Quick as a flash, Tutorialzine brings us a selection of excellent Web development resources for April 2017. Front-end developers, let’s get a sneak peek!

1. Core UI

Core UI is an administration template based on Bootstrap 4 that provides a highly customized solution for creating control panels. It also comes with separate boilerplate versions for quick integration with popular frameworks (AngularJS, Angular 2, React.js and vue.js.).

Project Address: [portal】

2. React Trend

This React component from the Unsplash team is used to create elegant linear diagrams that show trends and activity indicators. The project follows a minimalist approach and gives you a simple, elegant solution to a specific problem. It also has an unofficial Vue interface, but does not provide a full chart library.

Project Address: [portal】

3. Element

Sketch Template

Project Address: [portal】

4. Extension Boilerplate

This project provided a solid foundation for us to create cross-browser extensions. Boilerplate is based on WebExtensions, and can write extensions at once and deploy them to Chrome, Opera, and Firefox at the same time. It also has some other cool features, such as real-time reloading.

Project Address: [portal】

5. BigPicture

A lightweight lightbox plug-in that provides smooth animation overlay pop-ups for both images and videos. BigPicture provides a nice feature that works with < IMG > tags and background-image elements, and developers can tag freely. As for video formats – YouTube, Vimeo and direct video link are all supported.

Project Address: [portal】

6. Reactive Listener


Project Address: [portal】

7. Eagle.js


Project Address: [portal】

8. Planck.js

This project is a JavaScript rewrite of the Box2D physics engine by game developers using C ++. Plank. Js optimizes the engine for Web and mobile browsers and provides a javasjp-friendly open source library and API. As a result, developers are much more comfortable making 2D games.

Project Address: [portal】

9. Create React Native App

After completing the Boilerplate for the Create React App project, there is a tool for creating React Native applications that requires no setup of the project. You don’t need to install Xcode or Android Studio to set up and test React Native apps.

Project Address: [portal】

10. Pushy Buttons

A pure CSS implementation of 3D button micro library. When the button is clicked, it has a smooth push effect. Buttons come in 4 sizes and 3 colors, and you can easily customize them using SASS or modify the.css source file.

Project Address: [portal】

11. React Overdrive

React Overdrive is a simple, magical transition animation component for the React application. You can easily create cool transitions between different states (or pages) on a page or in an application. Because its API is component-based, it’s easy to set up transitions even when switching between multiple JavaScript files.

Project Address: [portal】

12. MoveTo

Without the monthly resource recommendation of the click-through animation library, it would be incomplete. So for this month’s list of recommended resources, we’ve brought you a zero-dependency JavaScript library: MoveTo. It is a 1KB gzip compressed JS library that is super easy to use and allows you to animate using the native Window.Scroll API.

Project Address: [portal】

13. Anchorme

Project Address: [portal】

14. RPG Awesome

Project Address: [portal】

15. Tent CSS

BEM standard

Project Address: [portal】

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英文原文 :
15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for April 2017

Author: Danny Markov

IT application lion

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