Abstract: Selected 10 MATERIAL DESIGN color matching related site, convenient for daily DESIGN with easy access.

Material Palette

In this tool, you can select the primary color and the focus color first. After the selection, the tool automatically generates an instant preview image and provides multiple ways to download it.

Material UI

This is a nice “cheat sheet” that brings together all the available colors on one page for you to choose from. Very good!

Random Material Generator

Designers can be lazy sometimes. This tool will randomly match your design colors, naturally saving us some time. So, this is leaving the job to fate? It’s kind of fun, too.

Material Design Palette Generator

If you’re interested in customizing your palette, try the Material-design-like tool. First, you’ll need to manually set a color – even if it’s not a system color – and then find your favorite graphic editor in the color selection dialog. The Material Design panel Generator will generate your palette based on the colors you choose.

Material Mixer

This is also a useful tool that arranges all colors on a compact grid for easy selection. Click on a primary and key color to preview and generate your palette.

Material Colors

This tool only displays the colors of the 500 and A200 palettes. The choice does not have to be many, delicate is good!

UPlabs’ Material Design tool

This is another simple visual Material Design tool. It displays the primary colors in the sidebar. Clicking on the “color bar” shows all the relevant colors. The operation is also very flexible!

Tint UI ‘s Material Design

Similar to the sixth tool, it displays only 500 colors from Material Design. Designers with choice syndrome are blessed!

Designskilz ‘s Material Design Colors

The ninth tool is also very simple and helps us visualize all the colors in the palette along with their official names (pink, light blue, etc.). So we don’t have to think about the name of the color.


In addition to sharing hundreds of swatches, the tenth tool also comes with a “favorites” feature, which allows users to see their favorite color combinations and save them for later use.

A plug-in for the graphics editor

If you don’t like any of these Web tools, you can also install a plug-in/extension that will integrate material Design palette into your custom design software.

Photoshop/Illustrator users: Google offers the downloadable Adobe Color Files (.aco) plugin, which is designed to make your color mixing process in Photoshop or AI more comfortable and smooth.

Sketch users: Try searching for this Plugin: Koji Ishimoto’s Material Design Color Palette Sketch Plugin. It is an open source, feel free to download.

Gimp/Inkscape users: There are two options: Gimp- Material- Design-color-palette for KiSSFLOW and Material- Design-colors for Soichiro Kashima. Both work well.