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1. Define configuration file information

Sometimes we put some variables into the YML configuration file for unified management

For example,

The picture

Use @ConfigurationProperties instead of @Value

Method of use

Define the entities for the corresponding fields

@data // Specify the prefix @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "developer") @Component public class DeveloperProperty {private String name; private String website; private String qq; private String phoneNumber; }Copy the code
@data // Specify the prefix @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "developer") @Component public class DeveloperProperty {private String name; private String website; private String qq; private String phoneNumber; }Copy the code

Inject the bean when you use it

@RestController @RequiredArgsConstructor public class PropertyController { final DeveloperProperty developerProperty; @GetMapping("/property") public Object index() { return developerProperty.getName(); }}Copy the code

2. Replace @autowired with @requiredargsconstructor

We all know that there are three ways to inject a bean (set injection, constructor injection, and annotation injection), and Spring recommends that we inject the bean in the constructor way

Let’s look at what the code looks like after it’s compiled

The picture

RequiredArgsConstructor: Provided by Lombok

3. Code modularization

Alibaba Java development manual said that each method of code should not exceed 50 lines (I remember correctly), in the actual development we should be good at splitting their interface or method, so that a method only deal with a logic, maybe in the future a function will be used, use.

The picture

4. Throw exceptions instead of returning

When writing business code, different information is often returned according to different results. Minimize the return, which will appear messy code


The picture

Is case

The picture

5. Reduce unnecessary DB

Minimize database queries as much as possible

For example,

Delete a service (has been removed or not on the shelf can be deleted), before looking at the code written by others, we will first query the record according to the ID, and then make some judgments


The picture

Is case

The picture

6. Do not return NULL


The picture

Is case

The picture

Avoid unnecessary null Pointers when calling methods elsewhere

7. if else

Not too much if else if, you can try policy mode instead

Reduce the Controller business code

Business code as far as possible in the service layer for processing, later maintenance is easy to operate and beautiful


The picture

Is case

The picture

9. Use your Idea

Up to now, enterprises on the market have basically used IDEA as a development tool

Let me give you a little example

Idea will judge our code and make reasonable suggestions

Such as:

The picture

It recommends that we use the lanbda format instead, and click replace

The picture

Read the source code

GitHub stars:>1000 is a great open source project, and you can learn a lot from it.

11. Design patterns

23 design patterns, to try to use the idea of design patterns in the code, write code that is standard and beautiful but also lofty haha.

12. Embrace new knowledge

For programmers like us who have worked for a few years, I think we should learn more knowledge beyond our own cognition. Instead of cruD every day, we should use more difficult knowledge if we have the chance. If we don’t have the chance (the project is traditional), we can do more relevant demo exercises after work

13. Basic issues

The map traverse

HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("name", "du"); for (String key : map.keySet()) { String value = map.get(key); } map.forEach((k, v) -> { }); For (map.entry <String, String> Entry: map.entryset ()) {}Copy the code

Optional sentence empty

Public List<CatalogueTreeNode> getChild(String pid) {if (v.ispty (pid)) {pid = BasicDic.TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY_ROOT; } CatalogueTreeNode node = treeNodeMap.get(pid); return Optional.ofNullable(node) .map(CatalogueTreeNode::getChild) .orElse(Collections.emptyList()); }Copy the code


When recursing with large amounts of data, avoid new objects in recursive methods and try passing objects as method parameters


Class interface method annotations more complex method annotations should be written and written clearly, sometimes write comments not for others but for yourself

14. Determine if the element exists

HashSet instead of list, the code that determines whether an element exists

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); For (int I = 0; i < list.size(); i++) if ("a".equals(elementData[i])) return i;Copy the code

It can be seen that its complexity is On, and the underlying hashSet uses hashMap as a data structure for storage, and all elements are put into the key of map (i.e. linked list).

HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<>(); Int index = hash(a); return getNode(index) ! = nullCopy the code

So the complexity is O1.


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