01 interface
/ /! interface
/ /! Is an abstraction (description) of an object's state (properties) and behavior (methods)
/ /! It's a type, it's a norm or a rule or a constraint or a capability
/ * * *! Object of interface type *! Optional properties:? *! Read-only property: readonly */
(() = > {
// * Requirement: create the object of the person, need to restrict the attributes of the person;
// *id is of type number and must be read-only;
// *name is a string;
// *age = number;
// *sex is a string;
// Todo defines an interface that is used as the Person object type to qualify or constrain the object property data
interface IPerson {
//* Readonly THE ID is read-only
readonly id: number;
name: string;
age: number;
/ / *? Optional attributesex? : string; }// Todo defines an object whose type is the interface I defined
const person: IPerson = {
id: 11.name: "45".age: 15.// sex: "don't know ",
console.log("person: ", person); }) ();Copy the code
02 Type of the function
/ /! Type of function
/ /! Used as a function type through an interface
/ /! It is like a function definition with only the argument list and return value types. Each parameter in the parameter list needs a name and type.
(() = > {
// Define a function type to be used as the type of a function
interface ISearchFun {
// * Define a call signature
(source: string, sub: string): boolean;
// * Define a function whose type is the interface above
const searchString:ISearchFun = function (source: string, sub: string) :boolean {
// Find sub in source
return source.search(sub) > -1;
//* Call the function
console.log(searchString("Ha ha ha."."Oh")); }) ();Copy the code
03 class type
/ /! Class type: The type of a class can be implemented through an interface
(() = > {
/ /? Define an interface
interface IFly {
//* This method does not have any implementation (nothing)
fly(): any;
/ /? Define a class. The interface defined above on the type of this class (in fact, IFly constrains the current Person class)
class Person implements IFly {
/ /? Implement methods in the interface
fly() {
console.log("Look at me"); }}/ /? Instantiate an object
const person = new Person();
interface ISwim {
swim(): any;
// Todo defines a class whose types are IFly and ISwim (currently this class can implement multiple interfaces, and a class can be constrained by multiple interfaces)
class Person2 implements IFly.ISwim {
fly() {
console.log("Look at me. I'm number two.");
swim() {
console.log("Look at me. I'm number two."); }}const person2 = new Person2();
/ /! Class defines the type of the current class through an interface
/ /! A class can implement one interface, or a class can implement multiple interfaces. Note that the content in the interface must be truly implemented
/ /! Interfaces can inherit multiple interfaces from others
// Defines an interface and inherits the above interface
interface IWan extends Person2, Person {}
// Define a class that implements IFly and ISwim directly
class Person3 implements IWan {
fly() {
console.log("Look at me. I'm three.");
swim() {
console.log("Look at me. I'm number three."); }}const person3 = new Person3();
/ /! Interfaces and interfaces are called inheritance (using extends)
/ /! Between a class and an interface is called implementation (implements is used)}) ();Copy the code