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What do architects often mean by “technical architecture”? How to build APP stability system?

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[iOS internal functions] Crash analysis model

Series of thinking

The “Work Mindset Model” of high Performance Engineers

Why build a “work mind model”?

Engineers tend to get bogged down in technical details, forget about their work in the workplace, and fail to understand productive workplace habits. In the long run, this can be very damaging. You will find that people with poor skills may perform better than you. They think they are doing well, but their leaders are not satisfied. This may be because of your bad work habits. In the workplace, there are people who do everything right, who are well received by the company, who are liked by the boss, and who will soon be promoted. How do star employees of big companies think and perform? What are their experiences and methods worth learning from? Today I will give you a refined ability model, as long as you work in accordance with this model to think and execute, work output will be greatly improved.

Individual competency model

First, the bright Polaris target.

A Polaris goal is a breakthrough goal that you want to achieve three years from now, and it can steer you in the right direction and keep things from getting too far off track. When we are in high school again, we will set the goal of college entrance examination. It may be Tsinghua university, Peking University, or 985 school. High achievers have a clear goal to strive for, which is their driving force to maintain their passion.

Second, quantifiable short-term goals.

Polaris goals are often challenging or unpredictable, and are more likely to give us emotional drive, but whether it’s studying, working, or even playing a game, it’s easy to limit the details and forget to measure the gap between yourself and your goal. Therefore, we need short-term quantifiable goals so that people can better understand the value of the project, it is easy to discuss and adjust differences, and the implementation process can ensure that there is no useless work. Quarterly sales, for example, rose 30 percent to 100 million yuan. It is important to note that it is difficult to design quantifiable metrics, so use your creativity and logical thinking skills.

Third, design a perfect program.

How does the business process flow, what resources are needed to coordinate, and how to carry out project management? The plan should give consideration to both professionalism and efficiency. The professional technical plan should be designed according to the field in which the project is located, and the project management plan should also be designed considering the efficiency of teamwork.

Fourth, potential difficulties.

What are the possible difficulties during the project? What measures have been taken to deal with these difficulties? If it is a new technical direction, the technical feasibility will be very uncertain. If it is not feasible in the middle of the process, it will cause a huge loss to the whole team. These mines were discovered during the pre-study phase of the project and removed as soon as possible.

Fifth, the protection of the lifeline.

A project is only a partial expansion of the business, but problems can have a negative impact on the whole. These are usually lifeline problems. What risks may exist in the project? Typical examples include food poisoning, car brakes failing, and App use flashing back.

Sixth, the project failure plan.

There is always a certain probability that the project will fail. We have PlanB in mind to reduce the loss caused by failure. The project management process should also be reviewed periodically to identify potential problems and respond to them as soon as possible.

Number seven: Spread your influence.

Everything we do is to create value. The goal of the project is basic value, which can further create value by expanding the influence of a wider range. For example, when a project is done well, it becomes a benchmark, and other teams can learn from you, creating processes and tools that can make the company more efficient. Influence can also go beyond the scope of the company, radiating to the entire industry, is set to bring cross-border impact.


People with more casual working habits should first think and execute according to this model in their work. Only through practical application can they deeply understand and understand it. After exercise, thinking will gradually form a habit, can be more flexible in the process of work, such as some routine projects, the risk is not high, is relatively simple, you can ignore these points, but the premise is that you are thinking, can be logical and rigorous clearly.