By convention, today is supposed to be the day to update the technical dry stuff, but today is programmer’s day — 1024, so let’s do something special — share tips on how programmers make money.

First look at yesterday, in the wechat group spread such a picture, another comrade fell down, and you are numb next to the spectator?Mr. Lu Xun wrote in Mr. Fujino:

But some of the Chinese were caught in the middle: he was a Russian spy, caught by the Japanese and about to be shot, surrounded by a crowd of Chinese; There’s another one of me in the lecture hall. “Hooray! They all clapped their hands and cheered.

If you realize that it’s just a matter of probability, you should plan for the rest of your career and life.But to give up now have a high salary, from scratch, and a few people have such courage and drive? But as you get older, how many all-nighters can you continue to pull? One day at a time? How to balance health and money? How to make a smooth transition and stop worrying about losing your job?

If you have the honor to see this article, may be able to give you some methods and thinking on the enlightenment and thinking, then this article will do its best to use, also do not waste their attention to my public number “program new vision”. First of all, I would like to share with you some ways of making money in the amateur mode. PS: This article does not contain any advertising.


Speaking of investment, many people are in awe, because they have been “leek” more than once. But we have to admit that investment is the fastest way to make money, with high passive returns.

As a programmer, the salary is high and the expenditure is little, still have a lot of spare money, let them lie in the bank devaluation or casually investment become “leek stuffing”? It’s not the best way.

It has to be said that programmers are a group of high IQ and code research is the most diligent people, but for financial investment, why do they follow suit? What happened to the spirit of study?

Take two examples of investing in stocks. A math friend, in order to invest in stocks, he spent half a month, read thousands of articles, research dozens of stocks, and then selected a few of them. Even in a bear market, his investments guaranteed annualized returns of about 40 percent.

How much do we think about, how much do we research when we make investment decisions? Do you go after a stock that has recently risen, or do you go by the seat of your pants, or do you listen to the grapevine? We are too lazy when it comes to investing.

Another story was shared by a former programmer friend in a freelance group the other day. He talks a lot about the general practice of allocating assets based on risk levels, but also some strategic and practical lessons.

Have you seen films like Lost in Thailand, Wolf Warrior 2 and Ne Zha? While most people are waiting for the release of these films, those with a keen sense of smell have already started to invest in stocks, and when these films hit the market instantly, investors have gained many times their profits.

These may not happen, but smart programmers with smart brains, coupled with data analysis and prediction, can’t invest for nothing. And investment failure and become leek only reason is: “lazy”!

Writing a blog

Blog, blog, do blog, say the important thing three times. Don’t say you don’t have time, see too many BAT bull’s blog in the continuous update, they can not be more idle than you.

Run blogging as a full-time career, and money is inevitable. For details, no further details, go out and turn right to read the article how to Make Money from your Personal Blog and Become Financially free. But if it’s just a hobby, by all means blog, too.

We know that in the traditional era, influence can bring money, and in the Internet age, traffic can bring money. Blogging has the advantages of both building influence and traffic, and also improving your ability.

In my case, every once in a while I get contacted by an editor at a publishing house about a book, a headhunter about a job, and someone willing to pay for some content. Money is made by skill, but also by chance. Blogging can make money and create opportunities for yourself to make money.

After project

If you have a lot of free time and want to earn some pocket money, you can find partnerships on some project publishing platforms to make money. Every moneymaking strategy will be mentioned, but this is a relatively cheap way. Simply trading time for money will not create sustained passive income.

There are many ways to get the project, such as special project matching platform, or even a treasure can be found or published, but more reliable is acquaintance introduction.

If you’re lucky enough to get a project done and get a follow-on job in operations, it’s probably a good idea to get a steady paycheck without having to worry too much.

The electronic commerce

You’ve heard of programmers doing e-commerce for the first time? Yes, not only can it be done, but a lot can be done.

For example, some friends have collected some solutions and good design ideas on the Internet into books in the form of brain maps or charts, and photocopied them into pamphlets or large posters for sale. At present, the sales volume is quite good.

In addition, there are a lot of selling registration code on a treasure, although the red line is walking, but this kind of business thinking can be used for reference to other aspects.

Of course, it would be nice to be able to sell your own developed, copyrighted product. We’ll talk about that later.

Build your we-media

Blogging is a way to build influence, and we media is even more so, and closer to users. For example, some people live write code, some people share software knowledge through Douyin, some people become big V through public accounts, some people share experience through video websites and so on.

But these things can not be rushed, need to continue to work and output. The way of profit is similar to blog, but the difference is that it is more sticky and easier to realize than blog. Too many people start freelancing this way.

It’s a long game, but it’s better for you as you plan your career for the next few years.

Recording video Tutorial

Another model of experiential output liquidation, and passive liquidation. Why not record a video tutorial and then wait for a steady stream of income?

Video tutorials are just a category, and there are more paid models for graphic tutorials, like Geek Time and Gitchat.

Choose what you’re good at and share it in articles and paid lessons. The source of traffic also depends on personal blogs or we media.

A book

The sales volume of technical books is not as big as other types of books, and they are updated quickly, but publishing books can not only make money, but also build influence. Bring a few of your books to the interview.

A good book that will give you continued passive benefits, fame and fortune, is worth considering. But publishing a book often depends on your influence, whether it’s your blog, your standing in the industry or recommendations from friends.

Build and sell software

Writing code, writing projects is good for programmers, so have you ever thought of writing a product of your own in your spare time to win a big return?

There are many similar products on the Internet, including tools, products, technology core and so on. For example, before developing a project, I needed to use the chat tool, but it was very time-consuming and exhausting to write by myself. So I searched online, and unexpectedly found that someone had already written a ready-made one and sold it online.

The author spent his spare time digging deep into this feature, developing it into a semi-finished product that users could easily integrate into their own projects. At the same time, he guided the flow by answering questions on the forum, applied for copyright to guarantee interests, opened shops on a treasure to sell, and built technical exchange groups to answer questions.

This step is a series of process, almost half foot into the threshold of entrepreneurship, but the risk is much smaller than direct entrepreneurship, the return is good.

The most important way to make money

The single most important way to make money is one that is missing from almost all articles about making money: invest in yourself!

Providing your spare time to others is one way, while investing your spare time in yourself to increase your own value is more important.

If you continue to improve yourself by reading, studying and attending training programs, you will have more opportunities for promotion and salary increase in the workplace. You may even skip the programmer level and go to the management level and start your own business. When you have the ability, you have more choices. The way you make money is how you want to make money.

Buffett reads 5-6 hours a day, son used to read more than 4,000 books in two years. Although we can not do so extreme, but use spare time to read more, improve their own, has surpassed most people. And this kind of investment, long-term, lasting, others can not take away.

More important

When the author of Poor Dad Rich Dad was 9 years old, he asked his rich dad (a classmate’s dad) how he could become rich. Rich dad got him a job cleaning dust at a grocery store for three hours a week at 10 cents an hour, which was very cheap.

The writer could not bear it after only a month. He thought the job was pointless. It paid little, taught him nothing and took up too much time. He wanted to apply for a raise.

Rich dad saw him and said, “Twice you waited to meet me at my door. The first time you wanted a job, and the second time you wanted a little more money. If the cycle repeats indefinitely, it’s the life of most people.”

So, find your fulcrum, find your lever, find your aim, and break out of this mundane cycle. Look for things that will create a ripple effect that will change your career and your life.

The final holiday gift, that is: follow the public account “program new vision”, every day from now on “gift”.

Original link: “1024, programmers” make money “secrets and give it away!”

Program new horizon