Whether you’re a developer, security engineer, code auditor, penetration tester,

Even if you have no foundation, practice is what makes you a good security researcher.

If you are interested in Python, here is a full set of learning materials available for free:Python Learning communication

The following website hope to bring help to you safe friends! (In no particular order)

1. Track Hacker navigation

Navigation Track Hacker navigation

Hacker navigation, containing many network security line of official websites and platforms

Whether you are old bird or sprout new, can find the corresponding suitable article!

! [](https://pic1.zhimg.com/50/v2-6d4da35dfd07a4a6a71d3f6a0a2059b4_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

2. Fengshentai Shooting Range

Fengshentai – Control security online training range, is an online hacker attack and defense training platform.

Online training range, is an online hacker attack and defense drill platform!

In the growth of the road how can the lack of play strange brush fun!

But the website vulnerability composition on the market is complex, and there will be legal risks, want to technology, sealing shentai shooting range is a good choice

! [](https://pic4.zhimg.com/50/v2-edcfc71ddd928776306ee933e3c3d553_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

3. Hacker community

Track Safety Community – Master safety online education

Track_ Hacker_ Community – Follow in the footsteps of the hacker god

Security News daily watch hacker news

! [](https://pic4.zhimg.com/50/v2-b003d67eae06030e117497a60813ea8f_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

4, bWAPP

This is a free and open source Web application security project that integrates a variety of common and recent vulnerabilities.

The goal is to help security enthusiasts, developers and students find and prevent network vulnerabilities.

Address: www.itsecgames.com/

! [](https://pic1.zhimg.com/50/v2-173f76024b5b985d857ae80f2bf9a6b2_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

5. Damn Vulnerable iOS App (DVIA)

DVIA is an iOS secure app.

Its main goal is to provide a legitimate platform for mobile security enthusiasts to learn iOS penetration testing techniques.

The APP covers all common iOS security vulnerabilities. It is free and open source, with vulnerability tests and solutions covered in iOS 10.

Address: damnvulnerableiosapp.com/

! [](https://pic4.zhimg.com/50/v2-8d459a48951598089f0fa40ad02de692_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

6. Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA)

PHP – and mysql-based virtual Web applications, “built-in” common Web vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, XSS, etc., can be built on their own computers

Address: www.dvwa.co.uk/

7. Game of Hacks

To test your security skills in a game-like way, each task title provides a large amount of code, which may or may not have security vulnerabilities!

Address: www.gameofhacks.com/

! [](https://pic4.zhimg.com/50/v2-e6d6c5984389714dab5b8dfa11f88922_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

8, Google Gruyere

This site has a large number of security vulnerabilities, designed for those who are just beginning to learn Web application security novice design, the site’s main objectives have the following three:

– Learn how hackers find security holes; – Learn how hackers exploit vulnerabilities in websites to carry out attacks; – Learn how to prevent hackers from finding and exploiting security vulnerabilities;

Address: google-gruyere.appspot.com/

! [](https://pic4.zhimg.com/50/v2-46e1d110d12103ab4002049ee2944485_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

9, HackThis!!!!!

It can help you understand how hackers hack and steal data, and teach you how to protect your website from hackers.

There are more than 50 difficulty levels available, and there’s an active online community,

So it’s also a great place to learn about hacking, security news and technical articles.

Address: www.hackthis.co.uk/

! [](https://pic2.zhimg.com/50/v2-e9de8722ff0ce1adcaee0d9fc7874467_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

Hack This Site

HackThisSite is a good place for anyone to practice their hacking skills.

The platform offers hacker news, technical articles, hacker forums and a host of tutorials where you can learn and practice your hacking skills by completing various challenging tasks on the site.

Address: www.hackthissite.org/

! [](https://pic4.zhimg.com/50/v2-0d7234dc5bff1fe01a2f2c9f084bbe51_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

11, Hellbound Hackers

All talk, no practice!

Provides a variety of security practices and challenges designed to teach you how to identify attacks and patch recommendations for code.

Topics include application encryption and cracking, social work, and rooting.

With nearly 100,000 registered members, it is one of the largest hacker communities.

Address: www.hellboundhackers.org/

! [](https://pic3.zhimg.com/50/v2-319d88c816cbcd2b1060953896d1c81a_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

12. McAfee HacMe Sites

McAfee offers a variety of hacking and security testing tools, these sites can help penetration testers and security experts improve their skills.

Every app in the project simulates a real-world application scenario, and even the security vulnerabilities are very similar to those in real life.

Address: www.mcafee.com/us/download…

! [](https://pic4.zhimg.com/50/v2-4d8577b80b058a883f4f456628dde60d_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

13, Mutillidae

Mutillidaemutillidae is a free, open source Web application that provides specialized permitted security testing and intrusion.

It includes a wealth of penetration testing items such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, ClickJacking, local file inclusion, remote code execution, and more.

Address: sourceforge.net/projects/mu…

! [](https://pic3.zhimg.com/50/v2-9819d5e9d3476da9858222c9b4775c6a_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

14, OverTheWire

Game-based hacker site that lets you learn security techniques and concepts

Address: overthewire.org/wargames/

! [](https://pic2.zhimg.com/50/v2-855b52f561cb55a928d89d841d529b2f_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

15, the chief

A hacker site that offers secure, legal attacks

Address: sourceforge.net/projects/pe…

! [](https://pic4.zhimg.com/50/v2-b2b2e9fccb03350ea1087fad78d395d0_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

16, Root Me

Improve your hacking skills and Web security knowledge through more than 200 hacker challenge tasks and more than 50 virtual environments.

Address: www.root-me.org/

! [](https://pic4.zhimg.com/50/v2-c8e425cb138690ee02175c4700a75e56_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

17, Try2Hack

One of the oldest hacker sites offering a variety of security challenges.

Address: www.try2hack.nl/

! [](https://pic2.zhimg.com/50/v2-0bb9a7adad0dfef9ae6632a9524bbd74_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

In the 18th and Vicnum

One of OWASP’s projects, a simple framework for different needs and a game-based approach to guide security developers to learn security techniques.

Address: vicnum.ciphertechs.com/

! [](https://pic1.zhimg.com/50/v2-5a6362003da6143469fd6efa3ba2f8a9_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

19, WebGoat

The most popular OWASP project,

This insecure app allows us to learn how to deal with complex security problems in the real world.

Address: webappsecmovies.sourceforge.net/webgoat/

! [](https://pic2.zhimg.com/50/v2-43d0f75bd6fccdb063faec2a26fe0f50_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c)

Please ignore the blurry picture as we are looking at a mood ~

Concern public number: control safe EDU