Programmer Section Origin

We all know what a programmer does, programming. But why is the programmer section at 1024? 1024 first became popular because of an “indescribable” forum, where the reply mechanism is: after a new user posted a post, after 1024 seconds to post a post, if not to 1024 seconds and then a post, then only 1024 will be displayed in the post.

Over time, 1024 has become the most common words in this forum irrigation water, plus in computer mathematics, 1024M=1GB, homonym for “a rod”, extended for the affirmation of the post.

Later, 1024 became more and more popular, and 1024 was the most widely used among programmers. Slowly 1024 became the symbol of programmers, and October 24 became Programmer Day.

Programmers change the world

Some people laugh that programmers, who write code every day, are the most miserable people in the world. They have thick black hair when they graduate and are bald five years later.

However, a lot of tech-savvy entrepreneurs have already occupied half of the entrepreneurial sky: Robin Li, Pony Ma, Zhou Hongyi, Lei Jun… Whatever one thinks of them, one thing is undeniable — they do use technology to change lives.

It has been several decades since the program changed the world. However, it really entered the life of the general public since the application of mobile smart phones began in 2007. More and more people began to pay attention to the program and programmers.

According to a survey, programmer is one of the “top 10 sudden death jobs”.

Yesterday programmer circle quickly diffused news of sudden death of an IT elder brothers, how suddenly with regret!

The cause of sudden death is mostly excessive fatigue or pressure, the programmer work intensity, often overtime, the heart will often appear arrhythmia and other symptoms, if you do not pay attention to these symptoms, let it develop, it is possible to appear sudden death.

So programmer little brother miss sisters, work pressure again big also should pay attention to work and rest health, the body is the capital of the revolution, work for so many years, feel the cervical spine has fallen root disease, upright for a long time will be painful, it seems that after nothing much look up at the ceiling painting “excrement” word…

A programmer’s daily routine is regular

The working state is composed

The bottom line is clear

Handling bugs is a piece of cake

A broken computer can’t be repaired overnight

Status is Paramount

Deep learning

There is huge room for development

Because there’s plenty of time

So the spare time life is very rich

Programmers also have their own way of expressing their romance in the face of the data world on the screen.

The furthest distance in the world, is I in if, you in else, seems to always accompany but separate forever; The most infatuated waiting in the world is that I am the case and you are the switch. Perhaps you can never choose yourself. The most true relationship in the world is that you try and I catch. No matter what temper you have, I will bear it silently and deal with it quietly. Until then, look forward to our finally.

It’s worth honoring programmers on a day like this for stubbornly sticking to their pursuit of knowledge, technology, and innovation in an impetuous world. Thank you for truly changing the world.


1024 programmer section, wish all programmers, good health, never Bug!

If you are a programmer, use one sentence to express the pain of programmer career.

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