A wave of Chrome plugins are recommended today. These plug-ins have given me a boost in development efficiency. So here’s a list to share with friends.

As a developer, I recommend a bunch of common Chrome add-ons, including the free FQ tool, github for easy code browsing, screenshots, AD blocking, SQL formatting, and more.

1. Google Assistant


3.The Great Suspender



6. Generation of QR code

7. The nuggets



10.SQL Format

11. Janue

12.Visual Inspector By CanvasFlip



15. Google translate

1. Google Assistant

This is a free FQ plugin for easy access to Google Search, Google App Store. Those who don’t want to spend money can use it. I have fallen in love with it since I put it on.

Once Google’s Access Assistant is installed, you can go directly to the Chrome Web Store and download the following plug-ins to use instead of having to spend time searching for them on Baidu.


A disadvantage of Github is that the codes cannot jump to each other. If I just want to browse the general code structure, I will switch back and forth between the upper and lower levels of directories, so it is really tiring to read. Therefore, when I have to clone it and open it with IDEA. This plug-in is designed to solve this problem by elevating the experience of reading code online by an order of magnitude, supporting direct jumps, global searches, and displaying comments, just like the IDE.

3.The Great Suspender

Chrome is powerful, basically a must-have for developers, and one of the most popular browsers in the world, but its biggest problem is……

I often open more than 20 tabs without closing them. The habit is to look at these pages, like this

And if you look at the memory consumption, it takes up more than one gigabyte of memory. It’s too scary.

Yes, the problem is that it consumes too much memory.

Well, this plug-in can automatically hibernate temporarily unused tabs to save memory.


It blocks almost all annoying pop-up ads, Banner ads, picture ads, etc. The immediate results are: clean pages, faster loading times, battery savings, etc.


API interface is generally the default return json format, want to see what specific content, chrome returned data are shown to a line, and coding format is wrong, not be the same with this plugin, it will automatically help you to layout, no matter how complex, you can be very intuitive to know its data hierarchy, absolutely necessary tool developers.

6. Generation of QR code

During development, you need to generate a QR code from the address of the local project and send it to the Boss to review your project results. So we often go to copy the address to an online TWO-DIMENSIONAL code generation site to generate, the operation steps are cumbersome. With this plug-in, only need to click once, it is very convenient to directly generate two-dimensional code.

7. The nuggets

It’s also handy to browse through development articles and great Github open source projects from time to time.


The plugin is also a handy solution to the github code failure. It’s useful if you just want a quick look at the structure of your project, but the free version doesn’t support code search, only the paid version does. It doesn’t feel as powerful as SourceGraph.


This is a screenshot tool plug-in, cut the figure can be directly edited, super convenient.

10.SQL Format

In the debugging process, there are always some SQL looks ugly, this plug-in can solve the SQL beautification and formatting.

11. Janue

This is an article reading beautification artifact, bring a different reading experience. Support any web page adaptation, can be beautiful layout of the web page article, can set the reading background, automatic generation of article directory structure. This is a plugin THAT I really recommend. It works like a bomb.

Don’t know can go to the official website address: ksria.com/simpread/

12.Visual Inspector By CanvasFlip

Visual Inspector is a Chrome extension that makes it easy to see the fonts, colors, box models, and spacing between elements on a page. It’s much easier to see than the F12 code display tool. It’s a must-have tool for web designers.


This plug-in can display the current IP address, in peacetime development, you can be very convenient to view the IP address.


Tampermonkey is a free browser extension and the most popular user script manager.

Oilmonkey can also customize the site by installing various scripts. However, it can not only customize the style of the website, but also achieve more powerful functions, such as:

  • Download baidu web disk files directly
  • Re-customize the complex weibo page
  • Get rid of video ads and so on

Install a script and you’re done.

15. Google translate

For students who are poor in English, then this translation plug-in is quite suitable. I use it a lot, for example.

The above are some plug-ins that I feel are better after using them.

If you don’t understand, or don’t know how to use it, you can follow “Java Technology dry goods” on wechat and reply to me in the background. We can learn and communicate together.