What is a Vue. Js

  • React is the most popular front-end framework. (React can be used to develop mobile apps as well as websites. Vue syntax can also be used for mobile App development, which requires Weex.)
  • Vue.js is one of the mainstream frameworks for the front end. Along with Angular.js and react. js, vue. js is one of the top three front-end frameworks!
  • Vue.js is a set of frameworks for building user interfaces, focusing only on the view layer. It is not only easy to get started, but also easy to integrate with third-party libraries or existing projects. (Vue has supporting third-party class libraries, which can be integrated to do large-scale project development)
  • The main work of the front end? Mainly responsible for the V layer of MVC; The main work is to deal with the interface, to make the front page effect;

Why study popular frameworks

  • In order to improve the development efficiency of enterprises: in enterprises, time is efficiency and efficiency is money;
  • In the enterprise, using frameworks can improve the efficiency of development;
  • The process of improving development efficiency: native JS -> libraries like Jquery -> front-end template engine -> Angular. JS/vue.js (helps reduce unnecessary DOM manipulation; Improve rendering efficiency; The concept of bi-directional data binding (with instructions provided by the framework, we front-end programmers only need to care about the business logic of the data, not how the DOM is rendered)
  • In Vue, one of the core concepts is that users no longer manipulate DOM elements, freeing users’ hands and allowing programmers to focus more time on business logic.
  • Enhance the competitiveness of their employment
  • People have no I have, people have my excellent
  • What do you do when you’re not busy?

The difference between frameworks and libraries

  • Framework: a complete set of solutions; If the project needs to change the framework, it needs to rebuild the whole project.
  • Express in Node;
  • Libraries (plug-ins) : Provide a small function that is less intrusive to the project. If a library fails to fulfill certain requirements, it can be easily switched to another library to fulfill them.
  1. Switch from Jquery to Zepto
  2. Switch from EJS to Art-Template

The difference between MVC in Node (back end) and MVVM in the front end

  • MVC is a back-end layered development concept;
  • MVVM is the concept of the front View layer, which mainly focuses on the separation of the View layer. That is to say, MVVM divides the front View layer into three parts: Model, View and VM ViewModel
  • Why do you have MVVM when you have MVC

The mapping between vue.js base code and MVVM

MVC and MVVM relationship diagram