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In my spare time, I wrote a tool to synchronize instance information from registries such as Eureka/Nacos to upstream of Apisix/Kong while baidu Golang syntax.

Project introduction

Project Address: Anjia0532 /discovery-syncer

Support synchronization from nacOS (implemented), Eureka (implemented) and other registries to apisix(implemented) and Kong (implemented) and other gateways, the follow-up will support custom plug-ins, support users with golang implementation support similar to Ctrip Apollo registry, ETCD registry, Plug-ins such as Consul Registry, and gateway plug-ins such as Spring Gateway

Quick start

Run through binary

Download the latest binary for the corresponding system from Releases

discovery-syncer-windows-amd64.exe --help

usage: discovery-syncer-windows-amd64.exe [<flags>]

  -h, --help  Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  -p, --web.listen-address=": 8080"
              The address to listen on for web interface.
  -c, --config.file="config.yml"
              Path to configuration file.
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Run through Docker

Docker run anjia0532 / discovery - syncer: 1.0.4Copy the code

In particular, – c support configuration remote HTTP [s] of address, such as read the static resources, such as read nacos -c http://xxxxx/nacos/v1/cs/configs? Tenant =public&group=DEFAULT_GROUP&dataId=discovery-syncer.yaml, easy to manage

The configuration file

Whether to enable pprof
# via http://ip:port/debug/pprof/ access
enable-pprof: false
    level: debug # debug,info,error
    logger: console # console vs file
    log-file: syncer.log # The file name of the logger output, does not exist automatically
    date-slice: y # Cut the document by date, support "y" (year), "m" (month), "d" (day), "h" (hour), default "y".

# registry,map form
    # nacos1 is the name of the registry, which can be defined arbitrarily but cannot be repeated
        # type, currently only nacOS and Eureka are supported
        type: nacos
        The default weight to add if the registry does not return the weight
        weight: 100
        # registry URL prefix
        prefix: /nacos/v1/
        The address of the registry should not end with /
        host: "http://nacos-server:8858"
        type: eureka
        weight: 100
        prefix: /eureka/
        For basic authentication, you can write this
        host: "http://admin:admin@eureka-server:8761"

# gateway,map form
    The gateway name can be written arbitrarily, but cannot be repeated
        Gateway type, currently supports Apisix and Kong
        type: apisix
        # host = host
        admin-url: http://apisix-server:9080
        # Manage uri prefix
        prefix: /apisix/admin/
        # special extension parameters are added as key:value in config
            X-API-KEY: xxxxx
        type: kong
        admin-url: http://kong-server:8001
        prefix: /upstreams/

# Synchronize tasks in list form
    # Note the same registry, but with multiple tenants (nacos-like namespaces), there is no need to create multiple identical registries
    Create targets and change the config extension parameter
    # First task
    # Registry, source
    -   discovery: nacos1
        # gateway, target
        gateway: apisix1
        # Enable/disable
        enabled: false
        Support the expression, # pull interval, for more information on
        fetch-interval: "@every 10s"
        The default is to pull all the services in the registry that can be pulled down, and exclude those that are not needed
        exclude-service: [ 'ex*'.'test' ]
        Prefixes the name of upstream synchronized to the gateway for ease of administration
        upstream-prefix: nacos1
        # For health check, if the number of seconds exceeds the limit, the state is considered disconnected. The default value is 10 seconds
        maximum-interval-sec: 20
        # extension parameters
            # nacos groupName
            groupName: DEFAULT_GROUP
            # nacos namespace
            namespaceId: test
            Create a default template for upstream to apisix. Search golang text/template for supported template syntax
            template: | { "id": "syncer-{{.Name}}", "timeout": { "connect": 30, "send": 30, "read": 30 }, "name": "{{.Name}}", "nodes": {{.Nodes}}, "type":"roundrobin", "desc": "auto sync by" }
    -   discovery: eureka1
        gateway: kong1
        enabled: false
        fetch-interval: "@every 5s"
        maximum-interval-sec: 10
            template: | { "name": "{{.Name}}", "algorithm": "round-robin", "hash_on": "none", "hash_fallback": "none", "hash_on_cookie_path": "/", "slots": 10000, "healthchecks": { "passive": { "healthy": { "http_statuses": [200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 226, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308], "successes": 0 }, "type": "http", "unhealthy": { "http_statuses": [429, 500, 503], "timeouts": 0, "http_failures": 0, "tcp_failures": 0 } }, "active": { "timeout": 1, "https_sni": "", "http_path": "/", "concurrency": 10, "https_verify_certificate": true, "type": "http", "healthy": { "http_statuses": [200, 302], "successes": 0, "interval": 0 }, "unhealthy": { "http_statuses": [429, 404, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505], "timeouts": 0, "http_failures": 0, "interval": 0, "tcp_failures": 0 } }, "threshold": 0 }, "tags": ["discovery-syncer-auto"] }Copy the code

Api interface

The path The return value use
GET / OK Whether the service is started
GET /-/reload OK Reload the configuration file and return OK if it is successfully loaded. This is mainly used in cicD or configmap Reload scenarios of K8S
GET /health JSON To determine whether the service is healthy, you can use it together with the health check of container services such as K8S
PUT /discovery/{name} OK Take the initiative to log off the service of the online registry and cooperate with CICD version issuing business

Return value of GET /health

    // There are several enabled synchronization tasks (targets)
    "total": 2.// There are a few normal running
    "running": 2.// There are several detection times beyond the maximum-interval-sec defined in the configuration file that are not run and are disconnected.
    "lost": 0.// All running, OK (HTTP status code 200), WARN (HTTP status code 200), all lost, DOWN(HTTP status code 500)
    "status": "OK".// What works and what doesn't
    "details": [
        "syncer:a_task,is ok"."syncer:b-api,is ok"].// Run time
    "uptime": "1m6s"
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The name in PUT /discovery/{name} is the name in the registration, or if it does Not exist, the Not Found Body entry parameter is returned

    // Retrieve the instance under which service
    "serviceName": "".// Based on registry metadata or instance IP
    "type": "METADATA/IP".// Match the query condition, support re
    "regexpStr": "".// The matched metadata key is omitted if it is an IP address
    "metadataKey": "".// Change the status to online or offline
    "status": "UP/DOWN".// If there is no match, the state is online or offline and ORIGIN remains the same
    "otherStatus": "UP/DOWN/ORIGIN".// Extend parameters
    "extData": {}}Copy the code

To optimize PM

  1. The current synchronization task is serial, if the amount to be synchronized is large, or the synchronization time window is set very small, it will lead to extrusion
  2. Custom synchronization plug-ins are not supported, which is not conducive to self-expansion
  3. The synchronization mechanism is currently based on timed polling, which is inefficient and needs to be optimized, such as adding cache switches, not pulling/changing upstream information on downstream gateways if there is no difference in the ratio between upstream registries and cache, or checking whether the registry supports active notification of changes.

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