Method 1: Object constructor pattern

  • Create a step
    • Create an empty Object and then dynamically add properties/methods
  • Applicable scenario
    • Initial uncertainty about the internal data of the object
  • defects
    • Statement is too much
    / / create a p
    var p = new Object() = 'Tom'
    p.age = '18'
    p.setName = function (name) { = name
    / / test
    console.log(, p.age) // Jack 18
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Method two: Object literal schema

  • Create a step
    • Create an object with {}, specifying properties/methods
  • Applicable scenario
    • The internal data of the object is determined at the beginning
  • defects
    • Duplicate code if you create multiple objects
    / / create a p
    var p = {
      name: 'Tom'.age: '18'.setName: function (name) { = name
    / / test
    console.log(, p.age) // Jack 18
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Mode 3: Factory mode

  • Create a step
    • The factory function creates an object on the fly and returns it
  • Applicable scenario
    • Multiple objects need to be created
  • defects
    • Objects do not have a specific type. They are all Object types
    function createPerson(name, age) {
      var obj = {
        name: name,
        age: age,
        setName: function (name) {
 = name
      return obj
    / / test
    var p1 = createPerson('Tom'.18)
    var p2 = createPerson('Bob'.19)
    console.log(, p2.age)
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Method 4: Custom constructor schema

  • Create a step
    • Custom constructor that creates objects with new
  • Applicable scenario
    • Multiple objects of definite type need to be created
  • defects
    • Every object has the same data, wasting memory
    function Person(name, age) { = name
      this.age = age
      this.setName = function (name) { = name
    / / test
    var p1 = new Person('Tom'.18)
    console.log(, p1.age)
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Method 5: constructor + prototype combination pattern

  • Create a step
    • Custom constructors, properties initialized in functions, methods added to prototypes
  • Applicable scenario
    • Multiple objects of definite type need to be created
    function Person(name, age) { = name
      this.age = age
    Person.prototype.setName = function (name) { = name
    / / test
    var p1 = new Person('Tom'.18)
    console.log(, p1.age)
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