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The number of themes you can use for VS Code is almost unlimited. I’ve written an article before (” Coding efficiently: My VS Code Setup “) that introduces the beautiful subject of VS Code. But, as one careful reader notes, these themes are dark ones.

When typing code during the day, it is generally recommended to use a Light theme. Since most programmers will spend most of the day coding, a nice light theme is essential.

In this article, I’m going to share 10 great light-colored themes for those who don’t want to code in dark themes, one of which you can start using right now.

1. Atom One Light

The Atom One Light theme is the most installed Light theme with over 300K installs. It is a popular Light theme. This topic is based on Atom’s One Light topic and is One of the most highly rated Light topics on the market.

2. Github Light

Github’s Light theme looks clean. As the name suggests, it’s built around the look and feel of GitHub, so it should look familiar.

The theme comes in two forms: one on a pure white background and one on a gray background. With nearly 65K installed, this is a fairly widely used Light theme.

I personally like the gray background, which looks like this:

3. Brackets Light Pro

With its beautiful colors, the Brackets Light Pro has become a striking theme. Like the Github Light theme, it has close to 65K downloads, making it one of the more frequently installed themes.

Overall, the look of the theme is very simple and really comfortable for the eye.

4. Hop Light

According to its description, the Hop Light theme is a theme with friendly colors. The real strength of this theme is the contrast — bright, but not too bright. The contrast of this topic makes everything easy to read.

5. Snazzy Light

According to the author, the main goal of this theme is to show clear and bright colors in bright ambient light conditions. This should make the topic suitable for the work, for example, even when dealing with the work in strong sunlight.

If you like to work in lighter themes, then Snazzy Light is definitely for you.

6. Primer Light

Even with just over 9K installed, Primer Light is a great looking theme. This theme is a port from Sublime Text, so this theme may look familiar to you if you’ve used Sublime Text before.

7. Monokai Light

The Monokai Light theme stands out for its vibrant colors, which are characteristic of the Monokai color scheme. This is equivalent to a lighter version of the various dark Monokai themes on the Visual Studio Marketplace.

8. Bluloco Light

Bluloco Light is a quirky yet complex theme with a variety of colors in the palette. This theme is characterized by a more comprehensive use of grammatical range and color consistency, with good consideration for beauty, contrast, and readability.

This theme originally branched off from the beautiful One Light theme. With 90K installed, it is one of the more popular Light themes.

9. Blue Light

Blue Light is a theme that is mostly Blue — as you can tell by its name. The goal of this topic is to keep it as simple as possible. For example, only a few colors are used, whether UI or syntax coloring, to eliminate and avoid distractions. In addition, the red color is only used for errors.

10. Solarized Light

There is also a dark version of the Solarized Light theme. The Light version of this theme has a very distinctive background color that you either love or hate.

If you don’t like bold stored tokens (types and modifiers), then you can choose a Solarized Light (no bold) theme. This theme removes all bold styles.

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