Let’s start with a few appetizers, this article originally has a total of 108 questions, which involves Ali, Tencent, Xunlei, netease Cloud, Baidu and other large factories interview questions! After writing the answer at the bottom of the query test results are satisfied with their own! (Reprinted from the article)

Baidu, netease Cloud, Xunlei, Ali, byte written test + real interview questions


Thunder algorithm problem:

1. Join two one-way linked lists and return the sorted result.

2. Delete the same urls in a text file with 10000 urls.

3. Place 9 stones in a 9×9 square, and ensure that there are no two stones in the same row at 45 degrees.

Thunderbolt puzzle:

1. Draw four straight lines across 9 points of 3×3 in one stroke.

2. The king gave each of the three prisoners a hat, either black or white, and told them that whoever saw the other two men with white hats or knew that he was wearing black hats would be set free. The prisoners could see the other men’s hat colors, but not their own. After some time, none of the prisoners spoke, and one of the wise prisoners was at once sure that he was wearing a black hat. Do you know why?

3. There are 16 coins, A and B take turns to take 1,2,4 coins each time, the last one will lose. Q: Is winning guaranteed?

Click on the link above to answer the questions (information from Lebyte)