a house

  • Here are 2 practical guides to buying a house that Github’s hot coders need!
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
Hangzhou hangzhou_house_knowledge: Github.com/houshanren/…
Hangzhou_house_knowledge: Shanghai Github.com/ayuer/shang…

Good front end blog

The public, The author WeChat address Introduction to the
The whole stack The night is the morning CB834301747 Github.com/biaochenxuy… Share big front-end development related technical articles, hot resources, full stack programmer growth road
Front end afternoon tea SHERlocked93 qianyu443033099 Github.com/SHERlocked9… Share front-end related technical blogs, selected articles, look forward to progress with you here!
The front-end UpUp Day after day DayDay2021 Github.com/daydaylee12… Leetcode algorithm related, brush LeetCode from 0 to 1.
Front end from advanced to hospital ssh sshsunlight Github.com/sl1673495/b… 📖 100W + read advanced front-end technology blog repository, Vue source code parsing, React in-depth practices, TypeScript advanced art, engineering, performance optimization practices…
ICSS front-end interesting facts Coco coco1s Github.com/chokcoco/iC… 9300+ Stars CSS warehouse, all kinds of CSS magic tricks, here, have.
If sichuan vision If sichuan ruochuan12 Github.com/lxchuan12/b… Learning source code overall architecture series many, front – end interview high-frequency source code
Front evangelist jiangsu su-south Github.com/meibin08/co… A cartoon interpretation of programmers daily anecdotes, share the front edge technology, dacang face and dry goods of the public account, the main number is a love of drawing the front end of the cut map cub, love code at the same time, but also hope to use the form of comics to let more understand programmers.
Autumn wind notes The autumn wind qiufengblue Github.com/hua1995116/… Sharing engineering, open source knowledge, interesting front-end knowledge.
The front-end dining room For Obama hungryturbo Github.com/Geekhyt/fro… Your front dining hall, eat well every meal 🍥
Shenzhen Bay code farmer Rock ruanxiongbiao Github.com/qappleh/Int… Share the interview questions of BAT factory, break one question every day, take you from 0 to 1 system to build web full stack complete knowledge system!
The big front of the attack Peng-fei jiang ffx313 Github.com/dennis-jian… Advanced knowledge of the system
Fawn animation programming The deer lxq17853556107 Github.com/luxiangqian… Github only animation warehouse, with the form of animation front-end technology incisively and vividly! Also include their own front end of the interview and advanced articles to share, welcome to pay attention to oh!
Programming the picturesque dapeng aaron875499765 Github.com/guanpengchn… The network’s most special picture solution algorithm, mdNICE author official blog
Front end thinking framework ViktorHub viktorhub Github.com/ViktorWong/… Build Web full-stack digital library, reveal Web full-stack architects, and build personal core competitiveness.


project address
Font Awesome: The most popular icon set for web development www.fontawesome.com.cn/
Feather: Simple and beautiful open source icon feathericons.com/
Ionicons: carefully drawn open source ICONS ionicons.com/
Simple Icons: Light, elegant, symbolic Icons that contain common actions and actions simpleicons.org/
Material Design Icons Material. IO/resources/I…
Tabler Icons: 681 customizable open source SVG Icons tablericons.com/


project address
Material Design Colors www.materialui.co/colors
Flat UI Colors: 14 Colors, 280 Colors flatuicolors.com/
Color Hunt: A free and open platform for sharing Color combinations, including thousands of hand-selected Color combinations for inspiration colorhunt.co/
Color Space: Color scheme, CSS Color gradient generation tool mycolor.space/
UiGradients: Beautiful color gradients www.uigradients.com/
Fonts: Colors and Fonts colorsandfonts.com/
Coolors: Color scheme generation tool coolors.co/


project address
Undraw: A continuously updated collection of beautiful SVG illustrations Undraw the co/illustratio…
Manypixels: Free illustration collection gallery.manypixels.co/
IRA Design: Customize illustrations by blending gradients with hand-painted components Iradesign. IO/gallery/ill…
Illustrations and Illustrations Free Illustrations by Lukasz Adam Lukaszadam.com/illustratio…
Blobmaker: Online SVG shape generator www.blobmaker.app/
Get Waves: Online SVG waveform generator getwaves.io/

The picture

project address
Unsplash: Free images unsplash.com/
Pexels: Beautiful free photos and videos www.pexels.com/
Burst: Free high resolution images for web and commercial use burst.shopify.com/
ISO Republic: Free high resolution images and videos using the CC0 license isorepublic.com/
Pixabay: Amazing free (public domain) photo and video site pixabay.com/
StockSnap: Beautiful free images, also using CC0 license stocksnap.io/
Photopea: An online photo editing tool that supports a number of advanced features www.photopea.com/
Using the Online Image Compressor, you can compress up to 20 images at a time imagecompressor.com/
Bulk Resize Photos: The fastest online image scaling tool (Image scaling and compression are performed locally without uploading to the server. bulkresizephotos.com/en

Design tools

project address
Ink knife: prototype design tool modao.cc/
Blue Lake: an online collaboration platform for product documentation and design drawings lanhuapp.com
PxCook: Efficient and easy to use automatic annotation tool www.fancynode.com.cn/pxcook

WEB Technology List

  • 2020-Web Development Roadmap, and the upcoming 2021-Web Technologies Checklist
  • Wonderful to be continued…
project address
Developer-roadmap: A step-by-step guide and path for learning different tools or techniques Github.com/kamranahmed…

The front end

The back-end


The last

Well, these are the good open source projects that Cat brother has recommended for the past half a year.

Time will make an ordinary thing become extraordinary.

Unconsciously, the original article has been written to the 47th issue, almost every article is the cat brother carefully selected quality open source projects, push every article in the project is almost very helpful to the front-end development.

Original is not easy, update and operation for more than half a year is not easy, spend a lot of time, energy to screen and write recommended reasons, big guys after reading the article, easily to a key three, when the cat brother a little encouragement.

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Wechat search front-end GitHub, reply to e-books will send you 1000+ essence programming e-books; Reply 1024 send you a complete set of front end video tutorials.

It is not easy to update and operate for more than half a year, and it will be updated continuously in the future. Thank you for your company for so long, your praise and sharing, and your affirmation and encouragement for the article of Cat brother. Thank you.