Hello, I’m Yue Chuang.

In the last article, I showed you how to draw kites in Turtle, but the code is not beautiful enough. This article will show you how to optimize it.

The first is to draw a kite code optimization, the original code to see a piece. Optimized code:

import turtle

def kite(speed=1, position_x=0, position_y=0) :
    """ "Speed: brush speed position_x: x coordinate position_Y: y coordinate default: the initial value of the coordinate is 0 """ "
    turtle.goto(position_x, position_y)
    for i in range(30):
    turtle.exitonclick()  # Prevent the window from disappearing after running

if __name__ == '__main__':
    kite(speed=2, position_x=-200, position_y=200)
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The running results are as follows:

Next, let’s optimize to draw the four corners of the kite, but do not need the kite string.

import turtle

def kite(speed=1, position_x=0, position_y=0, exit_click=False) :
    """ "Speed: paint speed position_x: x coordinate position_y: y coordinate exit_click: whether to leave the window after drawing default: the initial value of the coordinate is 0 """
    turtle.goto(position_x, position_y)
    # turtle.pendown()
    for i in range(160):
    if exit_click:
        # Prevent the window from disappearing after running

if __name__ == '__main__':
    kite(speed=120, position_x=-200, position_y=200)
    kite(speed=120, position_x=-200, position_y=-200)
    kite(speed=120, position_x=0, position_y=0)
    kite(speed=120, position_x=200, position_y=200)
    kite(speed=120, position_x=200, position_y=-200, exit_click=True)
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